12 research outputs found

    Multipath Time-delay Estimation with Impulsive Noise via Bayesian Compressive Sensing

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    Multipath time-delay estimation is commonly encountered in radar and sonar signal processing. In some real-life environments, impulse noise is ubiquitous and significantly degrades estimation performance. Here, we propose a Bayesian approach to tailor the Bayesian Compressive Sensing (BCS) to mitigate impulsive noises. In particular, a heavy-tail Laplacian distribution is used as a statistical model for impulse noise, while Laplacian prior is used for sparse multipath modeling. The Bayesian learning problem contains hyperparameters learning and parameter estimation, solved under the BCS inference framework. The performance of our proposed method is compared with benchmark methods, including compressive sensing (CS), BCS, and Laplacian-prior BCS (L-BCS). The simulation results show that our proposed method can estimate the multipath parameters more accurately and have a lower root mean squared estimation error (RMSE) in intensely impulsive noise

    Improving trajectory localization accuracy via direction-of-arrival derivative estimation

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    Sound source localization is crucial in acoustic sensing and monitoring-related applications. In this paper, we do a comprehensive analysis of improvement in sound source localization by combining the direction of arrivals (DOAs) with their derivatives which quantify the changes in the positions of sources over time. This study uses the SALSA-Lite feature with a convolutional recurrent neural network (CRNN) model for predicting DOAs and their first-order derivatives. An update rule is introduced to combine the predicted DOAs with the estimated derivatives to obtain the final DOAs. The experimental validation is done using TAU-NIGENS Spatial Sound Events (TNSSE) 2021 dataset. We compare the performance of the networks predicting DOAs with derivative vs. the one predicting only the DOAs at low SNR levels. The results show that combining the derivatives with the DOAs improves the localization accuracy of moving sources

    Localization of DOA trajectories -- Beyond the grid

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    The direction of arrival (DOA) estimation algorithms are crucial in localizing acoustic sources. Traditional localization methods rely on block-level processing to extract the directional information from multiple measurements processed together. However, these methods assume that DOA remains constant throughout the block, which may not be true in practical scenarios. Also, the performance of localization methods is limited when the true parameters do not lie on the parameter search grid. In this paper we propose two trajectory models, namely the polynomial and bandlimited trajectory models, to capture the DOA dynamics. To estimate trajectory parameters, we adopt two gridless algorithms: i) Sliding Frank-Wolfe (SFW), which solves the Beurling LASSO problem and ii) Newtonized Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (NOMP), which improves over OMP using cyclic refinement. Furthermore, we extend our analysis to include wideband processing. The simulation results indicate that the proposed trajectory localization algorithms exhibit improved performance compared to grid-based methods in terms of resolution, robustness to noise, and computational efficiency

    Block-sparse beamforming for spatially extended sources in a Bayesian formulation

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    Direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation refers to the localization of sound sources on an angular grid from noisy measurements of the associated wavefield with an array of sensors. For accurate localization, the number of angular look-directions is much larger than the number of sensors, hence, the problem is underdetermined and requires regularization. Traditional methods use an L2-norm regularizer, which promotes minimum-power (smooth) solutions, while regularizing with L1-norm promotes sparsity. Sparse signal reconstruction improves the resolution in DOA estimation in the presence of a few point sources, but cannot capture spatially extended sources. The DOA estimation problem is formulated in a Bayesian framework where regularization is imposed through prior information on the source spatial distribution which is then reconstructed as the maximum a posteriori estimate. A composite prior is introduced, which simultaneously promotes a piecewise constant profile and sparsity in the solution. Simulations and experimental measurements show that this choice of regularization provides high-resolution DOA estimation in a general framework, i.e., in the presence of spatially extended sources

    Statistical Performance Analysis of Sparse Linear Arrays

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    Direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation remains an important topic in array signal processing. With uniform linear arrays (ULAs), traditional subspace-based methods can resolve only up to M-1 sources using M sensors. On the other hand, by exploiting their so-called difference coarray model, sparse linear arrays, such as co-prime and nested arrays, can resolve up to O(M^2) sources using only O(M) sensors. Various new sparse linear array geometries were proposed and many direction-finding algorithms were developed based on sparse linear arrays. However, the statistical performance of such arrays has not been analytically conducted. In this dissertation, we (i) study the asymptotic performance of the MUtiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC) algorithm utilizing sparse linear arrays, (ii) derive and analyze performance bounds for sparse linear arrays, and (iii) investigate the robustness of sparse linear arrays in the presence of array imperfections. Based on our analytical results, we also propose robust direction-finding algorithms for use when data are missing. We begin by analyzing the performance of two commonly used coarray-based MUSIC direction estimators. Because the coarray model is used, classical derivations no longer apply. By using an alternative eigenvector perturbation analysis approach, we derive a closed-form expression of the asymptotic mean-squared error (MSE) of both estimators. Our expression is computationally efficient compared with the alternative of Monte Carlo simulations. Using this expression, we show that when the source number exceeds the sensor number, the MSE remains strictly positive as the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) approaches infinity. This finding theoretically explains the unusual saturation behavior of coarray-based MUSIC estimators that had been observed in previous studies. We next derive and analyze the Cramér-Rao bound (CRB) for general sparse linear arrays under the assumption that the sources are uncorrelated. We show that, unlike the classical stochastic CRB, our CRB is applicable even if there are more sources than the number of sensors. We also show that, in such a case, this CRB remains strictly positive definite as the SNR approaches infinity. This unusual behavior imposes a strict lower bound on the variance of unbiased DOA estimators in the underdetermined case. We establish the connection between our CRB and the classical stochastic CRB and show that they are asymptotically equal when the sources are uncorrelated and the SNR is sufficiently high. We investigate the behavior of our CRB for co-prime and nested arrays with a large number of sensors, characterizing the trade-off between the number of spatial samples and the number of temporal samples. Our analytical results on the CRB will benefit future research on optimal sparse array designs. We further analyze the performance of sparse linear arrays by considering sensor location errors. We first introduce the deterministic error model. Based on this model, we derive a closed-form expression of the asymptotic MSE of a commonly used coarray-based MUSIC estimator, the spatial-smoothing based MUSIC (SS-MUSIC). We show that deterministic sensor location errors introduce a constant estimation bias that cannot be mitigated by only increasing the SNR. Our analytical expression also provides a sensitivity measure against sensor location errors for sparse linear arrays. We next extend our derivations to the stochastic error model and analyze the Gaussian case. We also derive the CRB for joint estimation of DOA parameters and deterministic sensor location errors. We show that this CRB is applicable even if there are more sources than the number of sensors. Lastly, we develop robust DOA estimators for cases with missing data. By exploiting the difference coarray structure, we introduce three algorithms to construct an augmented covariance matrix with enhanced degrees of freedom. By applying MUSIC to this augmented covariance matrix, we are able to resolve more sources than sensors. Our method utilizes information from all snapshots and shows improved estimation performance over traditional DOA estimators