45 research outputs found

    Self-Similar Anisotropic Texture Analysis: the Hyperbolic Wavelet Transform Contribution

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    Textures in images can often be well modeled using self-similar processes while they may at the same time display anisotropy. The present contribution thus aims at studying jointly selfsimilarity and anisotropy by focusing on a specific classical class of Gaussian anisotropic selfsimilar processes. It will first be shown that accurate joint estimates of the anisotropy and selfsimilarity parameters are performed by replacing the standard 2D-discrete wavelet transform by the hyperbolic wavelet transform, which permits the use of different dilation factors along the horizontal and vertical axis. Defining anisotropy requires a reference direction that needs not a priori match the horizontal and vertical axes according to which the images are digitized, this discrepancy defines a rotation angle. Second, we show that this rotation angle can be jointly estimated. Third, a non parametric bootstrap based procedure is described, that provides confidence interval in addition to the estimates themselves and enables to construct an isotropy test procedure, that can be applied to a single texture image. Fourth, the robustness and versatility of the proposed analysis is illustrated by being applied to a large variety of different isotropic and anisotropic self-similar fields. As an illustration, we show that a true anisotropy built-in self-similarity can be disentangled from an isotropic self-similarity to which an anisotropic trend has been superimposed

    Hydrophobicity classification of polymeric materials based on fractal dimension

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    This study proposes a new method to obtain hydrophobicity classification (HC) in high voltage polymer insulators. In the method mentioned, the HC was analyzed by fractal dimension (fd) and its processing time was evaluated having as a goal the application in mobile devices. Texture images were created from spraying solutions produced of mixtures of isopropyl alcohol and distilled water in proportions, which ranged from 0 to 100% volume of alcohol (%AIA). Based on these solutions, the contact angles of the drops were measured and the textures were used as patterns for fractal dimension calculations

    Color Hit-or-Miss Transform (CMOMP)

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    Publication in the conference proceedings of EUSIPCO, Bucharest, Romania, 201

    ارزيابی ميزان اثربخشی عمل بازسازی پوست با ليزر غيرتخريبی با به کارگيری تکنيک تصويربرداری اولتراسوند با فرکانس بالا

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    خلاصه هدف معرفی شده است م يتوان با تصوير برداری قبل و بعد از عمل از ناحيه مورد نظر، شرايط بافت را از ديدگاه بازسازی مورد بررسی قرار داد : در اين مقاله با استفاده از تصوير برداری اولتراسوند با فرکانس بالا، يک روش ارزيابی غير تهاجمی و عددی برای. با بکارگيری اين ابزار Pulsed Dye laser بررسی ميزان اثر بخشی بازسازی پوست با استفاده از. Pulsed Dye مراجعه کرده بودند گرفته شد روش بررسی: تصاوير اولتراسوند با فرکانس بالا از 30 بيمار که برای بازسازی پوست توسط دستگاه. با استفاده از رو شهای پردازش تصوير دو نشانگر از تصاوير استخراج شد که ترکيب laser آنها به يک معيار مناسب برای بررسی اثر بخشی بازسازی پوست انجاميد . p< 0/ يافته ها: نشانگرهای استخراج شده از تصاوير در اکثر حال تها روند رفتاری معنی داری را طی می کردند و با 05 قادر به تفکيک تصاوير قبل و بعد از عمل از يکديگر بودند قادر به تشخيص درست سير بافت از قبل به بعد از عمل بود . رابطه ارايه شده با استفاده از ترکيب نشانگرها در 87 % حال تها. نتيجه گيری عددی مورد مطالعه قرار داد : می توان با استفاده از معيار تعريف شده، تغييرات بافت را در اثر عمل بازسازی ليزر به روشی غير تهاجمی و. معيار معرفی شده قادر است بهبود بافت از ديدگاه کلاژن سازی را تشخيص دهد

    The Fractal Evaluation of Wood Texture by the Triangular Prism Surface Area Method

