74 research outputs found

    Graphene/silicon heterojunction for reconfigurable phase-relevant activation function in coherent optical neural networks

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    Optical neural networks (ONNs) herald a new era in information and communication technologies and have implemented various intelligent applications. In an ONN, the activation function (AF) is a crucial component determining the network performances and on-chip AF devices are still in development. Here, we first demonstrate on-chip reconfigurable AF devices with phase activation fulfilled by dual-functional graphene/silicon (Gra/Si) heterojunctions. With optical modulation and detection in one device, time delays are shorter, energy consumption is lower, reconfigurability is higher and the device footprint is smaller than other on-chip AF strategies. The experimental modulation voltage (power) of our Gra/Si heterojunction achieves as low as 1 V (0.5 mW), superior to many pure silicon counterparts. In the photodetection aspect, a high responsivity of over 200 mA/W is realized. Special nonlinear functions generated are fed into a complex-valued ONN to challenge handwritten letters and image recognition tasks, showing improved accuracy and potential of high-efficient, all-component-integration on-chip ONN. Our results offer new insights for on-chip ONN devices and pave the way to high-performance integrated optoelectronic computing circuits

    A delay-dividing approach to robust stability of uncertain stochastic complex-valued Hopfield delayed neural networks

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    In scientific disciplines and other engineering applications, most of the systems refer to uncertainties, because when modeling physical systems the uncertain parameters are unavoidable. In view of this, it is important to investigate dynamical systems with uncertain parameters. In the present study, a delay-dividing approach is devised to study the robust stability issue of uncertain neural networks. Specifically, the uncertain stochastic complex-valued Hopfield neural network (USCVHNN) with time delay is investigated. Here, the uncertainties of the system parameters are norm-bounded. Based on the Lyapunov mathematical approach and homeomorphism principle, the sufficient conditions for the global asymptotic stability of USCVHNN are derived. To perform this derivation, we divide a complex-valued neural network (CVNN) into two parts, namely real and imaginary, using the delay-dividing approach. All the criteria are expressed by exploiting the linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Based on two examples, we obtain good theoretical results that ascertain the usefulness of the proposed delay-dividing approach for the USCVHNN model

    Stability analysis for delayed quaternion-valued neural networks via nonlinear measure approach

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    In this paper, the existence and stability analysis of the quaternion-valued neural networks (QVNNs) with time delay are considered. Firstly, the QVNNs are equivalently transformed into four real-valued systems. Then, based on the Lyapunov theory, nonlinear measure approach, and inequality technique, some sufficient criteria are derived to ensure the existence and uniqueness of the equilibrium point as well as global stability of delayed QVNNs. In addition, the provided criteria are presented in the form of linear matrix inequality (LMI), which can be easily checked by LMI toolbox in MATLAB. Finally, two simulation examples are demonstrated to verify the effectiveness of obtained results. Moreover, the less conservatism of the obtained results is also showed by two comparison examples

    Global exponential synchronization of quaternion-valued memristive neural networks with time delays

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    This paper extends the memristive neural networks (MNNs) to quaternion field, a new class of neural networks named quaternion-valued memristive neural networks (QVMNNs) is then established, and the problem of drive-response global synchronization of this type of networks is investigated in this paper. Two cases are taken into consideration: one is with the conventional differential inclusion assumption, the other without. Criteria for the global synchronization of these two cases are achieved respectively by appropriately choosing the Lyapunov functional and applying some inequality techniques. Finally, corresponding simulation examples are presented to demonstrate the correctness of the proposed results derived in this paper

    Exponential Stability Analysis of Mixed Delayed Quaternion-Valued Neural Networks Via Decomposed Approach

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    © 2013 IEEE. With the application of quaternion in technology, quaternion-valued neural networks (QVNNs) have attracted many scholars' attention in recent years. For the existing results, dynamical behavior is an important studying side. In this paper, we mainly research the existence, uniqueness and exponential stability criteria of solutions for the QVNNs with discrete time-varying delays and distributed delays by means of generalized 2-norm. In order to avoid the noncommutativity of quaternion multiplication, the QVDNN system is firstly decomposed into four real-number systems by Hamilton rules. Then, we obtain the sufficient criteria for the existence, uniqueness and exponential stability of solutions by special Lyapunov-type functional, Cauchy convergence principle and monotone function. Furthermore, several corollaries are derived from the main results. Finally, we give one numerical example and its simulated figures to illustrate the effectiveness of the obtained conclusion

    Existence and exponential stability of solutions for quaternion-valued delayed hopfield neural networks by ξ-Norms

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    © 2013 IEEE. Recently, with the development of quaternion applications, quaternion-valued neural networks (QVNNs) have been presented and studied by more and more scholars. In this paper, the existence, uniqueness and exponential stability criteria of solutions for the quaternion-valued delayed Hopfield neural networks (QVDHNNs) are mainly investigated by means of the definitions of ξ-norms. In order to construct a ξ-norm, QVDHNNs system are decomposed into four real-number systems according to Hamilton rules. Then, taking advantage of ξ-norms, inequality technique and Cauchy's test for convergence, time-invariant delays and time-varying delays are considered successively to derive ξ-exponential type sufficient conditions. Based on these, several corollaries about the existence, uniqueness and exponential stability of solutions are obtained. Finally, two numerical examples with time-invariant delays and time-varying delays are given respectively. Their simulated images illustrate the effectiveness of the main theoretical results

    State-Dependent Computation Using Coupled Recurrent Networks

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    Although conditional branching between possible behavioral states is a hallmark of intelligent behavior, very little is known about the neuronal mechanisms that support this processing. In a step toward solving this problem, we demonstrate by theoretical analysis and simulation how networks of richly interconnected neurons, such as those observed in the superficial layers of the neocortex, can embed reliable, robust finite state machines. We show how a multistable neuronal network containing a number of states can be created very simply by coupling two recurrent networks whose synaptic weights have been configured for soft winner-take-all (sWTA) performance. These two sWTAs have simple, homogeneous, locally recurrent connectivity except for a small fraction of recurrent cross-connections between them, which are used to embed the required states. This coupling between the maps allows the network to continue to express the current state even after the input that elicited that state iswithdrawn. In addition, a small number of transition neurons implement the necessary input-driven transitions between the embedded states. We provide simple rules to systematically design and construct neuronal state machines of this kind. The significance of our finding is that it offers a method whereby the cortex could construct networks supporting a broad range of sophisticated processing by applying only small specializations to the same generic neuronal circuit
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