7 research outputs found

    Assessment of Landscape Processes, Forms and Features in the Lake Manyara Region, East African Rift Valley

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    The rift valleys of the East African Rift Systems form two branches (Eastern and Western rift). Within the Eastern rift, there is a southward propagation in the onset of volcanism, and hence rifting that has led to the formation of a narrow graben commonly referred to as the Gregory rift (in Tanzania). The endorheic basin at its southern end where the present saline Lake Manyara was formed. The lakes largest tributary is the Makuyuni River that is providing fresh water from northwest volcanic highlands. Along the Makuyuni River, where first and second tributaries cut deep into the sediments, the landscape is dominated by erosion features. These sediments reveal exposed and outcropping artefacts and fossils, which have been found starting in the 1930s in archaeological and paleontological expeditions. In the close vicinity of Makuyuni town, two hominin bearing sites were discovered in 2008. As few is known about the landscape itself, this study has set its focus on the surrounding landscapes of Makuyuni and its geomorphic implications. Key drivers of landscape development in Northern Tanzania are the tectonics and tectonically induced processes. The thus disrupt drainage networks and analyses thereof can reveal the effects on the morphology of stream longitudinal profiles. These transformations in turn, have an impact on driving river incision, in general on linear erosion phenomena. The triggered rill and gully erosion features will eventually lead to soil loss. Gully erosion is a major threat concerning landscape degradation in semiarid ecosystems, as they remove fertile topsoil and as such prevent agricultural use. The study showed, that most of the gully systems are there for decades and in stable conditions. There are, however, areas of exposed risk for erosion. A detailed examination of soil loss areas, innovative automatic surface runoff detector (SRD) devices have been installed. They measure runoff height and duration. This data contribute to a better understanding of the water cycle as well as to soil functions in semiarid environments. The specific research questions have been considered in five different publications that describe the applied methodologies and results in detail. In order to understand the different geomorphic processes, different methods and scales have been used. Field surveying was an important factor and surface runoff, soil characteristics and erosion phenomena have been sampled and measured. Specifically, this study examined rill and gully erosion features and underwent a detailed mapping around Makuyuni in order to describe and understand the occurring landscape systems. Laboratory procedures involved soil parameter analysing and digital data analysis involved digital elevation model analysis, remote sensing imagery, sophisticated statistical models and in the end a detailed geomorphic map compiling of the greater area. Many studies have focused on partial aspects of geomorphic processes. The frame-work of this doctoral thesis seeks to answer a holistic approach, in order to understand, interpret and discuss related geomorphic processes, their spatial extents and locations. This work contributes to the knowledge of present geomorphic processes and features and the landscape evolution within the Lake Manyara area in Northern Tanzania. The above mentioned methods and analyses may be applicable to similar areas in the African rift.Der große Ostafrikanische Grabenbruch teilt sich im sĂŒdlichen Äthiopien in zwei Hauptsysteme, den östlichen und den westlichen Graben. Im östlichen Graben nehmen die vulkanischen AktivitĂ€ten und daher auch die aktive Grabenbildung nach SĂŒden zu, was zu der heutigen Bildung einer engen Grabenschlucht gefĂŒhrt hat, das sogenannte Gregory Rift in Tansania. An dessen sĂŒdlichem Ende hat sich ein endorheisches Becken gebildet, wo sich heute der flache Salzsee Manyara befindet. Sein grĂ¶ĂŸter Zubringer ist der Fluss Makuyuni, welcher Frischwasser aus den vulkanischen Hochlanden nordwestlich des Beckens mit sich fĂŒhrt. Entlang diesen Flusses haben sich weitere Verzweigungen tief in die Sedimente gegraben; die Landschaft wird von Erosionsformen dominiert. In diesen Sedimenten zeigen sich nun freigelegte Artefakte und Fossilien, welche seit den 1930er Jahren bei archĂ€ologischen wie palĂ€ontologischen Expeditionen entdeckt wurden. In der NĂ€he der Siedlung Makuyuni wurden 2008 zwei Knochenreste von frĂŒhen Hominiden gefunden. Wenig Forschung gibt es ĂŒber die Landschaft selber, die vorliegende Arbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich daher mit der Umgebung Makuyunis und seinen geomorphologischen Eigenschaften. Wesentlich fĂŒr die Formung der Landschaft Nordtansanias sind die tektonischen und tektonisch-getriebenen Prozesse. Die dadurch gestörten Abflussnetzwerke und deren Analysen können die Auswirkungen auf die Morphologie der AbflusslĂ€ngsprofile aufzeigen. Diese VerĂ€nderungen wiederum wirken sich auf die Einschneidungsdynamiken der FlĂŒsse und BĂ€che aus, generell also auf lineare Abflussprozesse. Die so entstehenden Rillen- und Gullyerosionsformen fĂŒhren zu Bodenverlusten. Die Gullyerosion ist eine der grĂ¶ĂŸten Naturgefahren in semiariden Ökosystemen, da sie große Teile des Oberbodens abtragen und so die Landschaft einer agrarischen Nutzung entziehen. Die Arbeit konnte aufzeigen, dass viele der Gullysysteme seit mehreren Jahrzehnten bestehen und stabil sind. Es gibt jedoch Bereiche, die von potentiellen Abtragungsrisiken betroffen sind. Um diese Bodenabtragungen genauer zu untersuchen, wurde mit innovativen OberflĂ€chenabflussdetektoren gearbeitet. Diese messen den OberflĂ€chenabfluss in seiner Höhe und Dauer. Diese Daten tragen zu einem besseren VerstĂ€ndnis des Wasserkreislaufes sowie allgemein zu Bodenfunktionen semiarider Ökosysteme bei. Die jeweiligen Forschungsfragen wurden in fĂŒnf Artikeln abgehandelt, diese beschreiben die angewandten Methoden und Resultate im Detail. Um die verschiedenen geomorphologischen Prozesse zu untersuchen, wurde mit verschiedenen Methoden und verschiedenen Skalen gearbeitet. Die Feldarbeit nahm einen wichtigen Teil ein und es wurden u.a. OberflĂ€chenabfluss, Bodenwerte und Erosionsformen beprobt und vermessen. Im Speziellen wurden auf die Rillen- und Gullyerosion eingegangen sowie auf eine detaillierte Kartierung der Umgebung Makuyunis um die verschiedenen Landschaftssysteme zu beschreiben und zu verstehen. Im Labor wurden die Bodenproben analysiert und mit den digitalen GelĂ€ndemodellen, den Fernerkundungsdaten und statistischen Methoden wurden einzelne Studien durchgefĂŒhrt und am Ende eine geomorphologische Karte des Gebiets erarbeitet. Viele Studien untersuchten Teilbereiche geomorphologischer Prozesse. Im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit wurde daher ein ganzheitlicher Ansatz verfolgt, um die geomorphologischen Prozesse, ihre rĂ€umliche Ausdehnung und Verortung zu verstehen, zu interpretieren und die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse als Ganzes zu diskutieren. Diese Arbeit trĂ€gt daher zu neuem Wissen aktueller geomorphologischer Prozesse und Formen sowie der Landschaftsentwicklung als solche in der Umgebung des Manyarasees in Nordtansania bei. Die dabei verwandten Methoden und Analysen sind in Ă€hnlichen Ökosystemen entlang des Ostafrikanischen Grabens anwendbar

