57 research outputs found

    MEM-diffusion MRI framework to solve MEEG inverse problem

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    International audienceIn this paper, we present a framework to fuse information coming from diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) with Magnetoencephalography (MEG)/ Electroencephalography (EEG) measurements to reconstruct the activation on the cortical surface. The MEG/EEG inverse-problem is solved by the Maximum Entropy on the Mean (MEM) principle and by assuming that the sources inside each cortical region follow Normal distribution. These regions are obtained using dMRI and assumed to be functionally independent. The source reconstruction framework presented in this work is tested using synthetic and real data. The activated regions for the real data is consistent with the literature about the face recognition and processing network

    Discrimination of cortical laminae using MEG.

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    Typically MEG source reconstruction is used to estimate the distribution of current flow on a single anatomically derived cortical surface model. In this study we use two such models representing superficial and deep cortical laminae. We establish how well we can discriminate between these two different cortical layer models based on the same MEG data in the presence of different levels of co-registration noise, Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and cortical patch size. We demonstrate that it is possible to make a distinction between superficial and deep cortical laminae for levels of co-registration noise of less than 2mm translation and 2° rotation at SNR>11dB. We also show that an incorrect estimate of cortical patch size will tend to bias layer estimates. We then use a 3D printed head-cast (Troebinger et al., 2014) to achieve comparable levels of co-registration noise, in an auditory evoked response paradigm, and show that it is possible to discriminate between these cortical layer models in real data

    Expanding the applicability of magnetoencephalography

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    Magnetoencephalography (MEG) offers a unique way to non-invasively monitor the neural activity in the human brain. MEG is based on measuring the very weak magnetic fields generated by the electric currents in the active neurons. Such measurements allow, with certain limitations, estimating the underlying current distribution and thus the locations and time courses of the neural generators with an excellent temporal resolution. The aim of this Thesis was to advance MEG to certain realms that have been considered difficult or even impossible for it. Specifically, the included studies contributed to the modelling of the neural generators, detection of activity in the deep brain areas, analysis of oscillatory activity, and characterisation of neural states related to bistable perception. Estimating the sources of MEG signals is non-trivial as multiple current constellations can give rise to the same observed magnetic fields. As a new solution to this problem, we introduced an automatic Bayesian tracking algorithm that recovers the locations and time courses of a set of focal neural current sources from MEG data. The majority of MEG experiments have concentrated on brain signals originating in the neocortex due to the rapid decrease of the MEG signals as a function increasing source depth. Here, we demonstrated that neural activity deep in the brainstem can be detected and accurately localised by MEG in favourable conditions. We also explored the utility of stochastic resonance in varying the salience of a cognitive stimulus, and showed that the detection accuracy of visually-presented words correlated better with the amplitudes of the late than early responses. The temporal resolution provided by MEG was exploited in novel ways. We showed that oscillatory 20-Hz signals from the primary and secondary somatosensory cortex were transiently phase-locked in response to a stimulus, possibly signifying functional connectivity. We also introduced a frequency-tagging method employing dynamical noise to separate brain activations elicited by different parts of a visual scene: monitoring these rhythmic signals with MEG enabled us to probe the neural engagement in the early visual brain areas during bistable perception and thus to link subjective perceptual states to brain states

    EEG/MEG Sparse Source Imaging and Its Application in Epilepsy

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    This dissertation is a summary of my Ph.D. work on the development of sparse source imaging technologies based on electroencephalography (EEG) and magneto-encephalography (MEG) and their application to noninvasively reconstruct brain activation from external surface measurements. Conventional sparse source imaging (SSI) methods using the ℓ1-norm regularization to enforce sparseness in the original source domain leads to over-focused solutions and causes bias in estimating spatially extended brain sources. I address the over-focused issue in the ℓ1-norm regularization technique framework by exploring sparseness in the transform domains. First, I apply a SSI method that uses the variation transform, i.e. V-SSI, on clinical MEG interictal recordings from partial epilepsy patients. Estimated epileptic sources by V-SSI are validated using clinical pre-surgical evaluation data and surgical outcomes. Second, I implement a novel face-based wavelet transform, which can efficiently compress brain activation signals into sparse representations on a multi-resolution cortical source model, into the SSI technology framework. The proposed wavelet-based SSI (W-SSI) demonstrates a significantly improved ability in inferring both brain source locations and extents as compared with conventional ℓ2-norm regularizations in obtaining EEG/MEG inverse solutions and other SSI technologies. Furthermore, the face-based wavelet also indicates better performance than a previously reported vertex-based wavelet in W-SSI. I evaluate the W-SSI method and conduct the comparison studies using both simulations and real data collected from partial epilepsy patients. Lastly, I further propose the concept of using multiple transforms in the SSI technology framework and investigated a new SSI method by enforcing sparseness in both variation and face-based wavelet domains, termed as VW-SSI. I conduct simulation studies, which demonstrate that VW-SSI has significantly better detection accuracies in both source locations and extents than conventional ℓ2-norm regularizations and other SSI methods, including SSI, V-SSI, and W-SSI. I further validate the VW-SSI method using clinical MEG data from both language and motor experiments collected from epilepsy patients again to localize their important functional brain areas. The results indicate that VW-SSI provides a performance advantage in detecting neural phenomena that have been extremely difficult to recognize by other EEG/MEG inverse solutions. It thus suggests that the sparse source imaging technique is promising to serve as a non-invasive tool in assisting pre-surgical planning for partial epilepsy patients

