1,395 research outputs found

    Multiplayer Parallel Repetition for Expanding Games

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    We investigate the value of parallel repetition of one-round games with any number of players k>=2. It has been an open question whether an analogue of Raz\u27s Parallel Repetition Theorem holds for games with more than two players, i.e., whether the value of the repeated game decays exponentially with the number of repetitions. Verbitsky has shown, via a reduction to the density Hales-Jewett theorem, that the value of the repeated game must approach zero, as the number of repetitions increases. However, the rate of decay obtained in this way is extremely slow, and it is an open question whether the true rate is exponential as is the case for all two-player games. Exponential decay bounds are known for several special cases of multi-player games, e.g., free games and anchored games. In this work, we identify a certain expansion property of the base game and show all games with this property satisfy an exponential decay parallel repetition bound. Free games and anchored games satisfy this expansion property, and thus our parallel repetition theorem reproduces all earlier exponential-decay bounds for multiplayer games. More generally, our parallel repetition bound applies to all multiplayer games that are *connected* in a certain sense. We also describe a very simple game, called the GHZ game, that does not satisfy this connectivity property, and for which we do not know an exponential decay bound. We suspect that progress on bounding the value of this the parallel repetition of the GHZ game will lead to further progress on the general question

    Anchoring games for parallel repetition

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    Two major open problems regarding the parallel repetition of games are whether an analogue of Raz's parallel-repetition theorem holds for (a) games with more than two players, and (b) games with quantum players using entanglement. We make progress on both problems: we introduce a class of games we call anchored, and prove exponential-decay parallel repetition theorems for anchored games in the multiplayer and entangled-player settings. We introduce a simple transformation on games called anchoring and show that this transformation turns any game into an anchored game. Together, our parallel repetition theorem and our anchoring transformation provide a simple and efficient hardness-amplification technique in both the classical multiplayer and quantum settings

    Block Rigidity: Strong Multiplayer Parallel Repetition Implies Super-Linear Lower Bounds for Turing Machines

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    We prove that a sufficiently strong parallel repetition theorem for a special case of multiplayer (multiprover) games implies super-linear lower bounds for multi-tape Turing machines with advice. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first connection between parallel repetition and lower bounds for time complexity and the first major potential implication of a parallel repetition theorem with more than two players. Along the way to proving this result, we define and initiate a study of block rigidity, a weakening of Valiant's notion of rigidity. While rigidity was originally defined for matrices, or, equivalently, for (multi-output) linear functions, we extend and study both rigidity and block rigidity for general (multi-output) functions. Using techniques of Paul, Pippenger, Szemer\'edi and Trotter, we show that a block-rigid function cannot be computed by multi-tape Turing machines that run in linear (or slightly super-linear) time, even in the non-uniform setting, where the machine gets an arbitrary advice tape. We then describe a class of multiplayer games, such that, a sufficiently strong parallel repetition theorem for that class of games implies an explicit block-rigid function. The games in that class have the following property that may be of independent interest: for every random string for the verifier (which, in particular, determines the vector of queries to the players), there is a unique correct answer for each of the players, and the verifier accepts if and only if all answers are correct. We refer to such games as independent games. The theorem that we need is that parallel repetition reduces the value of games in this class from vv to vΩ(n)v^{\Omega(n)}, where nn is the number of repetitions. As another application of block rigidity, we show conditional size-depth tradeoffs for boolean circuits, where the gates compute arbitrary functions over large sets.Comment: 17 pages, ITCS 202

    Polynomial Bounds On Parallel Repetition For All 3-Player Games With Binary Inputs

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    We prove that for every 3-player (3-prover) game G\mathcal G with value less than one, whose query distribution has the support S={(1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1)}\mathcal S = \{(1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1)\} of hamming weight one vectors, the value of the nn-fold parallel repetition G⊗n\mathcal G^{\otimes n} decays polynomially fast to zero; that is, there is a constant c=c(G)>0c = c(\mathcal G)>0 such that the value of the game G⊗n\mathcal G^{\otimes n} is at most n−cn^{-c}. Following the recent work of Girish, Holmgren, Mittal, Raz and Zhan (STOC 2022), our result is the missing piece that implies a similar bound for a much more general class of multiplayer games: For every\textbf{every} 3-player game G\mathcal G over binary questions\textit{binary questions} and arbitrary answer lengths\textit{arbitrary answer lengths}, with value less than 1, there is a constant c=c(G)>0c = c(\mathcal G)>0 such that the value of the game G⊗n\mathcal G^{\otimes n} is at most n−cn^{-c}. Our proof technique is new and requires many new ideas. For example, we make use of the Level-kk inequalities from Boolean Fourier Analysis, which, to the best of our knowledge, have not been explored in this context prior to our work

