17,479 research outputs found

    Point-wise mutual information-based video segmentation with high temporal consistency

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    In this paper, we tackle the problem of temporally consistent boundary detection and hierarchical segmentation in videos. While finding the best high-level reasoning of region assignments in videos is the focus of much recent research, temporal consistency in boundary detection has so far only rarely been tackled. We argue that temporally consistent boundaries are a key component to temporally consistent region assignment. The proposed method is based on the point-wise mutual information (PMI) of spatio-temporal voxels. Temporal consistency is established by an evaluation of PMI-based point affinities in the spectral domain over space and time. Thus, the proposed method is independent of any optical flow computation or previously learned motion models. The proposed low-level video segmentation method outperforms the learning-based state of the art in terms of standard region metrics

    CT diagnosis of early stroke : the initial approach to the new CAD tool based on multiscale estimation of ischemia

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    Background: Computer aided diagnosis (CAD) becomes one of the most important diagnostic tools for urgent states in cerebral stroke and other life-threatening conditions where time plays a crucial role. Routine CT is still diagnostically insufficient in hyperacute stage of stroke that is in the therapeutic window for thrombolytic therapy. Authors present computer assistant of early ischemic stroke diagnosis that supports the radiologic interpretations. A new semantic-visualization system of ischemic symptoms applied to noncontrast, routine CT examination was based on multiscale image processing and diagnostic content estimation. Material/Methods: Evaluation of 95 sets of examinations in patients admitted to a hospital with symptoms suggesting stroke was undertaken by four radiologists from two medical centers unaware of the final clinical findings. All of the consecutive cases were considered as having no CT direct signs of hyperacute ischemia. At the first test stage only the CTs performed at the admission were evaluated independently by radiologists. Next, the same early scans were evaluated again with additional use of multiscale computer-assistant of stroke (MulCAS). Computerized suggestion with increased sensitivity to the subtle image manifestations of cerebral ischemia was constructed as additional view representing estimated diagnostic content with enhanced stroke symptoms synchronized to routine CT data preview. Follow-up CT examinations and clinical features confirmed or excluded the diagnosis of stroke constituting 'gold standard' to verify stroke detection performance. Results: Higher AUC (area under curve) values were found for MulCAS -aided radiological diagnosis for all readers and the differences were statistically significant for random readers-random cases parametric and non-parametric DBM MRMC analysis. Sensitivity and specificity of acute stroke detection for the readers was increased by 30% and 4%, respectively. Conclusions: Routine CT completed with proposed method of computer assisted diagnosis provided noticeable better diagnosis efficiency of acute stroke according to the rates and opinions of all test readers. Further research includes fully automatic detection of hypodense regions to complete assisted indications and formulate the suggestions of stroke cases more objectively. Planned prospective studies will let evaluate more accurately the impact of this CAD tool on diagnosis and further treatment in patients suffered from stroke. It is necessary to determine whether this method is possible to be applied widely

    Metrics for Graph Comparison: A Practitioner's Guide

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    Comparison of graph structure is a ubiquitous task in data analysis and machine learning, with diverse applications in fields such as neuroscience, cyber security, social network analysis, and bioinformatics, among others. Discovery and comparison of structures such as modular communities, rich clubs, hubs, and trees in data in these fields yields insight into the generative mechanisms and functional properties of the graph. Often, two graphs are compared via a pairwise distance measure, with a small distance indicating structural similarity and vice versa. Common choices include spectral distances (also known as λ\lambda distances) and distances based on node affinities. However, there has of yet been no comparative study of the efficacy of these distance measures in discerning between common graph topologies and different structural scales. In this work, we compare commonly used graph metrics and distance measures, and demonstrate their ability to discern between common topological features found in both random graph models and empirical datasets. We put forward a multi-scale picture of graph structure, in which the effect of global and local structure upon the distance measures is considered. We make recommendations on the applicability of different distance measures to empirical graph data problem based on this multi-scale view. Finally, we introduce the Python library NetComp which implements the graph distances used in this work

    Isolating contour information from arbitrary images

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    Aspects of natural vision (physiological and perceptual) serve as a basis for attempting the development of a general processing scheme for contour extraction. Contour information is assumed to be central to visual recognition skills. While the scheme must be regarded as highly preliminary, initial results do compare favorably with the visual perception of structure. The scheme pays special attention to the construction of a smallest scale circular difference-of-Gaussian (DOG) convolution, calibration of multiscale edge detection thresholds with the visual perception of grayscale boundaries, and contour/texture discrimination methods derived from fundamental assumptions of connectivity and the characteristics of printed text. Contour information is required to fall between a minimum connectivity limit and maximum regional spatial density limit at each scale. Results support the idea that contour information, in images possessing good image quality, is (centered at about 10 cyc/deg and 30 cyc/deg). Further, lower spatial frequency channels appear to play a major role only in contour extraction from images with serious global image defects