14 research outputs found

    High-Fidelity and Perfect Reconstruction Techniques for Synthesizing Modulation Domain Filtered Images

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    Biomimetic processing inspired by biological vision systems has long been a goal of the image processing research community, both to further understanding of what it means to perceive and interpret image content and to facilitate advancements in applications ranging from processing large volumes of image data to engineering artificial intelligence systems. In recent years, the AM-FM transform has emerged as a useful tool that enables processing that is intuitive to human observers but would be difficult or impossible to achieve using traditional linear processing methods. The transform makes use of the multicomponent AM-FM image model, which represents imagery in terms of amplitude modulations, representative of local image contrast, and frequency modulations, representative of local spacing and orientation of lines and patterns. The model defines image components using an array of narrowband filterbank channels that is designed to be similar to the spatial frequency channel decomposition that occurs in the human visual system. The AM-FM transform entails the computation of modulation functions for all components of an image and the subsequent exact recovery of the image from those modulation functions. The process of modifying the modulation functions to alter visual information in a predictable way and then recovering the modified image through the AM-FM transform is known as modulation domain filtering. Past work in modulation domain filtering has produced dramatic results, but has faced challenges due to phase wrapping inherent in the transform computations and due to unknown integration constants associated with modified frequency content. The approaches developed to overcome these challenges have led to a loss of both stability and intuitive simplicity within the AM-FM model. In this dissertation, I have made significant advancements in the underlying processes that comprise the AM-FM transform. I have developed a new phase unwrapping method that increases the stability of the AM-FM transform, allowing higher quality modulation domain filtering results. I have designed new reconstruction techniques that allow for successful recovery from modified frequency modulations. These developments have allowed the design of modulation domain filters that, for the first time, do not require any departure from the simple and intuitive nature of the basic AM-FM model. Using the new modulation domain filters, I have produced new and striking results that achieve a variety of image processing tasks which are motivated by biological visual perception. These results represent a significant advancement relative to the state of the art and are a foundation from which future advancements in the field may be attained

    Modulation Domain Image Processing

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    The classical Fourier transform is the cornerstone of traditional linearsignal and image processing. The discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and thefast Fourier transform (FFT) in particular led toprofound changes during the later decades of the last century in howwe analyze and process 1D and multi-dimensional signals.The Fourier transform represents a signal as an infinite superpositionof stationary sinusoids each of which has constant amplitude and constantfrequency. However, many important practical signals such as radar returnsand seismic waves are inherently nonstationary. Hence, more complextechniques such as the windowed Fourier transform and the wavelet transformwere invented to better capture nonstationary properties of these signals.In this dissertation, I studied an alternative nonstationary representationfor images, the 2D AM-FM model. In contrast to thestationary nature of the classical Fourier representation, the AM-FM modelrepresents an image as a finite sum of smoothly varying amplitudesand smoothly varying frequencies. The model has been applied successfullyin image processing applications such as image segmentation, texture analysis,and target tracking. However, these applications are limitedto \emph{analysis}, meaning that the computed AM and FM functionsare used as features for signal processing tasks such as classificationand recognition. For synthesis applications, few attempts have been madeto synthesize the original image from the AM and FM components. Nevertheless,these attempts were unstable and the synthesized results contained artifacts.The main reason is that the perfect reconstruction AM-FM image model waseither unavailable or unstable. Here, I constructed the first functionalperfect reconstruction AM-FM image transform that paves the way for AM-FMimage synthesis applications. The transform enables intuitive nonlinearimage filter designs in the modulation domain. I showed that these filtersprovide important advantages relative to traditional linear translation invariant filters.This dissertation addresses image processing operations in the nonlinearnonstationary modulation domain. In the modulation domain, an image is modeledas a sum of nonstationary amplitude modulation (AM) functions andnonstationary frequency modulation (FM) functions. I developeda theoretical framework for high fidelity signal and image modeling in themodulation domain, constructed an invertible multi-dimensional AM-FMtransform (xAMFM), and investigated practical signal processing applicationsof the transform. After developing the xAMFM, I investigated new imageprocessing operations that apply directly to the transformed AM and FMfunctions in the modulation domain. In addition, I introduced twoclasses of modulation domain image filters. These filters produceperceptually motivated signal processing results that are difficult orimpossible to obtain with traditional linear processing or spatial domainnonlinear approaches. Finally, I proposed three extensions of the AM-FMtransform and applied them in image analysis applications.The main original contributions of this dissertation include the following.- I proposed a perfect reconstruction FM algorithm. I used aleast-squares approach to recover the phase signal from itsgradient. In order to allow perfect reconstruction of the phase function, Ienforced an initial condition on the reconstructed phase. The perfectreconstruction FM algorithm plays a critical role in theoverall AM-FM transform.- I constructed a perfect reconstruction multi-dimensional filterbankby modifying the classical steerable pyramid. This modified filterbankensures a true multi-scale multi-orientation signal decomposition. Such adecomposition is required for a perceptually meaningful AM-FM imagerepresentation.- I rotated the partial Hilbert transform to alleviate ripplingartifacts in the computed AM and FM functions. This adjustment results inartifact free filtering results in the modulation domain.- I proposed the modulation domain image filtering framework. Iconstructed two classes of modulation domain filters. I showed that themodulation domain filters outperform traditional linear shiftinvariant (LSI) filters qualitatively and quantitatively in applicationssuch as selective orientation filtering, selective frequency filtering,and fundamental geometric image transformations.- I provided extensions of the AM-FM transform for image decompositionproblems. I illustrated that the AM-FM approach can successfullydecompose an image into coherent components such as textureand structural components.- I investigated the relationship between the two prominentAM-FM computational models, namely the partial Hilbert transformapproach (pHT) and the monogenic signal. The established relationshiphelps unify these two AM-FM algorithms.This dissertation lays a theoretical foundation for future nonlinearmodulation domain image processing applications. For the first time, onecan apply modulation domain filters to images to obtain predictableresults. The design of modulation domain filters is intuitive and simple,yet these filters produce superior results compared to those of pixeldomain LSI filters. Moreover, this dissertation opens up other research problems.For instance, classical image applications such as image segmentation andedge detection can be re-formulated in the modulation domain setting.Modulation domain based perceptual image and video quality assessment andimage compression are important future application areas for the fundamentalrepresentation results developed in this dissertation

    Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference Proceedings 2017

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    Ultrasonic laboratory tests of geophysical tomographic reconstruction

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, 1986.Microfiche copy available in Archives and Science.Bibliography: leaves 31-35.by Tien-when Lo.M.S

    Fine-tuning enhancer activity in development

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    The development of a multicellular organism, from the origin of a single cell, depends on the manipulation of a shared genome to generate increasingly differentiated and specialized gene expression programs. As cells progress through development, multiple layers of information come together to determine what identity a cell should adopt, how it should relate to other cells around it, and how identity should change over time. At the heart of these networks of information are enhancers. These cis-regulatory genomic elements integrate information in the form of bound transcription factors and relay this information to target promoters. In this way, enhancers are critical for controlling the where, when, and how much of gene expression during development. A major goal of the field of developmental gene regulation is to understand how enhancer activity is controlled in space and time. Here we use the developmental model system of Drosophila wing development to interogate the regulation of enhancer activity from two complimentary perspectives. First, we explore the ability of a temporal transcription factor (tTF) to initiate and define phases of development by controlling enhancer chromatin accessibility. We find that the tTF Eip93F (E93) is sufficient to initiate stage-specific enhancer accessibility and activity. Secondly, we perform an in vivo screen for nucleosome remodeling complex components involved in regulating an E93-deactivated dynamic enhancer. We find that the Drosophila SWI/SNF BAP complex is required to directly constrain enhancer activity in the larval wing disc, demonstrating a possible mechanism for fine-tuning enhancer activity by adjusting chromatin accessibility. Together, our data provide new insights into the different and complimentary roles that tTFs and remodelers perform in regulating enhancer activity to coordinate development.Doctor of Philosoph

    Evaluating Cranial Nonmetric Traits in Mummies from Pachacamac, Peru: The Utility of Semi-Automated Image Segmentation in Paleoradiology

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    Anthropologists employ biodistance analysis to understand past population interactions and relatedness. The objectives of this thesis are twofold: to determine whether a sample of five mummies from the pilgrimage centre, Pachacamac, on the Central Coast of Peru comprised local or non-local individuals through an analysis of cranial nonmetric traits using comparative samples from the North and Central Coasts of Peru and Chile; and to test the utility of machine-learning-based image segmentation in the image analysis software, Dragonfly, to automatically segment CT scans of the mummies such that the cranial nonmetric traits are visible. Results show that while fully automated segmentation was not achieved, a semi-automated procedure was adequate for visualizing and scoring the skulls and saved time over manual segmentation methods. The sample from Pachacamac was too small to make significant inter-site comparisons, but a broader regional analysis suggests there are significant biological differences between geographical regions along the coast

    Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    This open access book focuses on the practical application of electromagnetic polarimetry principles in Earth remote sensing with an educational purpose. In the last decade, the operations from fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar such as the Japanese ALOS/PalSAR, the Canadian Radarsat-2 and the German TerraSAR-X and their easy data access for scientific use have developed further the research and data applications at L,C and X band. As a consequence, the wider distribution of polarimetric data sets across the remote sensing community boosted activity and development in polarimetric SAR applications, also in view of future missions. Numerous experiments with real data from spaceborne platforms are shown, with the aim of giving an up-to-date and complete treatment of the unique benefits of fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar data in five different domains: forest, agriculture, cryosphere, urban and oceans

    Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar, Principles and Application

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    Demonstrates the benefits of the usage of fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar data in applications of Earth remote sensing, with educational and development purposes. Includes numerous up-to-date examples with real data from spaceborne platforms and possibility to use a software to support lecture practicals. Reviews theoretical principles in an intuitive way for each application topic. Covers in depth five application domains (forests, agriculture, cryosphere, urban, and oceans), with reference also to hazard monitorin

    Transforming the Future

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    People are using the future to search for better ways to achieve sustainability, inclusiveness, prosperity, well-being and peace. In addition, the way the future is understood and used is changing in almost all domains, from social science to daily life. This book presents the results of significant research undertaken by UNESCO with a number of partners to detect and define the theory and practice of anticipation around the world today. It uses the concept of ‘Futures Literacy’ as a tool to define the understanding of anticipatory systems and processes – also known as the Discipline of Anticipation. This innovative title explores: •• new topics such as Futures Literacy and the Discipline of Anticipation; •• the evidence collected from over 30 Futures Literacy Laboratories and presented in 14 full case studies; •• the need and opportunity for significant innovation in human decision-making systems. This book will be of great interest to scholars, researchers, policy-makers and students, as well as activists working on sustainability issues and innovation, future studies and anticipation studies


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    The instantaneous amplitude, phase, and frequency (APF) characterize a nonstationary signal on a fundamental level. In this paper, we seek to obtain a consistent multidimensional APF where the estimated phase and frequency agree and where the frequency can be obtained as the gradient of an analytical phase model. Currently existing multidimensional phase unwrapping algorithms are incapable of providing this because they erroneously assume bandlimits on the trajectory of the instantaneous frequency and thus suffer from the “phase aliasing ” phenomenon. We present a new multidimensional phase unwrapping algorithm based on tensor product splines that does not make this assumption and thereby largely eliminates the deleterious effects of phase aliasing. 1