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    Textures of the surfaces of fifteen wood species were characterized by fractal dimension of the triangular prism surface area method. Fractal dimension ranged from 2 to 3, and sharp lightness variation caused high fractal dimension, whereas low values related to smooth variation. Based on this index, wood specimens were generally divided into a hardwood group with value greater than 2.50 and a softwood group with value less than 2.50. Six types of fractal dimension distribution were explored in our experiments, including plane, inclined plane, concave, convex, zigzag distribution, and hilly distribution. From these both the features of local textures and the general variation tendency of the whole surface could be illustrated. It was strongly proposed that fractal dimension should be adopted to quantitatively evaluate wood texture with coarseness and evenness, because such variation was related to the number of grains, surface orientation, and location. For wood color matching, fractal dimension is of great importance in ensuring texture matching to achieve a constructed surface texture close to the features of natural variation. These distribution patterns were considered as a good reference previous to matching. Little variation of fractal dimension along the grain was observed, and this could be used to simplify texture matching by a very limited number of the indices. No significant relationship was found between fractal dimension and lightness, further implying that fractal dimension was independent of lightness

    Characterization of Microgravity Effects on Bone Structure and Strength Using Fractal Analysis

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    Protecting humans against extreme environmental conditions requires a thorough understanding of the pathophysiological changes resulting from the exposure to those extreme conditions. Knowledge of the degree of medical risk associated with the exposure is of paramount importance in the design of effective prophylactic and therapeutic measures for space exploration. Major health hazards due o musculoskeletal systems include the signs and symptoms of hypercalciuria, lengthy recovery of lost bone tissue after flight, the possibility of irreversible trabecular bone loss, the possible effect of calcification in the soft tissues, and the possible increase in fracture potential. In this research, we characterize the trabecular structure with the aid of fractal analysis. Our research to relate local trabecular structural information to microgravity conditions is an important initial step in understanding the effect of microgravity and countermeasures on bone condition and strength. The proposed research is also closely linked with Osteoporosis and will benefit the general population

    Color Texture Classification Approach Based on Combination of Primitive Pattern Units and Statistical Features

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    Texture classification became one of the problems which has been paid much attention on by image processing scientists since late 80s. Consequently, since now many different methods have been proposed to solve this problem. In most of these methods the researchers attempted to describe and discriminate textures based on linear and non-linear patterns. The linear and non-linear patterns on any window are based on formation of Grain Components in a particular order. Grain component is a primitive unit of morphology that most meaningful information often appears in the form of occurrence of that. The approach which is proposed in this paper could analyze the texture based on its grain components and then by making grain components histogram and extracting statistical features from that would classify the textures. Finally, to increase the accuracy of classification, proposed approach is expanded to color images to utilize the ability of approach in analyzing each RGB channels, individually. Although, this approach is a general one and it could be used in different applications, the method has been tested on the stone texture and the results can prove the quality of approach.Comment: The International Journal of Multimedia & Its Applications (IJMA) Vol.3, No.3, August 201

    Application of fractal analysis methods to images obtained by crystallization modified by an additive

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    The fractal and multifractal methods are now widely used for analysis and classification of digital images having complex structure. We present the results of the application of such methods to the images of crystallograms obtained by crystallization with additives. This technique was developed for studying images of blood crystals, and now finds increasing use in the analysis of medicines, checking food and soil quality. In this work we study images of crystallograms of various milk dilutions and crystallograms obtained with bean leave extracts. The results show that the proposed mathematical methods seem to be rather perspective both in comparing images of different classes and in obtaining classifying signs

    Characterization of the surface roughness of sand particles using an advanced fractal approach

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    The surface roughness of soil grains affects the mechanical behaviour of soils, but the characterization of real soil grain roughness is still limited in both quantity and quality. A new method is proposed, which applies the power spectral density (PSD), typically used in tribology, to optical interferometry measurements of soil grain surfaces. The method was adapted to characterize the roughness of soil grains separately from their shape, allowing the scale of the roughness to be determined in the form of a wavevector range. The surface roughness can be characterized by a roughness value and a fractal dimension, determined based on the stochastic formation process of the surface. When combined with other parameters, the fractal dimension provides additional information about the surface structure and roughness to the value of roughness alone. Three grain sizes of a quarzitic sand were tested. The parameters determined from the PSD analysis were input directly into a Weierstrass–Mandelbrot function to reconstruct successfully a fractal surface