3 research outputs found

    Tight Lower Bounds for the Complexity of Multicoloring

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    Multicoloring and Mycielski construction

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    AbstractThe generalized Mycielskians of graphs (also known as cones over graphs) are the natural generalization of the Mycielskians of graphs (which were first introduced by Mycielski in 1955). Given a graph G and any integer p⩾0, one can transform G into a new graph μp(G), the p-Mycielskian of G. In this paper, we study the kth chromatic numbers χk of Mycielskians and generalized Mycielskians of graphs. We show that χk(G)+1⩽χk(μ(G))⩽χk(G)+k, where both upper and lower bounds are attainable. We then investigate the kth chromatic number of Mycielskians of cycles and determine the kth chromatic number of p-Mycielskian of a complete graph Kn for any integers k⩾1, p⩾0 and n⩾2. Finally, we prove that if a graph G is a/b-colorable then the p-Mycielskian of G, μp(G), is (at+bp+1)/bt-colorable, where t=∑i=0p(a-b)ibp-i. And thus obtain graphs G with m(G) grows exponentially with the order of G, where m(G) is the minimal denominator of a a/b-coloring of G with χf(G)=a/b