    A Probabilistic Assessment of Soil Erosion Susceptibility in a Head Catchment of the Jemma Basin, Ethiopian Highlands

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    Soil erosion represents one of the most important global issues with serious effects on agriculture and water quality, especially in developing countries, such as Ethiopia, where rapid population growth and climatic changes affect widely mountainous areas. The Meskay catchment is a head catchment of the Jemma Basin draining into the Blue Nile (Central Ethiopia) and is characterized by high relief energy. Thus, it is exposed to high degradation dynamics, especially in the lower parts of the catchment. In this study, we aim at the geomorphological assessment of soil erosion susceptibilities. First, a geomorphological map was generated based on remote sensing observations. In particular, we mapped three categories of landforms related to (i) sheet erosion, (ii) gully erosion, and (iii) badlands using a high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM). The map was validated by a detailed field survey. Subsequently, we used the three categories as dependent variables in a probabilistic modelling approach to derive the spatial distribution of the specific process susceptibilities. In this study we applied the maximum entropy model (MaxEnt). The independent variables were derived from a set of spatial attributes describing the lithology, terrain, and land cover based on remote sensing data and DEMs. As a result, we produced three separate susceptibility maps for sheet and gully erosion as well as badlands. The resulting susceptibility maps showed good to excellent prediction performance. Moreover, to explore the mutual overlap of the three susceptibility maps, we generated a combined map as a color composite where each color represents one component of water erosion. The latter map yields useful information for land-use managers and planning purposes

