45 research outputs found

    Multilevel Coded Modulation for Unequal Error Protection and Multistage Decoding—Part I: Symmetric Constellations

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    In this paper, theoretical upper bounds and computer simulation results on the error performance of multilevel block coded modulations for unequal error protection (UEP) and multistage decoding are presented. It is shown that nonstandard signal set partitionings and multistage decoding provide excellent UEP capabilities beyond those achievable with conventional coded modulation. The coding scheme is designed in such a way that the most important information bits have a lower error rate than other information bits. The large effective error coefficients, normally associated with standard mapping by set partitioning, are reduced by considering nonstandard partitionings of the underlying signal set. The bits-to-signal mappings induced by these partitionings allow the use of soft-decision decoding of binary block codes. Moreover, parallel operation of some of the staged decoders is possible, to achieve high data rate transmission, so that there is no error propagation between these decoders. Hybrid partitionings are also considered that trade off increased intraset distances in the last partition levels with larger effective error coefficients in the middle partition levels. The error performance of specific examples of multilevel codes over 8-PSK and 64-QAM signal sets are simulated and compared with theoretical upper bounds on the error performance

    Multilevel Coded Modulation for Unequal Error Protection and Multistage Decoding—Part II: Asymmetric Constellations

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    In this paper, multilevel coded asymmetric modulation with multistage decoding and unequal error protection (UEP) is discussed. These results further emphasize the fact that unconventional signal set partitionings are more promising than traditional (Ungerboeck-type) partitionings, to achieve UEP capabilities with multilevel coding and multistage decoding. Three types of unconventional partitionings are analyzed for asymmetric 8-PSK and 16-QAM constellations over the additive white Gaussian noise channel to introduce design guidelines. Generalizations to other PSK and QAM type constellations follow the same lines. Upper bounds on the bit-error probability based on union bound arguments are first derived. In some cases, these bounds become loose due to the large overlappings of decision regions associated with asymmetric constellations and unconventional partitionings. To overcome this problem, simpler and tighter approximated bounds are derived. Based on these bounds, it is shown that additional refinements can be achieved in the construction of multilevel UEP codes, by introducing asymmetries in PSK and QAM signal constellations

    A novel rate allocation method for multilevel coded modulation

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    We present a new rate allocation scheme for multilevel coded modulation based on the minimization of the total block error rate (BLER). The proposed method uses affine code components and hard decision multistage decoding. Exhaustive search for the rate allocation which minimizes the total BLER justifies the near-optimum performance of the introduced method in moderate to high SNRs. Compared to previous approaches this new rate allocation scheme can improve the performance of the system by 1 dB at BLER = 10 −6 for 16-QAM with Ungerboeck set partitioning. Interestingly, our results indicate that the optimum rate allocation is a function of the SNR. Finally, the performance of some specific codes are evaluated by simulation and union bounds to verify the theoretical results

    A novel multilevel coded modulation scheme for fiber optical channel with nonlinear phase noise

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    A multilevel coded modulation (MLCM) system in the presence of nonlinear phase noise for fiber optical communication is introduced. The proposed scheme exploits a 16-point ring constellation with nonlinear post compensation of the self phase modulation produced via the Kerr effect. A new set partitioning based on the Ungerboeck approach is introduced to maintain unequal error protection in amplitude and phase direction. The rate allocation for the MLCM component codes for different fiber lengths and transmit powers are done numerically. Simulation results show that the proposed MLCM system provides up to 2 dB gain over a forward error correcting scheme for a block error rates around 10-9, with the same overhead (7%) and complexity. \ua92010 IEEE

    Bandwidth-efficient communication systems based on finite-length low density parity check codes

