2,661 research outputs found

    Lensfree on-chip microscopy over a wide field-of-view using pixel super-resolution.

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    We demonstrate lensfree holographic microscopy on a chip to achieve approximately 0.6 microm spatial resolution corresponding to a numerical aperture of approximately 0.5 over a large field-of-view of approximately 24 mm2. By using partially coherent illumination from a large aperture (approximately 50 microm), we acquire lower resolution lensfree in-line holograms of the objects with unit fringe magnification. For each lensfree hologram, the pixel size at the sensor chip limits the spatial resolution of the reconstructed image. To circumvent this limitation, we implement a sub-pixel shifting based super-resolution algorithm to effectively recover much higher resolution digital holograms of the objects, permitting sub-micron spatial resolution to be achieved across the entire sensor chip active area, which is also equivalent to the imaging field-of-view (24 mm2) due to unit magnification. We demonstrate the success of this pixel super-resolution approach by imaging patterned transparent substrates, blood smear samples, as well as Caenoharbditis Elegans

    Maskless imaging of dense samples using pixel super-resolution based multi-height lensfree on-chip microscopy.

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    Lensfree in-line holographic microscopy offers sub-micron resolution over a large field-of-view (e.g., ~24 mm2) with a cost-effective and compact design suitable for field use. However, it is limited to relatively low-density samples. To mitigate this limitation, we demonstrate an on-chip imaging approach based on pixel super-resolution and phase recovery, which iterates among multiple lensfree intensity measurements, each having a slightly different sample-to-sensor distance. By digitally aligning and registering these lensfree intensity measurements, phase and amplitude images of dense and connected specimens can be iteratively reconstructed over a large field-of-view of ~24 mm2 without the use of any spatial masks. We demonstrate the success of this multi-height in-line holographic approach by imaging dense Papanicolaou smears (i.e., Pap smears) and blood samples

    Compressive Holographic Video

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    Compressed sensing has been discussed separately in spatial and temporal domains. Compressive holography has been introduced as a method that allows 3D tomographic reconstruction at different depths from a single 2D image. Coded exposure is a temporal compressed sensing method for high speed video acquisition. In this work, we combine compressive holography and coded exposure techniques and extend the discussion to 4D reconstruction in space and time from one coded captured image. In our prototype, digital in-line holography was used for imaging macroscopic, fast moving objects. The pixel-wise temporal modulation was implemented by a digital micromirror device. In this paper we demonstrate 10×10\times temporal super resolution with multiple depths recovery from a single image. Two examples are presented for the purpose of recording subtle vibrations and tracking small particles within 5 ms.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Holographic opto-fluidic microscopy.

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    Over the last decade microfluidics has created a versatile platform that has significantly advanced the ways in which micro-scale organisms and objects are controlled, processed and investigated, by improving the cost, compactness and throughput aspects of analysis. Microfluidics has also expanded into optics to create reconfigurable and flexible optical devices such as reconfigurable lenses, lasers, waveguides, switches, and on-chip microscopes. Here we present a new opto-fluidic microscopy modality, i.e., Holographic Opto-fluidic Microscopy (HOM), based on lensless holographic imaging. This imaging modality complements the miniaturization provided by microfluidics and would allow the integration of microscopy into existing on-chip microfluidic devices with various functionalities. Our imaging modality utilizes partially coherent in-line holography and pixel super-resolution to create high-resolution amplitude and phase images of the objects flowing within micro-fluidic channels, which we demonstrate by imaging C. elegans, Giardia lamblia, and Mulberry pollen. HOM does not involve complicated fabrication processes or precise alignment, nor does it require a highly uniform flow of objects within microfluidic channels

    Grid computing for the numerical reconstruction of digital holograms

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    Digital holography has the potential to greatly extend holography's applications and move it from the lab into the field: a single CCD or other solid-state sensor can capture any number of holograms while numerical reconstruction within a computer eliminates the need for chemical processing and readily allows further processing and visualisation of the holographic image. The steady increase in sensor pixel count and resolution leads to the possibilities of larger sample volumes and of higher spatial resolution sampling, enabling the practical use of digital off-axis holography. However this increase in pixel count also drives a corresponding expansion of the computational effort needed to numerically reconstruct such holograms to an extent where the reconstruction process for a single depth slice takes significantly longer than the capture process for each single hologram. Grid computing - a recent innovation in largescale distributed processing -provides a convenient means of harnessing significant computing resources in an ad-hoc fashion that might match the field deployment of a holographic instrument. In this paper we consider the computational needs of digital holography and discuss the deployment of numericals reconstruction software over an existing Grid testbed. The analysis of marine organisms is used as an exemplar for work flow and job execution of in-line digital holography
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