22 research outputs found

    Landscapes of data sets and functoriality of persistent homology

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    The aim of this article is to describe a new perspective on functoriality of persistent homology and explain its intrinsic symmetry that is often overlooked. A data set for us is a finite collection of functions, called measurements, with a finite domain. Such a data set might contain internal symmetries which are effectively captured by the action of a set of the domain endomorphisms. Different choices of the set of endomorphisms encode different symmetries of the data set. We describe various category structures on such enriched data sets and prove some of their properties such as decompositions and morphism formations. We also describe a data structure, based on coloured directed graphs, which is convenient to encode the mentioned enrichment. We show that persistent homology preserves only some aspects of these landscapes of enriched data sets however not all. In other words persistent homology is not a functor on the entire category of enriched data sets. Nevertheless we show that persistent homology is functorial locally. We use the concept of equivariant operators to capture some of the information missed by persistent homology

    Computational Complexity of the Interleaving Distance

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    The interleaving distance is arguably the most prominent distance measure in topological data analysis. In this paper, we provide bounds on the computational complexity of determining the interleaving distance in several settings. We show that the interleaving distance is NP-hard to compute for persistence modules valued in the category of vector spaces. In the specific setting of multidimensional persistent homology we show that the problem is at least as hard as a matrix invertibility problem. Furthermore, this allows us to conclude that the interleaving distance of interval decomposable modules depends on the characteristic of the field. Persistence modules valued in the category of sets are also studied. As a corollary, we obtain that the isomorphism problem for Reeb graphs is graph isomorphism complete.Comment: Discussion related to the characteristic of the field added. Paper accepted to the 34th International Symposium on Computational Geometr

    Stratifying multiparameter persistent homology

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    A fundamental tool in topological data analysis is persistent homology, which allows extraction of information from complex datasets in a robust way. Persistent homology assigns a module over a principal ideal domain to a one-parameter family of spaces obtained from the data. In applications data often depend on several parameters, and in this case one is interested in studying the persistent homology of a multiparameter family of spaces associated to the data. While the theory of persistent homology for one-parameter families is well-understood, the situation for multiparameter families is more delicate. Following Carlsson and Zomorodian we recast the problem in the setting of multigraded algebra, and we propose multigraded Hilbert series, multigraded associated primes and local cohomology as invariants for studying multiparameter persistent homology. Multigraded associated primes provide a stratification of the region where a multigraded module does not vanish, while multigraded Hilbert series and local cohomology give a measure of the size of components of the module supported on different strata. These invariants generalize in a suitable sense the invariant for the one-parameter case.Comment: Minor improvements throughout. In particular: we extended the introduction, added Table 1, which gives a dictionary between terms used in PH and commutative algebra; we streamlined Section 3; we added Proposition 4.49 about the information captured by the cp-rank; we moved the code from the appendix to github. Final version, to appear in SIAG

    Computing the interleaving distance is NP-hard

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    We show that computing the interleaving distance between two multi-graded persistence modules is NP-hard. More precisely, we show that deciding whether two modules are 11-interleaved is NP-complete, already for bigraded, interval decomposable modules. Our proof is based on previous work showing that a constrained matrix invertibility problem can be reduced to the interleaving distance computation of a special type of persistence modules. We show that this matrix invertibility problem is NP-complete. We also give a slight improvement of the above reduction, showing that also the approximation of the interleaving distance is NP-hard for any approximation factor smaller than 33. Additionally, we obtain corresponding hardness results for the case that the modules are indecomposable, and in the setting of one-sided stability. Furthermore, we show that checking for injections (resp. surjections) between persistence modules is NP-hard. In conjunction with earlier results from computational algebra this gives a complete characterization of the computational complexity of one-sided stability. Lastly, we show that it is in general NP-hard to approximate distances induced by noise systems within a factor of 2.Comment: 25 pages. Several expository improvements and minor corrections. Also added a section on noise system

    Stratifications of real vector spaces from constructible sheaves with conical microsupport

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    Interpreting the syzygy theorem for tame modules over posets in the setting of derived categories of subanalytically constructible sheaves proves two conjectures due to Kashiwara and Schapira concerning the existence of stratifications of real vector spaces that play well with sheaves having microsupport in a given cone.Comment: 15 pages. This supersedes the portion of arXiv:1908.09750 dealing with conjectures due to Kashiwara and Schapira. Material in arXiv:1908.09750 on homological algebra over arbitrary posets and primary decomposition in partially ordered groups now in separate manuscripts; they involve different background and running hypotheses. v2: updated reference

    Computational Complexity of the Interleaving Distance

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    The interleaving distance is arguably the most prominent distance measure in topological data analysis. In this paper, we provide bounds on the computational complexity of determining the interleaving distance in several settings. We show that the interleaving distance is NP-hard to compute for persistence modules valued in the category of vector spaces. In the specific setting of multidimensional persistent homology we show that the problem is at least as hard as a matrix invertibility problem. Furthermore, this allows us to conclude that the interleaving distance of interval decomposable modules depends on the characteristic of the field. Persistence modules valued in the category of sets are also studied. As a corollary, we obtain that the isomorphism problem for Reeb graphs is graph isomorphism complete

    Generic Two-Parameter Persistence Modules are Nearly Indecomposable

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    A fundamental property of one-parameter persistence modules is that the supports of their indecomposable summands form a stable descriptor of the module. This is far from true of two-parameter persistence modules: we show that, in the interleaving distance, any finitely presentable two-parameter persistence module can be approximated arbitrarily well by an indecomposable, and that, generically, two-parameter persistence modules are nearly indecomposable, in the following sense. For every ε>0\varepsilon > 0 there exists a dense and open set consisting of modules that decompose as a direct sum of an indecomposable and an ε\varepsilon-trivial module. These results provide further motivation for approaches to multi-parameter persistence that do not rely on decomposing modules by arbitrary indecomposables.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure