3 research outputs found

    Multimodal image/video fusion rule using generalized pixel significance based on statistical properties of the neighborhood

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    Image fusion has been receiving increasing attention in the research community with the aim of investigating general formal solutions to a wide spectrum of applications such as multifocus, multiexposure, multispectral (IR-visible) and multimodal medical (CT and MRI) image and video fusion. While there exist many fusion techniques for each of these applications, it is difficult to formulate a common fusion technique that works equally well for all these applications. This is mainly because of the different characteristics of the images involved in various applications and the correspondingly different requirements on the fused image. In this work, we propose a common generalized fusion framework for all these classes, based on the statistical properties of local neighborhood of a pixel. As the eigenvalue of the unbiased estimate of the covariance matrix of an image block depends on the strength of edges in that block, we propose to employ it to compute a quantity we call as the significance of a pixel. This generalized pixel significance in turn can be used as a measure of the useful information content in that block, and hence can be used in the fusion process. Several data sets were fused to compare the results with various recently published methods. The analysis shows that for all the image types into consideration, the proposed methods improve the quality of the fused image, both visually and quantitatively, by preserving all the relevant information

    High dynamic range imaging implementation in scene monitoring under bad illumination

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    Unapređenje kvaliteta slike širenjem dinamičkog opsega u poslednje vreme se intenzivno koristi. Ovo za posledicu ima prisustvo znatno više detalja na slici, što je jako bitno u većini primena. Širenje dinamičkog opsega ima svoje granice i one su definisane fizičkim limitima senzora koji se koristi, tj. ograničenjima njegovog A/D konvertora. Kada je dinamički opseg scene značajno širi od dinamičkog opsega senzora, mnogi detalji neće biti adekvatno prikazani na slici. Međutim, ukoliko senzor inherentno podržava široki dinamički opseg, jasno se može uočiti da je snimljena slika kvalitetnija od one koja se dobija sa standardnog senzora...Improving image quality by expanding the dynamic range is extensively used recently. This results in the presence of significantly more details in the picture, which is very important for most applications. Expanding the dynamic range has its limits, and they are defined by the physical limits of sensor used, i.e. the limits of its A / D converter. When the dynamic range of the scene is significantly wider than the dynamic range of the sensor, many details will not be shown properly in the picture. However, if the sensor inherently supports wide dynamic range, it can be clearly noticed that the recorded image quality is higher than the one obtained with the standard sensors..