    Bayesian inversion in biomedical imaging

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    Biomedizinische Bildgebung ist zu einer Schlüsseltechnik geworden, Struktur oder Funktion lebender Organismen nicht-invasiv zu untersuchen. Relevante Informationen aus den gemessenen Daten zu rekonstruieren erfordert neben mathematischer Modellierung und numerischer Simulation das verlässliche Lösen schlecht gestellter inverser Probleme. Um dies zu erreichen müssen zusätzliche a-priori Informationen über die zu rekonstruierende Größe formuliert und in die algorithmischen Lösungsverfahren einbezogen werden. Bayesianische Invertierung ist eine spezielle mathematische Methodik dies zu tun. Die vorliegende Arbeit entwickelt eine aktuelle Übersicht Bayesianischer Invertierung und demonstriert die vorgestellten Konzepte und Algorithmen in verschiedenen numerischen Studien, darunter anspruchsvolle Anwendungen aus der biomedizinischen Bildgebung mit experimentellen Daten. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der Verwendung von Dünnbesetztheit/Sparsity als a-priori Information.Biomedical imaging techniques became a key technology to assess the structure or function of living organisms in a non-invasive way. Besides innovations in the instrumentation, the development of new and improved methods for processing and analysis of the measured data has become a vital field of research. Building on traditional signal processing, this area nowadays also comprises mathematical modeling, numerical simulation and inverse problems. The latter describes the reconstruction of quantities of interest from measured data and a given generative model. Unfortunately, most inverse problems are ill-posed, which means that a robust and reliable reconstruction is not possible unless additional a-priori information on the quantity of interest is incorporated into the solution method. Bayesian inversion is a mathematical methodology to formulate and employ a-priori information in computational schemes to solve the inverse problem. This thesis develops a recent overview on Bayesian inversion and exemplifies the presented concepts and algorithms in various numerical studies including challenging biomedical imaging applications with experimental data. A particular focus is on using sparsity as a-priori information within the Bayesian framework. <br

    Study of cortical rhythmic activity and connectivity with magnetoencephalography

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    Intracranial recordings in animals and neuroimaging studies on humans have indicated that oscillatory activity and its modulations may play a fundamental role in large-scale neural information processing. Furthermore, rhythmic interactions between cortical areas have been detected across a variety of tasks with electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG). This kind of coupling has been proposed to be a key mechanism through which information is integrated across segregated areas. So far, rhythmic interactions have been analyzed primarily at the EEG/MEG sensor level, without explicit knowledge of cortical areas involved. In this thesis work we developed new methods that can be used to image oscillatory activity and coherence at the cortical level with MEG. Dynamic Imaging of Coherent Sources (DICS) enables localization of interacting areas both using external reference signals and directly from the MEG data. When the interacting areas have been determined it is possible to use additional measures beyond coherence to further quantify interactions within the networks. DICS was originally designed for study of continuous data; its further development into event-related DICS (erDICS) adds the possibility to image modulations of rhythmic activity that are locked to stimulus or movement timing. Furthermore, permutation testing incorporated into erDICS allows the evaluation of the statistical significance of the results. Analysis of simulated and real data showed that DICS and erDICS yield accurate localization and quantification of oscillatory activity and coherence. Comparison of DICS to other methods of localizing oscillatory activity revealed that it is equally accurate and that it can better separate the activity originating from two nearby areas. We applied DICS to two datasets, recorded from groups of subjects while they performed slow finger movements and when they were reading continuously. In both cases, we were able to systematically identify interacting cortico-cortical networks and, using phase coupling and causality measures, to quantify the manner in which the nodes within these networks influenced each other. Furthermore, we compared the identified reading network to results reported in neurophysiological and hemodynamic activation studies. In addition to areas typically detected in activation studies of reading the network included areas that are normally found in language production rather than perception tasks, indicating more extensive networking of neural systems than usually observed in activation studies