    Polynomial Bounds on Parallel Repetition for All 3-Player Games with Binary Inputs

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    We prove that for every 3-player (3-prover) game G with value less than one, whose query distribution has the support S = {(1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1)} of Hamming weight one vectors, the value of the n-fold parallel repetition G^{?n} decays polynomially fast to zero; that is, there is a constant c = c(G) > 0 such that the value of the game G^{?n} is at most n^{-c}. Following the recent work of Girish, Holmgren, Mittal, Raz and Zhan (STOC 2022), our result is the missing piece that implies a similar bound for a much more general class of multiplayer games: For every 3-player game G over binary questions and arbitrary answer lengths, with value less than 1, there is a constant c = c(G) > 0 such that the value of the game G^{?n} is at most n^{-c}. Our proof technique is new and requires many new ideas. For example, we make use of the Level-k inequalities from Boolean Fourier Analysis, which, to the best of our knowledge, have not been explored in this context prior to our work

    Three-Player Entangled XOR Games are NP-Hard to Approximate

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    We show that for any Є > 0 the problem of finding a factor (2 - Є) approximation to the entangled value of a three-player XOR game is NP-hard. Equivalently, the problem of approximating the largest possible quantum violation of a tripartite Bell correlation inequality to within any multiplicative constant is NP-hard. These results are the first constant-factor hardness of approximation results for entangled games or quantum violations of Bell inequalities shown under the sole assumption that P≠NP. They can be thought of as an extension of Håstad's optimal hardness of approximation results for MAX-E3-LIN2 [J. ACM, 48 (2001), pp. 798--859] to the entangled-player setting. The key technical component of our work is a soundness analysis of a plane-vs-point low-degree test against entangled players. This extends and simplifies the analysis of the multilinearity test by Ito and Vidick [Proceedings of the 53rd FOCS, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 2012, pp. 243-252]. Our results demonstrate the possibility of efficient reductions between entangled-player games and our techniques may lead to further hardness of approximation results

    Constant-Soundness Interactive Proofs for Local Hamiltonians

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    \newcommand{\Xlin}{\mathcal{X}} \newcommand{\Zlin}{\mathcal{Z}} \newcommand{\C}{\mathbb{C}} We give a quantum multiprover interactive proof system for the local Hamiltonian problem in which there is a constant number of provers, questions are classical of length polynomial in the number of qubits, and answers are of constant length. The main novelty of our protocol is that the gap between completeness and soundness is directly proportional to the promise gap on the (normalized) ground state energy of the Hamiltonian. This result can be interpreted as a concrete step towards a quantum PCP theorem giving entangled-prover interactive proof systems for QMA-complete problems. The key ingredient is a quantum version of the classical linearity test of Blum, Luby, and Rubinfeld, where the function f:{0,1}n→{0,1}f:\{0,1\}^n\to\{0,1\} is replaced by a pair of functions \Xlin, \Zlin:\{0,1\}^n\to \text{Obs}_d(\C), the set of dd-dimensional Hermitian matrices that square to identity. The test enforces that (i) each function is exactly linear, \Xlin(a)\Xlin(b)=\Xlin(a+b) and \Zlin(a) \Zlin(b)=\Zlin(a+b), and (ii) the two functions are approximately complementary, \Xlin(a)\Zlin(b)\approx (-1)^{a\cdot b} \Zlin(b)\Xlin(a).Comment: 33 page

    Bounding quantum-classical separations for classes of nonlocal games

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    We bound separations between the entangled and classical values for several classes of nonlocal t-player games. Our motivating question is whether there is a family of t-player XOR games for which the entangled bias is 1 but for which the classical bias goes down to 0, for fixed t. Answering this question would have important consequences in the study of multi-party communication complexity, as a positive answer would imply an unbounded separation between randomized communication complexity with and without entanglement. Our contribution to answering the question is identifying several general classes of games for which the classical bias can not go to zero when the entangled bias stays above a constant threshold. This rules out the possibility of using these games to answer our motivating question. A previously studied set of XOR games, known not to give a positive answer to the question, are those for which there is a quantum strategy that attains value 1 using a so-called Schmidt state. We generalize this class to mod-m games and show that their classical value is always at least 1/m + (m-1)/m t^{1-t}. Secondly, for free XOR games, in which the input distribution is of product form, we show beta(G) >= beta^*(G)^{2^t} where beta(G) and beta^*(G) are the classical and entangled biases of the game respectively. We also introduce so-called line games, an example of which is a slight modification of the Magic Square game, and show that they can not give a positive answer to the question either. Finally we look at two-player unique games and show that if the entangled value is 1-epsilon then the classical value is at least 1-O(sqrt{epsilon log k}) where k is the number of outputs in the game. Our proofs use semidefinite-programming techniques, the Gowers inverse theorem and hypergraph norms
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