    Assessment of Paleo-Landscape Features using Advanced Remote Sensing Techniques, Modelling and GIS Methods in the Lake Manyara Basin, Northern Tanzania

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    In researching the evolution of hominids, the East African Rift System acts as a vital region. The rift valleys enabled some of the most sensational hominid findings to date. Various hypotheses have been developed in the last decades, which try to explain the influence of changes in paleo-climate, paleo-landscape and paleo-environment on hominin evolution in the Quaternary. Additionally, the sediments and the morphology of the East African Rift System provide excellent terrestrial archives for paleo-environmental reconstruction. Lake Manyara is located in an endorheic basin in the eastern arm of the East African Rift System in northern Tanzania. The surroundings of the Lake Manyara are in the focus of paleontological and archaeological investigations. For instance, two hominin bearing sites were found within the catchment of the Makuyuni River, as well as artefacts and fossils are periodically uncovered. The study area, which is located east of the present-day lake, provides an insight into relevant geological and geomorphological drivers of paleo-landscape evolution of the whole region. This thesis aims at contributing to the understanding of landscape evolution in the Lake Manyara region. Compared to other regions in the East African rift system, few landscape evolution studies took place for the Lake Manyara basin. As such, an integrative scientific investigation of the spatial situation of paleo-landscape features and of paleo-lake level fluctuations is missing. The proposed study utilizes state-of-the-art remote sensing based research methods in evaluating the landscape, and in concluding from present-day landforms and processes, how the landscape developed during the Pleistocene and Holocene. In striving to accomplish this goal, this cumulative dissertation comprises eight central research questions, which are introduced in a conceptual framework. The research questions have been considered in seven scientific publications, which describe the applied methodologies and results in detail. The framework of the thesis provides a coherent and detailed interpretation and discussion of the scientific findings. The research questions and outcomes of the analyses are listed below. Key drivers of landscape development in the East African Rift System are tectonic and tectonically induced processes. Drainage network, stream longitudinal profiles and basin analysis based on topographic analyses, as well as lineaments extracted from remote sensing images, were successfully used as methods in identifying tectonic activity and related features in rift areas. The application of a gully erosion model suggests that the gully channel systems in the study area are relatively stable and that they had developed prior to the last significant lake regression. The paleo-landscape and the paleo-environment are closely connected to lake level changes of the paleo-Lake Manyara. Hence, a key question concerns the extent of the Manyara Beds, which are lacustrine deposits that indicate the maximum extent of the paleo-Lake Manyara. A combined analysis, utilizing ASTER multispectral indices and topographic parameters from a digital elevation model, led to the spatial delineation of lacustrine sediments. Their extent indicates a relation to lacustrine sediments in the southern part of the basin, and reveals lacustrine / palustrine deposits further east. A methodological comparison of Support Vector Machines and Boosted Regression Trees, which served as classification methods to identify the lacustrine sediments, exhibited high accuracies for both approaches, with minor advantages for Support Vector Machines. Closely related to the previous research question is the question on the spatial distribution of surface substrates. By incorporating a WorldView-2 scene and Synthetic Aperture Radar data to the previously mentioned datasets, it was possible to distinguish between nine topsoil and lithological target classes in the study area. The surface substrates indicate the underlying lithologies, sediments and soils, as well as soil formation processes. Between the village of Makuyuni and the present-day Lake Manyara, paleo-shorelines and terraces were formed by various paleo-lake levels. Questions arise, at which elevation these features occur and what is the maximum elevation, which was reached. ALOS PALSAR and TerraSAR-X backscatter intensity information provided the possibility of an area-wide mapping of those morphological features. Some radiometric dates exist for stromatolites from a distinct paleo-shoreline level, which support the interpretation of the lake fluctuations. The paleo-shoreline, which was identified with the highest elevation, coincides with the elevation of the lowest possible outlet of the closed Manyara basin. It can be assumed that the paleo-Lake Manyara over-spilled into the neighboring Engaruka and Natron-Magadi basins. The question of the location of sites with a high probability of artefact and/or fossil presence is important for future archaeological and paleontological research. ASTER remote sensing data and topographic indices contributed likewise to the predictive modelling of probabilities of archaeological and paleontological sites in the study area. Generally, paleontological sites are found on a higher elevation, compared to Stone Age sites. In addition, fossil sites seem to be related to stable paleo-landscape features according to this study’s findings. The results of this dissertation provide new insights in the landscape development of the Lake Manyara basin. The scientific findings contribute to the understanding of the landscape evolution for the study area, as well as for the neighboring basins in the East African Rift System. The applied geospatial methodologies can be transferred to other study areas with similar research needs

