497 research outputs found

    Vehicular multitier gateway selection algorithm for heterogeneous VANET architectures

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    MHAV: multitier heterogeneous adaptive vehicular network with LTE and DSRC

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    Enabling cooperation between vehicles form vehicular networks, which provide safety, traffic efficiency and infotainment. The most vital of these applications require reliability and low latency. Considering these requirements, this paper presents a multitier heterogeneous adaptive vehicular (MHAV) network. Comprising of transport operator or authority owned vehicles in high tier and all the other privately owned vehicles in low tier, integrating cellular network with dedicated short range communications. The proposed framework is implemented and evaluated in Glasgow city center model. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed architecture outperforms previous multitier architectures in terms of latency while offloading traffic from cellular networks

    Outage probability in the uplink of multitier millimeter wave cellular networks

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    In this article, using the stochastic geometry, we develop a tractable uplink modeling framework for the outage probability of the multitier millimeter wave (mmWave) cellular networks. Each tier’s mmWave base stations (BSs) are randomly located and they have particular spatial density, antenna gain, receiver sensitivity, blockage parameter, and pathloss exponents. Our model takes account of the maximum power limitation and the per-user power control. More specifically, each user, which could be in line-of-sight (LOS) or non-LOS to its serving mmWave BS, controls its transmit power such that the received signal power at its serving BS is equal to a predefined threshold. Hence, a truncated channel inversion power control scheme is implemented for the uplink of mmWave cellular networks. We derive closed-form expressions for the signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio (SINR) outage probability for the uplink of the multitier mmWave cellular networks, which we later degrade to the single-tier network. Furthermore, we analyze the case with a dense network by utilizing the simplified model, where the LOS region is approximated as a fixed LOS disk. The results show that imposing a maximum power constraint on the user significantly affects the SINR outage probability in the uplink of mmWave cellular networks

    On the design and deployment of multitier heterogeneous and adaptive vehicular networks

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    Intersystem soft handover for converged DVB-H and UMTS networks

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    Digital video broadcasting for handhelds (DVB-H) is the standard for broadcasting Internet Protocol (IP) data services to mobile portable devices. To provide interactive services for DVB-H, the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) can be used as a terrestrial interaction channel for the unidirectional DVB-H network. The converged DVB-H and UMTS network can be used to address the congestion problems due to the limited multimedia channel accesses of the UMTS network. In the converged network, intersystem soft handover between DVB-H and UMTS is needed for an optimum radio resource allocation, which reduces network operation cost while providing the required quality of service. This paper deals with the intersystem soft handover between DVB-H and UMTS in such a converged network. The converged network structure is presented. A novel soft handover scheme is proposed and evaluated. After considering the network operation cost, the performance tradeoff between the network quality of service and the network operation cost for the intersystem soft handover in the converged network is modeled using a stochastic tree and analyzed using a numerical simulation. The results show that the proposed algorithm is feasible and has the potential to be used for implementation in the real environment

    Coverage and Energy Efficiency Optimization for Randomly Deployed Multi-Tier Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks

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    In this study, a novel multi-tier framework is proposed for randomly deployed WMSNs. Low cost directional Passive Infrared Sensors (PIR sensors) are randomly deployed across a Region of Interest (RoI), which are activated according to the  Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm proposed for coverage optimization. The proposed DE and the Genetic Algorithms are applied to optimize the coverage maximization using minimum sensors. Results obtained using the two approaches are tested and compared. Only the scalar sensors that are yielded by the coverage optimization process are kept active throughout the network lifetime while the multimedia sensors are kept in silent. When an event is detected by a scalar sensor, the corresponding multimedia sensor(s), in whose effective coverage field of view (FoV) that the target falls, is then activated to capture the event (target point/scene). The analysis of the network total energy expenditure and a comparison of the proposed framework to current approaches and frameworks is made. Simulation results show that the proposed architecture achieves a remarkable network lifetime prolongation while extending the coverage area

    Handover Necessity Estimation for 4G Heterogeneous Networks

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    One of the most challenges of 4G network is to have a unified network of heterogeneous wireless networks. To achieve seamless mobility in such a diverse environment, vertical hand off is still a challenging problem. In many situations handover failures and unnecessary handoffs are triggered causing degradation of services, reduction in throughput and increase the blocking probability and packet loss. In this paper a new vertical handoff decision algorithm handover necessity estimation (HNE), is proposed to minimize the number of handover failure and unnecessary handover in heterogeneous wireless networks. we have proposed a multi criteria vertical handoff decision algorithm based on two parts: traveling time estimation and time threshold calculation. Our proposed methods are compared against two other methods: (a) the fixed RSS threshold based method, in which handovers between the cellular network and the WLAN are initiated when the RSS from the WLAN reaches a fixed threshold, and (b) the hysteresis based method, in which a hysteresis is introduced to prevent the ping-pong effect. Simulation results show that, this method reduced the number of handover failures and unnecessary handovers up to 80% and 70%, respectively