    Comparison of tri-polar concentric ring electrodes to disc electrodes for decoding real and imaginary finger movements, A

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    2019 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.The electroencephalogram (EEG) is broadly used for diagnosis of brain diseases and research of brain activities. Although the EEG provides a good temporal resolution, it suffers from poor spatial resolution due to the blurring effects of volume conduction and signal-to-noise ratio. Many efforts have been devoted to the development of novel methods that can increase the EEG spatial resolution. The surface Laplacian, which is the second derivative of the surface potential, has been applied to EEG to improve the spatial resolution. Tri-polar concentric ring electrodes (TCREs) have been shown to estimate the surface Laplacian automatically with better spatial resolution than conventional disc electrodes. The aim of this research is to study how well the TCREs can be used to acquire EEG signals to decode real and imaginary finger movements. These EEG signals will be then translated into finger movements commands. We also compare the feasibility of discriminating finger movements from one hand using EEG recorded from TCREs and conventional disc electrodes. Furthermore, we evaluated two movement-related features, temporal EEG data and spectral features, in discriminating individual finger from one hand using non-invasive EEG. To do so, movement-related potentials (MRPs) are measured and analyzed from four TCREs and conventional disc electrodes while 13 subjects performed either motor execution or motor imagery of individual finger movements. The tri-polar-EEG (tEEG) and conventional EEG (cEEG) were recorded from electrodes placed according to the 10-20 International Electrode Positioning System over the motor cortex. Our results show that the TCREs achieved higher spatial resolution than conventional disc electrodes. Moreover, the results show that signals from TCREs generated higher decoding accuracy compared to signals from conventional disc electrodes. The average decoding accuracy of five-class classification for all subjects was of 70.04 ± 7.68% when we used temporal EEG data as feature and classified it using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) classifier. In addition, the results show that the TCRE EEG (tEEG) provides approximately a four times enhancement in the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) compared to disc electrode signals. We also evaluated the interdependency level between neighboring electrodes from tri-polar, disc, and disc with Hjorth's Laplacian method in time and frequency domains by calculating the mutual information (MI) and coherence. The MRP signals recorded with the TCRE system have significantly less mutual information (MI) between electrodes than the conventional disc electrode system and disc electrodes with Hjorth's Laplacian method. Also, the results show that the mean coherence between neighboring tri-polar electrodes was found to be significantly smaller than disc electrode and disc electrode with Hjorth's method, especially at higher frequencies. This lower coherence in the high frequency band between neighboring tri polar electrodes suggests that the TCREs may record a more localized neuronal activity. The successful decoding of finger movements can provide extra degrees of freedom to drive brain computer interface (BCI) applications, especially for neurorehabilitation

    Characterising population variability in brain structure through models of whole-brain structural connectivity

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    Models of whole-brain connectivity are valuable for understanding neurological function. This thesis seeks to develop an optimal framework for extracting models of whole-brain connectivity from clinically acquired diffusion data. We propose new approaches for studying these models. The aim is to develop techniques which can take models of brain connectivity and use them to identify biomarkers or phenotypes of disease. The models of connectivity are extracted using a standard probabilistic tractography algorithm, modified to assess the structural integrity of tracts, through estimates of white matter anisotropy. Connections are traced between 77 regions of interest, automatically extracted by label propagation from multiple brain atlases followed by classifier fusion. The estimates of tissue integrity for each tract are input as indices in 77x77 ”connectivity” matrices, extracted for large populations of clinical data. These are compared in subsequent studies. To date, most whole-brain connectivity studies have characterised population differences using graph theory techniques. However these can be limited in their ability to pinpoint the locations of differences in the underlying neural anatomy. Therefore, this thesis proposes new techniques. These include a spectral clustering approach for comparing population differences in the clustering properties of weighted brain networks. In addition, machine learning approaches are suggested for the first time. These are particularly advantageous as they allow classification of subjects and extraction of features which best represent the differences between groups. One limitation of the proposed approach is that errors propagate from segmentation and registration steps prior to tractography. This can cumulate in the assignment of false positive connections, where the contribution of these factors may vary across populations, causing the appearance of population differences where there are none. The final contribution of this thesis is therefore to develop a common co-ordinate space approach. This combines probabilistic models of voxel-wise diffusion for each subject into a single probabilistic model of diffusion for the population. This allows tractography to be performed only once, ensuring that there is one model of connectivity. Cross-subject differences can then be identified by mapping individual subjects’ anisotropy data to this model. The approach is used to compare populations separated by age and gender