    Multisensoral Topsoil Mapping in the Semiarid Lake Manyara Region, Northern Tanzania

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    This study pursues the mapping of the distribution of topsoils and surface substrates of the Lake Manyara area of northern Tanzania. The nine soil and lithological target classes were selected through fieldwork and laboratory analysis of soil samples. High-resolution WorldView-2 data, TerraSAR-X intensity data, medium-resolution ASTER spectral bands and indices, as well as ENVISAT ASAR intensity and SRTM-X-derived topographic parameters served as input features. Objects were derived from image segmentation. The classification of the image objects was conducted applying a nonlinear support vector machine approach. With the recursive feature elimination approach, the most input-relevant features for separating the target classes were selected. Despite multiple target classes, an overall accuracy of 71.9% was achieved. Inaccuracies occurred between classes with high CaCO3 content and between classes of silica-rich substrates. The incorporation of different input feature datasets improved the classification accuracy. An in-depth interpretation of the classification result was conducted with three soil profile transects

    Multisensoral Topsoil Mapping in the Semiarid Lake Manyara Region, Northern Tanzania

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    This study pursues the mapping of the distribution of topsoils and surface substrates of the Lake Manyara area of northern Tanzania. The nine soil and lithological target classes were selected through fieldwork and laboratory analysis of soil samples. High-resolution WorldView-2 data, TerraSAR-X intensity data, medium-resolution ASTER spectral bands and indices, as well as ENVISAT ASAR intensity and SRTM-X-derived topographic parameters served as input features. Objects were derived from image segmentation. The classification of the image objects was conducted applying a nonlinear support vector machine approach. With the recursive feature elimination approach, the most input-relevant features for separating the target classes were selected. Despite multiple target classes, an overall accuracy of 71.9% was achieved. Inaccuracies occurred between classes with high CaCO3 content and between classes of silica-rich substrates. The incorporation of different input feature datasets improved the classification accuracy. An in-depth interpretation of the classification result was conducted with three soil profile transects

    Integrated Assessment of Gully Erosion Processes, Using Multispectral Remote Sensing, Stochastic Modelling, and GIS-based Morphotectonic Analysis; A Case Study in the Southwest of Iran

