6 research outputs found

    Mobile Distributed User Interfaces

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    The success of a mobile application is due to the usability that the graphical user interface provides. A feature of mobile devices is the limited space for the interaction and the deployment of the graphical user interface. For this reason, user interfaces can have different interaction modalities. However, to work with information that can be complex to display, the use of modalities may not solve this problem. A possible alternative to provide more workspace to the users is through a distributed user interface (DUI). A mobile DUI allows the mobile applications to use two or more devices to execute the user interface. These devices can be Smart TVs or wearable such as smart watches. In this work the concepts of mobile DUI design are discussed, some use cases are presented and it is shown that its development in mobile devices is feasible

    Research on Application of Cognitive-Driven Human-Computer Interaction

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    Human-computer interaction is an important research content of intelligent manufacturing human factor engineering. Natural human-computer interaction conforms to the cognition of users' habits and can efficiently process inaccurate information interaction, thus improving user experience and reducing cognitive load. Through the analysis of the information interaction process, user interaction experience cognition and human-computer interaction principles in the human-computer interaction system, a cognitive-driven human-computer interaction information transmission model is established. Investigate the main interaction modes in the current human-computer interaction system, and discuss its application status, technical requirements and problems. This paper discusses the analysis and evaluation methods of interaction modes in human-computer system from three levels of subjective evaluation, physiological measurement and mathematical method evaluation, so as to promote the understanding of inaccurate information to achieve the effect of interaction self-adaptation and guide the design and optimization of human-computer interaction system. According to the development status of human-computer interaction in intelligent environment, the research hotspots, problems and development trends of human-computer interaction are put forward

    Interacção multimodal : contribuições para simplificar o desenvolvimento de aplicações

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia InformáticaA forma como interagimos com os dispositivos que nos rodeiam, no nosso diaa- dia, está a mudar constantemente, consequência do aparecimento de novas tecnologias e métodos que proporcionam melhores e mais aliciantes formas de interagir com as aplicações. No entanto, a integração destas tecnologias, para possibilitar a sua utilização alargada, coloca desafios significativos e requer, da parte de quem desenvolve, um conhecimento alargado das tecnologias envolvidas. Apesar de a literatura mais recente apresentar alguns avanços no suporte ao desenho e desenvolvimento de sistemas interactivos multimodais, vários aspectos chave têm ainda de ser resolvidos para que se atinja o seu real potencial. Entre estes aspectos, um exemplo relevante é o da dificuldade em desenvolver e integrar múltiplas modalidades de interacção. Neste trabalho, propomos, desenhamos e implementamos uma framework que permite um mais fácil desenvolvimento de interacção multimodal. A nossa proposta mantém as modalidades de interacção completamente separadas da aplicação, permitindo um desenvolvimento, independente de cada uma das partes. A framework proposta já inclui um conjunto de modalidades genéricas e módulos que podem ser usados em novas aplicações. De entre as modalidades genéricas, a modalidade de voz mereceu particular atenção, tendo em conta a relevância crescente da interacção por voz, por exemplo em cenários como AAL, e a complexidade associada ao seu desenvolvimento. Adicionalmente, a nossa proposta contempla ainda o suporte à gestão de aplicações multi-dispositivo e inclui um método e respectivo módulo para criar fusão entre eventos. O desenvolvimento da arquitectura e da framework ocorreu num contexto de I&D diversificado, incluindo vários projectos, cenários de aplicação e parceiros internacionais. A framework permitiu o desenho e desenvolvimento de um conjunto alargado de aplicações multimodais, sendo um exemplo digno de nota o assistente pessoal AALFred, do projecto PaeLife. Estas aplicações, por sua vez, serviram um contínuo melhoramento da framework, suportando a recolha iterativa de novos requisitos, e permitido demonstrar a sua versatilidade e capacidades.The way we interact with the devices around us, in everyday life, is constantly changing, boosted by emerging technologies and methods, providing better and more engaging ways to interact with applications. Nevertheless, the integration with these technologies, to enable their widespread use in current systems, presents a notable challenge and requires considerable knowhow from developers. While the recent literature has made some advances in supporting the design and development of multimodal interactive systems, several key aspects have yet to be addressed to enable its full potential. Among these, a relevant example is the difficulty to develop and integrate multiple interaction modalities. In this work, we propose, design and implement a framework enabling easier development of multimodal interaction. Our proposal fully decouples the interaction modalities from the application, allowing the separate development of each part. The proposed framework already includes a set of generic modalities and modules ready to be used in novel applications. Among the proposed generic modalities, the speech modality deserved particular attention, attending to the increasing relevance of speech interaction, for example in scenarios such as AAL, and the complexity behind its development. Additionally, our proposal also tackles the support for managing multi-device applications and includes a method and corresponding module to create fusion of events. The development of the architecture and framework profited from a rich R&D context including several projects, scenarios, and international partners. The framework successfully supported the design and development of a wide set of multimodal applications, a notable example being AALFred, the personal assistant of project PaeLife. These applications, in turn, served the continuous improvement of the framework by supporting the iterative collection of novel requirements, enabling the proposed framework to show its versatility and potential