18 research outputs found

    Cryptographic Key Distribution In Wireless Sensor Networks Using Bilinear Pairings

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    It is envisaged that the use of cheap and tiny wireless sensors will soon bring a third wave of evolution in computing systems. Billions of wireless senor nodes will provide a bridge between information systems and the physical world. Wireless nodes deployed around the globe will monitor the surrounding environment as well as gather information about the people therein. It is clear that this revolution will put security solutions to a great test. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are a challenging environment for applying security services. They differ in many aspects from traditional fixed networks, and standard cryptographic solutions cannot be used in this application space. Despite many research efforts, key distribution in WSNs still remains an open problem. Many of the proposed schemes suffer from high communication overhead and storage costs, low scalability and poor resilience against different types of attacks. The exclusive usage of simple and energy efficient symmetric cryptography primitives does not solve the security problem. On the other hand a full public key infrastructure which uses asymmetric techniques, digital signatures and certificate authorities seems to be far too complex for a constrained WSN environment. This thesis investigates a new approach to WSN security which addresses many of the shortcomings of existing mechanisms. It presents a detailed description on how to provide practical Public Key Cryptography solutions for wireless sensor networks. The contributions to the state-of-the-art are added on all levels of development beginning with the basic arithmetic operations and finishing with complete security protocols. This work includes a survey of different key distribution protocols that have been developed for WSNs, with an evaluation of their limitations. It also proposes Identity- Based Cryptography (IBC) as an ideal technique for key distribution in sensor networks. It presents the first in-depth study of the application and implementation of Pairing- Based Cryptography (PBC) to WSNs. This is followed by a presentation of the state of the art on the software implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) on typical WSNplatforms. New optimized algorithms for performing multiprecision multiplication on a broad range of low-end CPUs are introduced as well. Three novel protocols for key distribution are proposed in this thesis. Two of these are intended for non-interactive key exchange in flat and clustered networks respectively. A third key distribution protocol uses Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) to secure communication within a heterogeneous sensor network. This thesis includes also a comprehensive security evaluation that shows that proposed schemes are resistant to various attacks that are specific to WSNs. This work shows that by using the newest achievements in cryptography like pairings and IBC it is possible to deliver affordable public-key cryptographic solutions and to apply a sufficient level of security for the most demanding WSN applications

    NaCl on 8-Bit AVR Microcontrollers

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    This paper presents first results of the Networking and Cryptography library (NaCl) on the 8-bit AVR family of microcontrollers. We show that NaCl, which has so far been optimized mainly for different desktop and server platforms, is feasible on resource-constrained devices while being very fast and memory efficient. Our implementation shows that encryption using Salsa20 requires 268 cycles/byte, authentication using Poly1305 needs 195 cycles/byte, a Curve25519 scalar multiplication needs 22,791,579 cycles, signing of data using Ed25519 needs 23,216,241 cycles, and verification can be done within 32,634,713 cycles. All implemented primitives provide at least 128-bit security, run in constant time, do not use secret-data-dependent branch conditions, and are open to the public domain (no usage restrictions)

    Time Complexities of Multiple-precision Modular Operations and Related Ratios

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    Modular arithmetic used for cryptography includes modular adding, modular subtracting, modular multiplying, modular inverting, modular exponentiating etc. In this paper, the authors well analyze the bit complexity of a bitwise modular operation and the time complexity of a non-bitwise modular operation. Besides discuss the clock cycles for one bytewise modular operation utilizing directives from the ATmel 8-bit AVR instruction set. Last, reveal that the ratio of derivate numbers of clock cycles for two modular operations under different modulus lengths is almost a constant

    Efficient Arithmetic on ARM-NEON and Its Application for High-Speed RSA Implementation

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    Advanced modern processors support Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) instructions (e.g. Intel-AVX, ARM-NEON) and a massive body of research on vector-parallel implementations of modular arithmetic, which are crucial components for modern public-key cryptography ranging from RSA, ElGamal, DSA and ECC, have been conducted. In this paper, we introduce a novel Double Operand Scanning (DOS) method to speed-up multi-precision squaring with non-redundant representations on SIMD architecture. The DOS technique partly doubles the operands and computes the squaring operation without Read-After-Write (RAW) dependencies between source and destination variables. Furthermore, we presented Karatsuba Cascade Operand Scanning (KCOS) multiplication and Karatsuba Double Operand Scanning (KDOS) squaring by adopting additive and subtractive Karatsuba\u27s methods, respectively. The proposed multiplication and squaring methods are compatible with separated Montgomery algorithms and these are highly efficient for RSA crypto system. Finally, our proposed multiplication/squaring, separated Montgomery multiplication/squaring and RSA encryption outperform the best-known results by 22/41\%, 25/33\% and 30\% on the Cortex-A15 platform

    High-speed Curve25519 on 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit microcontrollers

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    This paper presents new speed records for 128-bit secure elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman key-exchange software on three different popular microcontroller architectures. We consider a 255-bit curve proposed by Bernstein known as Curve25519, which has also been adopted by the IETF. We optimize the X25519 key-exchange protocol proposed by Bernstein in 2006 for AVR ATmega 8-bit microcontrollers, MSP430X 16-bit microcontrollers, and for ARM Cortex-M0 32-bit microcontrollers. Our software for the AVR takes only 13 900 397 cycles for the computation of a Diffe-Hellman shared secret, and is the first to perform this computation in less than a second if clocked at 16 MHz for a security level of 128 bits. Our MSP430X software computes a shared secret in 5 301 792 cycles on MSP430X microcontrollers that have a 32-bit hardware multiplier and in 7 933 296 cycles on MSP430X microcontrollers that have a 16-bit multiplier. It thus outperforms previous constant-time ECDH software at the 128-bit security level on the MSP430X by more than a factor of 1.2 and 1.15, respectively. Our implementation on the Cortex-M0 runs in only 3 589 850 cycles and outperforms previous 128-bit secure ECDH software by a factor of 3

    Endomorphisms for faster elliptic curve cryptography on a large class of curves

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    Efficiently computable homomorphisms allow elliptic curve point multiplication to be accelerated using the Gallant-Lambert-Vanstone (GLV) method. We extend results of Iijima, Matsuo, Chao and Tsujii which give such homomorphisms for a large class of elliptic curves by working over quadratic extensions and demonstrate that these results can be applied to the GLV method. Our implementation runs in between 0.70 and 0.84 the time of the previous best methods for elliptic curve point multiplication on curves without small class number complex multiplication. Further speedups are possible when using more special curves

    The complete cost of cofactor h=1

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    This paper presents optimized software for constant-time variable-base scalar multiplication on prime-order Weierstraß curves using the complete addition and doubling formulas presented by Renes, Costello, and Batina in 2016. Our software targets three different microarchitectures: Intel Sandy Bridge, Intel Haswell, and ARM Cortex-M4. We use a 255-bit elliptic curve over F225519\mathbb{F}_{2^{255}-19} that was proposed by Barreto in 2017. The reason for choosing this curve in our software is that it allows most meaningful comparison of our results with optimized software for Curve25519. The goal of this comparison is to get an understanding of the cost of using cofactor-one curves with complete formulas when compared to widely used Montgomery (or twisted Edwards) curves that inherently have a non-trivial cofactor