12 research outputs found

    Improved efficiency of a multi-index FEM for computational uncertainty quantification

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    We propose a multi-index algorithm for the Monte Carlo discretization of a linear, elliptic PDE with affine-parametric input. We prove an error vs. work analysis which allows a multi-level finite-element approximation in the physical domain, and apply the multi-index analysis with isotropic, unstructured mesh refinement in the physical domain for the solution of the forward problem, for the approximation of the random field, and for the Monte-Carlo quadrature error. Our approach allows general spatial domains and unstructured mesh hierarchies. The improvement in complexity is obtained from combining spacial discretization, dimension truncation and MC sampling in a multi-index fashion. Our analysis improves cost estimates compared to multi-level algorithms for similar problems and mathematically underpins the outstanding practical performance of multi-index algorithms for partial differential equations with random coefficients

    Improved Efficiency of a Multi-Index FEM for Computational Uncertainty Quantification

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    We propose a multi-index algorithm for the Monte Carlo (MC) discretization of a linear, elliptic PDE with affine-parametric input. We prove an error vs. work analysis which allows a multi-level finite-element approximation in the physical domain, and apply the multi-index analysis with isotropic, unstructured mesh refinement in the physical domain for the solution of the forward problem, for the approximation of the random field, and for the Monte-Carlo quadrature error. Our approach allows Lipschitz domains and mesh hierarchies more general than tensor grids. The improvement in complexity over multi-level MC FEM is obtained from combining spacial discretization, dimension truncation and MC sampling in a multi-index fashion. Our analysis improves cost estimates compared to multi-level algorithms for similar problems and mathematically underpins the superior practical performance of multi-index algorithms for partial differential equations with random coefficients.Comment: revised version published in SINU

    Convergence of adaptive stochastic collocation with finite elements

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    We consider an elliptic partial differential equation with a random diffusion parameter discretized by a stochastic collocation method in the parameter domain and a finite element method in the spatial domain. We prove convergence of an adaptive algorithm which adaptively enriches the parameter space as well as refines the finite element meshes

    Convergence of adaptive stochastic collocation with finite elements

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    We consider an elliptic partial differential equation with a random diffusion parameter discretized by a stochastic collocation method in the parameter domain and a finite element method in the spatial domain. We prove for the first time convergence of a stochastic collocation algorithm which adaptively enriches the parameter space as well as refines the finite element meshes

    Multilevel higher order QMC Petrov-Galerkin discretization for affine parametric operator equations

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    We develop a convergence analysis of a multilev el algorithm combining higher order quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC) quadratures with general Petrov-Galerkin discretizations of countably affine parametric operator equations of elliptic and parabolic types, extending both the multilevel first order analysis in [F. Y. Kuo, Ch. Schwab, and I. H. Sloan, Found. Comput. Math., 15(2015), pp. 411-449] and the single level higher order analysis in [J. Dick et al., SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 52(2014), pp. 2676-2702]. We cover, in particular, both definite as well as indefinite strongly elliptic systems of partial differential equations (PDEs) in nonsmooth domains, and we discuss in detail the impact of higher order derivatives of Karhunen-Loève eigenfunctions in the parametrization of random PDE inputs on the convergence results. Based on our a priori error bounds, concrete choices of algorithm parameters are proposed in order to achieve a prescribed accuracy under minimal computational work. Problem classes and sufficient conditions on data are identified where multilevel higher order QMC Petrov-Galerkin algorithms outperform the corresponding single level versions of these algorithms. Numerical experiments confirm the theoretical results

    Bayesian inversion with a hierarchical tensor representation

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    The statistical Bayesian approach is a natural setting to resolve the ill-posedness of inverse problems by assigning probability densities to the considered calibration parameters. Based on a parametric deterministic representation of the forward model, a sampling-free approach to Bayesian inversion with an explicit representation of the parameter densities is developed. The approximation of the involved randomness inevitably leads to several high dimensional expressions, which are often tackled with classical sampling methods such as MCMC. To speed up these methods, the use of a surrogate model is beneficial since it allows for faster evaluation with respect to calibration parameters. However, the inherently slow convergence can not be remedied by this. As an alternative, a complete functional treatment of the inverse problem is feasible as demonstrated in this work, with functional representations of the parametric forward solution as well as the probability densities of the calibration parameters, determined by Bayesian inversion. The proposed sampling-free approach is discussed in the context of hierarchical tensor representations, which are employed for the adaptive evaluation of a random PDE (the forward problem) in generalized chaos polynomials and the subsequent high-dimensional quadrature of the log-likelihood. This modern compression technique alleviates the curse of dimensionality by hierarchical subspace approximations of the involved low rank (solution) manifolds. All required computations can be carried out efficiently in the low-rank format. A priori convergence is examined, considering all approximations that occur in the method. Numerical experiments demonstrate the performance and verify the theoretical results

    A quasi-Monte Carlo Method for an Optimal Control Problem Under Uncertainty

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    We study an optimal control problem under uncertainty, where the target function is the solution of an elliptic partial differential equation with random coefficients, steered by a control function. The robust formulation of the optimization problem is stated as a high-dimensional integration problem over the stochastic variables. It is well known that carrying out a high-dimensional numerical integration of this kind using a Monte Carlo method has a notoriously slow convergence rate; meanwhile, a faster rate of convergence can potentially be obtained by using sparse grid quadratures, but these lead to discretized systems that are non-convex due to the involvement of negative quadrature weights. In this paper, we analyze instead the application of a quasi-Monte Carlo method, which retains the desirable convexity structure of the system and has a faster convergence rate compared to ordinary Monte Carlo methods. In particular, we show that under moderate assumptions on the decay of the input random field, the error rate obtained by using a specially designed, randomly shifted rank-1 lattice quadrature rule is essentially inversely proportional to the number of quadrature nodes. The overall discretization error of the problem, consisting of the dimension truncation error, finite element discretization error and quasi-Monte Carlo quadrature error, is derived in detail. We assess the theoretical findings in numerical experiments