33,529 research outputs found

    Integrated content presentation for multilingual and multimedia information access

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    For multilingual and multimedia information retrieval from multiple potentially distributed collections generating the output in the form of standard ranked lists may often mean that a user has to explore the contents of many lists before finding sufficient relevant or linguistically accessible material to satisfy their information need. In some situations delivering an integrated multilingual multimedia presentation could enable the user to explore a topic allowing them to select from among a range of available content based on suitably chosen displayed metadata. A presentation of this type has similarities with the outputs of existing adaptive hypermedia systems. However, such systems are generated based on “closed” content with sophisticated user and domain models. Extending them to “open” domain information retrieval applications would raise many issues. We present an outline exploration of what will form a challenging new direction for research in multilingual information access

    Managing the Adaptive Processing of Distributed Multimedia Information

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    The term multimedia conjures up visions of desktop computers reproducing digital movies, high-resolution images and stereo sound. While many current systems support such functionality, none do so elegantly-especially when data is fetched and synchronized from dissimilar sources distributed across resource-limited networks. Our research investigates general approaches for managing the flow of multimedia information in a distributed computing environment, providing adaptive support for time-sensitive retrieval and presentation based on multimedia document specifications. The benefit of our approach is that it provides flexible, content-based utilization of resources without over

    An Illustrated Methodology for Evaluating ASR Systems

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    Proceeding of: 9th International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval (AMR 2011) Took place 2011, July, 18-19, in Barcelona, Spain. The event Web site is http://stel.ub.edu/amr2011/Automatic speech recognition technology can be integrated in an information retrieval process to allow searching on multimedia contents. But, in order to assure an adequate retrieval performance is necessary to state the quality of the recognition phase, especially in speaker-independent and domainindependent environments. This paper introduces a methodology to accomplish the evaluation of different speech recognition systems in several scenarios considering also the creation of new corpora of different types (broadcast news, interviews, etc.), especially in other languages apart from English that are not widely addressed in speech community.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Center for Industry Technological Development (CDTI, Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade), through the BUSCAMEDIA Project (CEN-20091026). And also by MA2VICMR: Improving the access, analysis and visibility of the multilingual and multimedia information in web for the Region of Madrid (S2009/TIC-1542).Publicad

    Studying Interaction Methodologies in Video Retrieval

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    So far, several approaches have been studied to bridge the problem of the Semantic Gap, the bottleneck in image and video retrieval. However, no approach is successful enough to increase retrieval performances significantly. One reason is the lack of understanding the user's interest, a major condition towards adapting results to a user. This is partly due to the lack of appropriate interfaces and the missing knowledge of how to interpret user's actions with these interfaces. In this paper, we propose to study the importance of various implicit indicators of relevance. Furthermore, we propose to investigate how this implicit feedback can be combined with static user profiles towards an adaptive video retrieval model

    Requirements for an Adaptive Multimedia Presentation System with Contextual Supplemental Support Media

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    Investigations into the requirements for a practical adaptive multimedia presentation system have led the writers to propose the use of a video segmentation process that provides contextual supplementary updates produced by users. Supplements consisting of tailored segments are dynamically inserted into previously stored material in response to questions from users. A proposal for the use of this technique is presented in the context of personalisation within a Virtual Learning Environment. During the investigation, a brief survey of advanced adaptive approaches revealed that adaptation may be enhanced by use of manually generated metadata, automated or semi-automated use of metadata by stored context dependent ontology hierarchies that describe the semantics of the learning domain. The use of neural networks or fuzzy logic filtering is a technique for future investigation. A prototype demonstrator is under construction

    Adaptive Information Cluster at Dublin City University

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    The Adaptive Information Cluster (AIC) is a collaboration between Dublin City University and University College Dublin, and in the AIC at DCU, we investigate and develop as one stream of our research activities, various content analysis tools that can automatically index and structure video information. This includes movies or CCTV footage and the motivation is to support useful searching and browsing features for the envisaged end-users of such systems. We bring in the HCI perspective to this highly-technically-oriented research by brainstorming, generating scenarios, sketching and prototyping the user-interfaces to the resulting video retrieval systems we develop, and we conduct usability studies to better understand the usage and opinions of such systems so as to guide the future direction of our technological research

    Evaluating the implicit feedback models for adaptive video retrieval

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    Interactive video retrieval systems are becoming popular. On the one hand, these systems try to reduce the effect of the semantic gap, an issue currently being addressed by the multimedia retrieval community. On the other hand, such systems enhance the quality of information seeking for the user by supporting query formulation and reformulation. Interactive systems are very popular in the textual retrieval domain. However, they are relatively unexplored in the case of multimedia retrieval. The main problem in the development of interactive retrieval systems is the evaluation cost.The traditional evaluation methodology, as used in the information retrieval domain, is not applicable. An alternative is to use a user-centred evaluation methodology. However, such schemes are expensive in terms of effort, cost and are not scalable. This problem gets exacerbated by the use of implicit indicators, which are useful and increasingly used in predicting user intentions. In this paper, we explore the effectiveness of a number of interfaces and feedback mechanisms and compare their relative performance using a simulated evaluation methodology. The results show the relatively better performance of a search interface with the combination of explicit and implicit features

    An adaptive technique for content-based image retrieval

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    We discuss an adaptive approach towards Content-Based Image Retrieval. It is based on the Ostensive Model of developing information needs—a special kind of relevance feedback model that learns from implicit user feedback and adds a temporal notion to relevance. The ostensive approach supports content-assisted browsing through visualising the interaction by adding user-selected images to a browsing path, which ends with a set of system recommendations. The suggestions are based on an adaptive query learning scheme, in which the query is learnt from previously selected images. Our approach is an adaptation of the original Ostensive Model based on textual features only, to include content-based features to characterise images. In the proposed scheme textual and colour features are combined using the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence combination. Results from a user-centred, work-task oriented evaluation show that the ostensive interface is preferred over a traditional interface with manual query facilities. This is due to its ability to adapt to the user's need, its intuitiveness and the fluid way in which it operates. Studying and comparing the nature of the underlying information need, it emerges that our approach elicits changes in the user's need based on the interaction, and is successful in adapting the retrieval to match the changes. In addition, a preliminary study of the retrieval performance of the ostensive relevance feedback scheme shows that it can outperform a standard relevance feedback strategy in terms of image recall in category search

    Hierarchical Attention Network for Visually-aware Food Recommendation

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    Food recommender systems play an important role in assisting users to identify the desired food to eat. Deciding what food to eat is a complex and multi-faceted process, which is influenced by many factors such as the ingredients, appearance of the recipe, the user's personal preference on food, and various contexts like what had been eaten in the past meals. In this work, we formulate the food recommendation problem as predicting user preference on recipes based on three key factors that determine a user's choice on food, namely, 1) the user's (and other users') history; 2) the ingredients of a recipe; and 3) the descriptive image of a recipe. To address this challenging problem, we develop a dedicated neural network based solution Hierarchical Attention based Food Recommendation (HAFR) which is capable of: 1) capturing the collaborative filtering effect like what similar users tend to eat; 2) inferring a user's preference at the ingredient level; and 3) learning user preference from the recipe's visual images. To evaluate our proposed method, we construct a large-scale dataset consisting of millions of ratings from AllRecipes.com. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms several competing recommender solutions like Factorization Machine and Visual Bayesian Personalized Ranking with an average improvement of 12%, offering promising results in predicting user preference for food. Codes and dataset will be released upon acceptance