132 research outputs found

    A Dimension-Adaptive Multi-Index Monte Carlo Method Applied to a Model of a Heat Exchanger

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    We present an adaptive version of the Multi-Index Monte Carlo method, introduced by Haji-Ali, Nobile and Tempone (2016), for simulating PDEs with coefficients that are random fields. A classical technique for sampling from these random fields is the Karhunen-Lo\`eve expansion. Our adaptive algorithm is based on the adaptive algorithm used in sparse grid cubature as introduced by Gerstner and Griebel (2003), and automatically chooses the number of terms needed in this expansion, as well as the required spatial discretizations of the PDE model. We apply the method to a simplified model of a heat exchanger with random insulator material, where the stochastic characteristics are modeled as a lognormal random field, and we show consistent computational savings

    Stochastic finite differences and multilevel Monte Carlo for a class of SPDEs in finance

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    In this article, we propose a Milstein finite difference scheme for a stochastic partial differential equation (SPDE) describing a large particle system. We show, by means of Fourier analysis, that the discretisation on an unbounded domain is convergent of first order in the timestep and second order in the spatial grid size, and that the discretisation is stable with respect to boundary data. Numerical experiments clearly indicate that the same convergence order also holds for boundary-value problems. Multilevel path simulation, previously used for SDEs, is shown to give substantial complexity gains compared to a standard discretisation of the SPDE or direct simulation of the particle system. We derive complexity bounds and illustrate the results by an application to basket credit derivatives

    Multilevel Methods for Uncertainty Quantification of Elliptic PDEs with Random Anisotropic Diffusion

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    We consider elliptic diffusion problems with a random anisotropic diffusion coefficient, where, in a notable direction given by a random vector field, the diffusion strength differs from the diffusion strength perpendicular to this notable direction. The Karhunen-Lo\`eve expansion then yields a parametrisation of the random vector field and, therefore, also of the solution of the elliptic diffusion problem. We show that, given regularity of the elliptic diffusion problem, the decay of the Karhunen-Lo\`eve expansion entirely determines the regularity of the solution's dependence on the random parameter, also when considering this higher spatial regularity. This result then implies that multilevel collocation and multilevel quadrature methods may be used to lessen the computation complexity when approximating quantities of interest, like the solution's mean or its second moment, while still yielding the expected rates of convergence. Numerical examples in three spatial dimensions are provided to validate the presented theory

    Computation of Electromagnetic Fields Scattered From Objects With Uncertain Shapes Using Multilevel Monte Carlo Method

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    Computational tools for characterizing electromagnetic scattering from objects with uncertain shapes are needed in various applications ranging from remote sensing at microwave frequencies to Raman spectroscopy at optical frequencies. Often, such computational tools use the Monte Carlo (MC) method to sample a parametric space describing geometric uncertainties. For each sample, which corresponds to a realization of the geometry, a deterministic electromagnetic solver computes the scattered fields. However, for an accurate statistical characterization the number of MC samples has to be large. In this work, to address this challenge, the continuation multilevel Monte Carlo (CMLMC) method is used together with a surface integral equation solver. The CMLMC method optimally balances statistical errors due to sampling of the parametric space, and numerical errors due to the discretization of the geometry using a hierarchy of discretizations, from coarse to fine. The number of realizations of finer discretizations can be kept low, with most samples computed on coarser discretizations to minimize computational cost. Consequently, the total execution time is significantly reduced, in comparison to the standard MC scheme.Comment: 25 pages, 10 Figure
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