26 research outputs found

    Various questions around finitely positively expansive dynamical systems

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    It is well-known that when a positively expansive dynamical system is invertible then its underlying space is finite. C.Morales has introduced a decade ago a natural way to generalize positive expansiveness, by introducing other properties that he called positive nn-expansiveness, for all n1n \ge 1, positive 11-expansiveness being identical to positive expansiveness. Contrary to positive expansiveness, positive nn-expansiveness for n>1n>1 does not enforce that the space is finite when the system is invertible. In the present paper we call finitely positively expansive dynamical systems as the ones which are positively nn-expansive for some integer nn, and prove several results on this class of systems. In particular, the well-known result quoted above is true if we add the constraint of shadowing property, while it is not if this property is replaced with minimality. Furthermore, finitely positively expansive systems cannot occur on certain topological spaces such as the interval, when the system is assumed to be invertible finite positive expansiveness implies zero topological entropy. Overall we show that the class of finitely positively expansive dynamical systems is quite rich and leave several questions open for further research

    Algorithmic Complexity for the Realization of an Effective Subshift By a Sofic

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    Realization of d-dimensional effective subshifts as projective sub-actions of d + d\u27-dimensional sofic subshifts for d\u27 >= 1 is now well known [Hochman, 2009; Durand/Romashchenko/Shen, 2012; Aubrun/Sablik, 2013]. In this paper we are interested in qualitative aspects of this realization. We introduce a new topological conjugacy invariant for effective subshifts, the speed of convergence, in view to exhibit algorithmic properties of these subshifts in contrast to the usual framework that focuses on undecidable properties

    SS-adic expansions related to continued fractions (Natural extension of arithmetic algorithms and S-adic system)

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    "Natural extension of arithmetic algorithms and S-adic system". July 20~24, 2015. edited by Shigeki Akiyama. The papers presented in this volume of RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu are in final form and refereed.We consider S-adic expansions associated with continued fraction algorithms, where an S-adic expansion corresponds to an infinite composition of substitutions. Recall that a substitution is a morphism of the free monoid. We focus in particular on the substitutions associated with regular continued fractions (Sturmian substitutions), and with Arnoux-Rauzy, Brun, and Jacobi{Perron (multidimensional) continued fraction algorithms. We also discuss the spectral properties of the associated symbolic dynamical systems under a Pisot type assumption

    Dynamical Directions in Numeration

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    International audienceWe survey definitions and properties of numeration from a dynamical point of view. That is we focuse on numeration systems, their associated compactifications, and the dynamical systems that can be naturally defined on them. The exposition is unified by the notion of fibred numeration system. A lot of examples are discussed. Various numerations on natural, integral, real or complex numbers are presented with a special attention payed to beta-numeration and its generalisations, abstract numeration systems and shift radix systems. A section of applications ends the paper

    Proceedings of the Sixth Russian-Finnish Symposium on Discrete Mathematics

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