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    Bodenerosion und besonders Gully-Erosion sind zwei der hauptverantwortlichen Erscheinungen auf der Erde, die zu einer Abnahme der ProduktivitĂ€t von Böden und zur Verunreinigung von Wasserressourcen fĂŒhren. Gully-Erosion gehört zu den intensivsten Prozessen der Land-Degradation, besonders in großen Teilen Irans, die ackerbauliche Nutzung und Weideland bedrohen. Vorangegangenen Studien zufolge zĂ€hlen das anstehende Gestein, die Vegetationsdichte, die Topographie und die Landnutzung und ihre VerĂ€nderung zu den Hauptursachen fĂŒr Bodenerosion und Gully-Erosion im Speziellen. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird die AnfĂ€lligkeit des Mazayjan-Beckens (MZJ) im SĂŒdwesten Irans hinsichtlich der Gully-Erosion ermittelt. HierfĂŒr wurden eine detaillierte digitale GelĂ€ndeanalyse sowie eine stochastische Modellierung basierend auf den Prinzipien der mechanischen Statistik durchgefĂŒhrt. Zu den GelĂ€ndeparametern mit dem grĂ¶ĂŸten Einfluss zĂ€hlen der Konvergenz Index, die Horizontalwölbung sowie die Hangneigung. Gully-Erosion ist die einflussreichste Form der Wasser-Erosion und trĂ€gt signifikant zur Sedimentdynamik im Einzugsgebiet bei. Aus diesem Grund wurden im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit Geographische Informationssysteme und Fernerkundungsdaten eingesetzt, um Eingabedaten fĂŒr die numerischen Modelle zu generieren, welche Erosions- und Ablagerungsraten im MJZ-Becken ermitteln. Da verschiedene Mechanismen wie Graben-, Sheet- und Gully-Erosion im Untersuchungsgebiet vorkommen, wurde das Unit Stream Power-based Erosion Deposition-Modell (USPED) in Kombination mit dem Stream Power Index (SPI) und der Flow Accumulation (FA) ausgewĂ€hlt. Den Berechnungen zufolge, bei welchen die USPED angewandt und Gully- Erosion durch den SPI ermittelt wurde, sind rund 17,5 % der FlĂ€chen im Untersuchungsgebiet stabil oder von sehr geringen Erosions- und Ablagerungsraten betroffen. 28,2 % hingegen unterliegen sehr hoher Erosion und 19,2 % sind von Ablagerungsprozessen betroffen. Tektonische AktivitĂ€t im Untersuchungsgebiet, welches Teil der Zargos-Berge (ZM) ist, trug in der Vergangenheit signifikant zur Ausbildung der Abflussbedingungen bei und dadurch zur Entwicklung der Landschaft. JĂŒngere tektonische Prozesse (Oberes QuartĂ€r) in Form von Erdbeben und damit verbundenen Hebungsprozessen, BrĂŒchen und Verwerfungen sind in großen Teilen des Untersuchungsgebiets noch aktiv. Im dritten Teil dieser Arbeit liegt der Schwerpunkt auf der Ermittlung der AnfĂ€lligkeit geologischer Formationen hinsichtlich der Gully-Erosion, welche auch durch die jĂŒngeren tektonischen AktivitĂ€ten verursacht wurden Dies erfolgte anhand von Digitalen OberflĂ€chenmodellen (DEMs) unterschiedlicher Herkunft (ASTER-Daten, Topographische Karten und Luftbilder) und rĂ€umlicher Auflösung (30 m, 10 m und 5 m). Weitere Untersuchungen zum Vorkommen von Gullysystemen und tektonischen AktivitĂ€ten, wie beispielsweise die Analyse von Flußeinzugsgebietsmorphologien sowie der Analyse der Longitudinalprofile der Vorfluter, zeigen dass die Gebiete, welche besonders anfĂ€llig gegenĂŒber Gully-Erosion sind, durch Hebungen und Verwerfungen geprĂ€gt sind. Die Software TecDEM wurde verwendet, um abrupte VerĂ€nderungen im Flussprofil im mittleren Bereich des Einzugsgebiets (alluviale Ablagerungen) zu ermitteln. Folglich deutet das Vorhandensein von “Knickpoints“ tektonische AktivitĂ€ten an, welche wiederum die Erosionsprozesse entlang des Flussprofils verĂ€ndern. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass starke Gully-Erosion in Zusammenhang mit diesen tektonischen AktivitĂ€ten steht, insbesondere im SĂŒdwesten des MZJ-Beckens.Im letzten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde die AnfĂ€lligkeit fĂŒr Gully-Erosion in einem GIS-basierten stochastischen Modell, dem “Maximum Entropy Modell“ regionalisiert. Dies erfolgte unter der Verwendung von multispektralen ASTER-Daten, aus welchen die geologischen Faktoren, welche hauptverantwortlich fĂŒr die rĂ€umliche Verteilung von Gully-Erosion sind, durch Band-Ratios abgeleitet wurden. Eine multispektrale Analyse von ASTER-Daten liefert wertvolle Ergebnisse ĂŒber die mineralische Ausdifferenzierung im ZM-Gebiet, welche rĂ€umlich höher aufgelöste Informationen liefert als die herkömmlichen geologischen Karten des Gebiets. In dieser Studie wurde das VerhĂ€ltnis zwischen vorhandener Gully-Erosion und der Kombination von Predictor-Variablen, bestehend aus topographischen Indizes und ASTERBand- Ratios, untersucht. Die rĂ€umliche Vorhersage zeigt, dass Gully-Erosion ĂŒberwiegend in colluvialen/ alluvionalen Gebieten mit hohen Anteilen von Salz, Gips und/ oder schluffiger Textur auftritt und besonders in den Ebenen im sĂŒdlichen Untersuchungsgebiet vorkommen. Die vorgestellte Methode ermöglicht eine wirkungsvolle AbschĂ€tzung der Gully-Erosion, welchen den Bodenschutz und das Land-Management im SĂŒdwesten Irans unterstĂŒtzen kann