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    Low density parity check (LDPC) codes are linear block codes constructed by pseudo-random parity check matrices. These codes are powerful in terms of error performance and, especially, have low decoding complexity. While infinite-length LDPC codes approach the capacity of communication channels, finite-length LDPC codes also perform well, and simultaneously meet the delay requirement of many communication applications such as voice and backbone transmissions. Therefore, finite-length LDPC codes are attractive to employ in low-latency communication systems. This thesis mainly focuses on the bandwidth-efficient communication systems using finite-length LDPC codes. Such bandwidth-efficient systems are realized by mapping a group of LDPC coded bits to a symbol of a high-order signal constellation. Depending on the systems' infrastructure and knowledge of the channel state information (CSI), the signal constellations in different coded modulation systems can be two-dimensional multilevel/multiphase constellations or multi-dimensional space-time constellations. In the first part of the thesis, two basic bandwidth-efficient coded modulation systems, namely LDPC coded modulation and multilevel LDPC coded modulation, are investigated for both additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and frequency-flat Rayleigh fading channels. The bounds on the bit error rate (BER) performance are derived for these systems based on the maximum likelihood (ML) criterion. The derivation of these bounds relies on the union bounding and combinatoric techniques. In particular, for the LDPC coded modulation, the ML bound is computed from the Hamming distance spectrum of the LDPC code and the Euclidian distance profile of the two-dimensional constellation. For the multilevel LDPC coded modulation, the bound of each decoding stage is obtained for a generalized multilevel coded modulation, where more than one coded bit is considered for level. For both systems, the bounds are confirmed by the simulation results of ML decoding and/or the performance of the ordered-statistic decoding (OSD) and the sum-product decoding. It is demonstrated that these bounds can be efficiently used to evaluate the error performance and select appropriate parameters (such as the code rate, constellation and mapping) for the two communication systems.The second part of the thesis studies bandwidth-efficient LDPC coded systems that employ multiple transmit and multiple receive antennas, i.e., multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. Two scenarios of CSI availability considered are: (i) the CSI is unknown at both the transmitter and the receiver; (ii) the CSI is known at both the transmitter and the receiver. For the first scenario, LDPC coded unitary space-time modulation systems are most suitable and the ML performance bound is derived for these non-coherent systems. To derive the bound, the summation of chordal distances is obtained and used instead of the Euclidean distances. For the second case of CSI, adaptive LDPC coded MIMO modulation systems are studied, where three adaptive schemes with antenna beamforming and/or antenna selection are investigated and compared in terms of the bandwidth efficiency. For uncoded discrete-rate adaptive modulation, the computation of the bandwidth efficiency shows that the scheme with antenna selection at the transmitter and antenna combining at the receiver performs the best when the number of antennas is small. For adaptive LDPC coded MIMO modulation systems, an achievable threshold of the bandwidth efficiency is also computed from the ML bound of LDPC coded modulation derived in the first part

    Turbo-Detected Unequal Protection MPEG-4 Wireless Video Telephony using Multi-Level Coding, Trellis Coded Modulation and Space-Time Trellis Coding

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    Most multimedia source signals are capable of tolerating lossy, rather than lossless delivery to the human eye, ear and other human sensors. The corresponding lossy and preferably low-delay multimedia source codecs however exhibit unequal error sensitivity, which is not the case for Shannon’s ideal entropy codec. This paper proposes a jointly optimised turbo transceiver design capable of providing unequal error protection for MPEG-4 coding aided wireless video telephony. The transceiver investigated consists of space-time trellis coding (STTC) invoked for the sake of mitigating the effects of fading, in addition to bandwidth efficient trellis coded modulation or bit-interleaved coded modulation, combined with a multi-level coding scheme employing either two different-rate non-systematic convolutional codes (NSCs) or two recursive systematic convolutional codes for yielding a twin-class unequal-protection. A single-class protection based benchmark scheme combining STTC and NSC is used for comparison with the unequal-protection scheme advocated. The video performance of the various schemes is evaluated when communicating over uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels. It was found that the proposed scheme requires about 2.8 dBs lower transmit power than the benchmark scheme in the context of the MPEG-4 videophone transceiver at a similar decoding complexity

    Hierarchical colour-shift-keying aided layered video streaming for the visible light downlink

