4 research outputs found

    Blur-Robust Face Recognition via Transformation Learning

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    Abstract. This paper introduces a new method for recognizing faces degraded by blur using transformation learning on the image feature. The basic idea is to transform both the sharp images and blurred im-ages to a same feature subspace by the method of multidimensional s-caling. Different from the method of finding blur-invariant descriptors, our method learns the transformation which both preserves the mani-fold structure of the original shape images and, at the same time, en-hances the class separability, resulting in a wide applications to various descriptors. Furthermore, we combine our method with subspace-based point spread function (PSF) estimation method to handle cases of un-known blur degree, by applying the feature transformation correspond-ing to the best matched PSF, where the transformation for each PSF is learned in the training stage. Experimental results on the FERET database show the proposed method achieve comparable performance a-gainst the state-of-the-art blur-invariant face recognition methods, such as LPQ and FADEIN.