7 research outputs found

    Human Machine Interfaces for Teleoperators and Virtual Environments

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    In Mar. 1990, a meeting organized around the general theme of teleoperation research into virtual environment display technology was conducted. This is a collection of conference-related fragments that will give a glimpse of the potential of the following fields and how they interplay: sensorimotor performance; human-machine interfaces; teleoperation; virtual environments; performance measurement and evaluation methods; and design principles and predictive models

    Virtual reality training for micro-robotic cell injection

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    This research was carried out to fill the gap within existing knowledge on the approaches to supplement the training for micro-robotic cell injection procedure by utilising virtual reality and haptic technologies

    Control de un robot m贸vil para el seguimiento de objetos mediante realimentaci贸n visual.

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    El fin del presente trabajo de titulaci贸n fue el desarrollo de un sistema de control de un robot m贸vil para el seguimiento de objetivos mediante retroalimentaci贸n visual. Un sistema de visi贸n monocular montado sobre un robot m贸vil tipo uniciclo provee informaci贸n limitada para tareas de seguimiento de objetos, muchas de las veces asumiendo ciertos criterios como la profundidad. Para solucionar el problema de la carencia del componente de profundidad, una composici贸n de dos c谩maras puede generar un desfase de visi贸n para implementar sistemas de visi贸n estereosc贸pica y a帽adir informaci贸n a una imagen bidimensional. El sistema de control se basa en la modelaci贸n cinem谩tica del sistema completo (robot m贸vil y estructura articular de las c谩maras), as铆 como del modelo cinem谩tico de las c谩maras. El robot m贸vil y la estructura articular utilizada est谩n conformados por motores Dynamixel, descritos como actuadores inteligentes con redes de comunicaci贸n serial integrada. El diagrama de control que se presenta utiliza la modelaci贸n cinem谩tica para determinar las velocidades adecuadas que todos los actuadores deben adoptar para el seguimiento de objetivos mediante retroalimentaci贸n visual en un ambiente estructurado. Esta propuesta se analiza mediante un simulador en Matlab que indica el correcto funcionamiento del sistema de control. Usando un prototipo de investigaci贸n, se obtienen los resultados experimentales que demuestran un adecuado funcionamiento del sistema de control para el seguimiento de objetivos mediante retroalimentaci贸n visual. Se valida el adecuado funcionamiento del mecanismo rob贸tico y de los controladores propuestos, adem谩s las gr谩ficas de errores y velocidades de control muestran la correcta ejecuci贸n en un entorno real. Se recomienda que el presente proyecto sea la base para proyectos futuros en los cuales se estudie el desempe帽o del sistema en ambientes no estructurados.The aim of the present titration work was the development of a control system of a mobile robot for the tracking of objectives through visual feedback. A monocular vision system mounted on a unicycle type mobile robot provides limited information for follow-up tasks of many times, assuming specific criteria such as depth, a composition of two cameras can generate a vision blur to implement stereoscopic vision systems and add information to a two-dimensional image. The control system based on the kinematic modeling of the complete system (mobile robot and joint structure of the cameras), as well as the kinematic model of the cameras. The mobile robot and the joint structure used are made up of Dynamixel motors, described as intelligent actuators with integrated serial communication networks. The control diagram presented uses kinematic modeling to determine the appropriate speeds that all actuators must adapt to track objectives through visual feedback in a structured environment. This proposal analyzed through a simulator in Matlab that indicates the correct functioning of the control system. Using a prototype, experimental results are obtained that demonstrate an adequate operation of the control system for the tracking of objectives through visual feedback. The proper functioning of the robotic mechanism and the proposed controllers is validated, besides the error graphs and control speeds show the correct execution in a real environment. It recommended that this project be the basis for plans in which the performance of the system in unstructured environments studied

    Control de un robot m贸vil para el seguimiento de objetos mediante realimentaci贸n visual.