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    Colour-shift keying (CSK) constitutes an important modulation scheme conceived for the visible light communications (VLC). The signal constellation of CSK relies on three different-color light sources invoked for information transmission. The CSK constellation has been optimized for minimizing the bit error rate, but no effort has been invested in investigating the feasibility of CSK aided unequal error protection (UEP) schemes conceived for video sources. Hence, in this treatise, we conceive a hierarchical CSK (HCSK) modulation scheme based on the traditional CSK, which is capable of generating interdependent layers of signals having different error probability, which can be readily reconfigured by changing its parameters. Furthermore, we conceived an HCSK design example for transmitting scalable video sources with the aid of a recursive systematic convolutional (RSC) code. An optimization method is conceived for enhancing the UEP and for improving the quality of the received video. Our simulation results show that the proposed optimized-UEP 16-HCSK-RSC system outperforms the traditional equal error protection scheme by ~ 1.7 dB of optical SNR at a peak signal-to-noise ratio of 37 dB, while optical SNR savings of up to 6.5 dB are attained at a lower PSNR of 36 dB

    On the BICM Capacity

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    Optimal binary labelings, input distributions, and input alphabets are analyzed for the so-called bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM) capacity, paying special attention to the low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime. For 8-ary pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) and for 0.75 bit/symbol, the folded binary code results in a higher capacity than the binary reflected gray code (BRGC) and the natural binary code (NBC). The 1 dB gap between the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) capacity and the BICM capacity with the BRGC can be almost completely removed if the input symbol distribution is properly selected. First-order asymptotics of the BICM capacity for arbitrary input alphabets and distributions, dimensions, mean, variance, and binary labeling are developed. These asymptotics are used to define first-order optimal (FOO) constellations for BICM, i.e. constellations that make BICM achieve the Shannon limit -1.59 \tr{dB}. It is shown that the \Eb/N_0 required for reliable transmission at asymptotically low rates in BICM can be as high as infinity, that for uniform input distributions and 8-PAM there are only 72 classes of binary labelings with a different first-order asymptotic behavior, and that this number is reduced to only 26 for 8-ary phase shift keying (PSK). A general answer to the question of FOO constellations for BICM is also given: using the Hadamard transform, it is found that for uniform input distributions, a constellation for BICM is FOO if and only if it is a linear projection of a hypercube. A constellation based on PAM or quadrature amplitude modulation input alphabets is FOO if and only if they are labeled by the NBC; if the constellation is based on PSK input alphabets instead, it can never be FOO if the input alphabet has more than four points, regardless of the labeling.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    LDPC code-based bandwidth efficient coding schemes for wireless communications

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    This dissertation deals with the design of bandwidth-efficient coding schemes with Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) for reliable wireless communications. Code design for wireless channels roughly falls into three categories: (1) when channel state information (CSI) is known only to the receiver (2) more practical case of partial CSI at the receiver when the channel has to be estimated (3) when CSI is known to the receiver as well as the transmitter. We consider coding schemes for all the above categories. For the first scenario, we describe a bandwidth efficient scheme which uses highorder constellations such as QAM over both AWGN as well as fading channels. We propose a simple design with LDPC codes which combines the good properties of Multi-level Coding (MLC) and bit-interleaved coded-modulation (BICM) schemes. Through simulations, we show that the proposed scheme performs better than MLC for short-medium lengths on AWGN and block-fading channels. For the first case, we also characterize the rate-diversity tradeoff of MIMO-OFDM and SISO-OFDM systems. We design optimal coding schemes which achieve this tradeoff when transmission is from a constrained constellation. Through simulations, we show that with a sub-optimal iterative decoder, the performance of this coding scheme is very close to the optimal limit for MIMO (flat quasi-static fading), MIMO-OFDM and SISO OFDM systems. For the second case, we design non-systematic Irregular Repeat Accumulate (IRA) codes, which are a special class of LDPC codes, for Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) fading channels when CSI is estimated at the receiver. We use Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) to convert the ISI fading channel into parallel flat fading subchannels. We use a simple receiver structure that performs iterative channel estimation and decoding and use non-systematic IRA codes that are optimized for this receiver. This combination is shown to perform very close to a receiver with perfect CSI and is also shown to be robust to change in the number of channel taps and Doppler. For the third case, we look at bandwidth efficient schemes for fading channels that perform close to capacity when the channel state information is known at the transmitter as well as the receiver. Schemes that achieve capacity with a Gaussian codebook for the above system are already known but not for constrained constellations. We derive the near-optimum scheme to achieve capacity with constrained constellations and then propose coding schemes which perform close to capacity. Through linear transformations, a MIMO system can be converted into non-interfering parallel subchannels and we further extend the proposed coding schemes to the MIMO case too