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    El fin del presente trabajo de titulaci贸n fue el desarrollo de un sistema de control de un robot m贸vil para el seguimiento de objetivos mediante retroalimentaci贸n visual. Un sistema de visi贸n monocular montado sobre un robot m贸vil tipo uniciclo provee informaci贸n limitada para tareas de seguimiento de objetos, muchas de las veces asumiendo ciertos criterios como la profundidad. Para solucionar el problema de la carencia del componente de profundidad, una composici贸n de dos c谩maras puede generar un desfase de visi贸n para implementar sistemas de visi贸n estereosc贸pica y a帽adir informaci贸n a una imagen bidimensional. El sistema de control se basa en la modelaci贸n cinem谩tica del sistema completo (robot m贸vil y estructura articular de las c谩maras), as铆 como del modelo cinem谩tico de las c谩maras. El robot m贸vil y la estructura articular utilizada est谩n conformados por motores Dynamixel, descritos como actuadores inteligentes con redes de comunicaci贸n serial integrada. El diagrama de control que se presenta utiliza la modelaci贸n cinem谩tica para determinar las velocidades adecuadas que todos los actuadores deben adoptar para el seguimiento de objetivos mediante retroalimentaci贸n visual en un ambiente estructurado. Esta propuesta se analiza mediante un simulador en Matlab que indica el correcto funcionamiento del sistema de control. Usando un prototipo de investigaci贸n, se obtienen los resultados experimentales que demuestran un adecuado funcionamiento del sistema de control para el seguimiento de objetivos mediante retroalimentaci贸n visual. Se valida el adecuado funcionamiento del mecanismo rob贸tico y de los controladores propuestos, adem谩s las gr谩ficas de errores y velocidades de control muestran la correcta ejecuci贸n en un entorno real. Se recomienda que el presente proyecto sea la base para proyectos futuros en los cuales se estudie el desempe帽o del sistema en ambientes no estructurados.The aim of the present titration work was the development of a control system of a mobile robot for the tracking of objectives through visual feedback. A monocular vision system mounted on a unicycle type mobile robot provides limited information for follow-up tasks of many times, assuming specific criteria such as depth, a composition of two cameras can generate a vision blur to implement stereoscopic vision systems and add information to a two-dimensional image. The control system based on the kinematic modeling of the complete system (mobile robot and joint structure of the cameras), as well as the kinematic model of the cameras. The mobile robot and the joint structure used are made up of Dynamixel motors, described as intelligent actuators with integrated serial communication networks. The control diagram presented uses kinematic modeling to determine the appropriate speeds that all actuators must adapt to track objectives through visual feedback in a structured environment. This proposal analyzed through a simulator in Matlab that indicates the correct functioning of the control system. Using a prototype, experimental results are obtained that demonstrate an adequate operation of the control system for the tracking of objectives through visual feedback. The proper functioning of the robotic mechanism and the proposed controllers is validated, besides the error graphs and control speeds show the correct execution in a real environment. It recommended that this project be the basis for plans in which the performance of the system in unstructured environments studied

    Tele-Operaci贸n Bilateral de un Robot Manipulador M贸vil.

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    Desarrollo de un esquema para la tele-operaci贸n bilateral de un robot manipulador m贸vil. Un manipulador rob贸tico montado sobre una base m贸vil posee tanto la destreza de los manipuladores rob贸ticos y la movilidad de un veh铆culo, y es una soluci贸n vers谩til que ofrece un gran potencial en una amplia variedad de aplicaciones. Para la implementaci贸n del sistema de tele-operaci贸n se realiz贸 la modelaci贸n cinem谩tica y din谩mica del manipulador m贸vil mediante expresiones matriciales. Los actuadores inteligentes que conforman el robot se controlaron mediante las librer铆as de MATLAB de comunicaci贸n RS-485. El esquema de tele-operaci贸n bilateral propuesto consider贸 la compensaci贸n din谩mica del manipulador m贸vil, adem谩s se incluy贸 la realimentaci贸n de fuerzas en el sitio local. Por 煤ltimo, usando el control de redundancia se solucion贸 la configuraci贸n del brazo rob贸tico y la evasi贸n de obst谩culos. Partiendo de los resultados obtenidos se concluy贸 que el sistema permite una combinaci贸n de manipulabilidad y locomoci贸n en el sitio de trabajo demostrando un adecuado funcionamiento del sistema. Se recomienda analizar el contenido de este trabajo, para determinar el estado de nuestro pa铆s en relaci贸n a los avances tecnol贸gicos del campo de la rob贸tica.Development of a scheme for the bilateral tele-operation of a mobile manipulator robot. A robotic manipulator mounted on a mobile base possesses both the dexterity of robotic manipulators and the mobility of a vehicle, and is a versatile solution that offers great potential in a wide variety of applications. For the implementation of the tele-operation system, the kinematic and dynamic modeling of the mobile manipulator was performed using matrix expressions. The intelligent actuators that make up the robot were controlled by the MATLAB libraries of RS-485 communication. The proposed bilateral tele-operation scheme considered the dynamic compensation of the mobile manipulator, and also the force feedback was included at the local site. Finally, using the redundancy control the configuration of the robotic arm and the avoidance of obstacles were solved. Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that the system allows a combination of manipulation and locomotion in the workspace demonstrating an adequate functioning of the system. It is recommended to analyze the content of this work, to determine the state of our country in relation to technological advances in the field of robotics

    Multipoint haptic mediator interface for robotic teleoperation

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    Despite recent advances in artificial intelligence and autonomous robotics, teleoperation can provide distinct benefits in applications requiring real-time human judgement and intuition. However, as robotic systems are increasingly becoming sophisticated and are performing more complex tasks, realizing these benefits requires new approaches to teleoperation. This paper introduces a novel haptic mediator interface for teleoperating mobile robotic platforms that have a variety of manipulators and functions. Identical master-slave bilateral teleoperation of the robotic manipulators is achieved by representing them in virtual reality and by allowing the operator to interact with them using a multipoint haptic device. The operator is also able to command motions to the mobile platform by using a novel haptic interaction metaphor rather than a separate dedicated input device. The presented interaction techniques enable the operator to perform a wide range of control functions and achieve functionality similar to that of conventional teleoperation schemes that use a single haptic interface. The mediator interface is presented, and important considerations such as workspace mapping and scaling are discussed. &copy; 2015 IEEE.<br /

    Life Sciences Program Tasks and Bibliography for FY 1997

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    This document includes information on all peer reviewed projects funded by the Office of Life and Microgravity Sciences and Applications, Life Sciences Division during fiscal year 1997. This document will be published annually and made available to scientists in the space life sciences field both as a hard copy and as an interactive internet web page