3 research outputs found

    Multichannel access for bandwidth improvement in IEEE 802.15.4 wireless sensor networks

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    International audienceIn this paper, we propose a new multichannel allocation protocol for ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4 networks. The main goal is to improve the global throughput which is basically insufficient to satisfy high bandwidth requirements for applications like monitoring or traffic control. The solution is based on the availability of multiple channels on current low- cost, low-energy radio transceivers, such as TI/Chipcon CC2420, which can be easily tuned dynamically to different frequencies. This possibility can be exploited to increase the number of simultaneous transmissions on adjacent links. The allocation of the different channels is centralized and distributed by the coordinator thanks to a function designed to compute the channel offset between two successive children routers. In the nodes, the switching process between the transmission and the reception channels is triggered starting from the PHY primitive available on the transceiver. The evaluation shows that the proposed protocol improves the global throughput by a factor between 2 and 5, depending on the scenario, compared to the single-channel solution or a random channel allocation

    QoS driven distributed multi-channel scheduling MAC protocol for multihop WSNs

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    Multi-Channel Dynamic Scheduling has been centric stage of research in WSNs in recent years. In this paper, we propose a Distributed Multi-Channel Scheduling MAC communication protocol (DMS-MAC) to improve the network performance of WSNs, which selects the best channel for an individual wireless sensor node. DMS-MAC supports dynamic channel assignment mechanism where each sensor node is equipped with a directional antennas. The proposed protocol helps to decrease the probability of collision, interferences and improves the overall network performance of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The protocol is most suitable for short packet transmission under low traffic networks and has ability to utilize parallel transmission among neighboring nodes and achieves increased energy efficiency when multi-channels are available. Simulation result shows that the proposed protocol improves the performance of aggregate throughput, probability of successful transmission, packet delivery ratio, energy consumption and average end-to-end delay

    HMC-MAC : un protocole MAC hybride et multi-canal pour les réseaux de capteurs sans fil

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    The use of multi-channel significantly improves the overall network performance of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) by allowing parallel transmissions over multiple channels. However, the design of a multi-channel MAC protocol in a multi-hop network requires an efficient channel allocation method that allows the coordination between the nodes in order to share available channels. In this thesis, we focus on the conception of a multi-channel MAC protocol that meets the requirements of high data collection applications in a multi-hop network. In order to achieve this goal, we first present the main techniques to use multiple channels to realize medium access sharing. Then, we propose a multi-channel MAC protocol that meets the requirements of high data rate WSNs, which combines three techniques TDMA, FDMA and CSMA. Indeed, we use a new channel assignment method that enables nodes to choose the most convenient channel in their 3-hop neighborhood in a distributed manner in order to minimize the effects of interferences and collisions. Finally, we evaluate by simulation the performance of our protocol and we compare it to other protocols proposed in the literature. The results show the efficiency of our proposition in the different studied scenarios.L'utilisation des canaux multiples amĂ©liore significativement les performances globales des rĂ©seaux de capteurs sans fil (RCSF) en permettant des transmissions parallĂšles sur plusieurs canaux. Cependant, la mise en place d’un protocole MAC multi-canal dans un rĂ©seau multisauts nĂ©cessite une mĂ©thode efficace d’allocation des canaux pour permettre une coordination entre les nƓuds afin de partager les canaux disponibles. Dans cette thĂšse, nous nous intĂ©ressons Ă  la conception d’un protocole MAC multi-canal qui rĂ©pond aux exigences des applications de collecte de donnĂ©es Ă  haut dĂ©bit dans un rĂ©seau multi-saut. Pour ce faire, nous abordons d’abord les principales façons d’utiliser plusieurs canaux pour rĂ©aliser le partage du mĂ©dium. Ensuite, nous proposons un protocole MAC multi-canal, rĂ©pondant aux exigences des RCSF Ă  haut dĂ©bit, qui combine les trois techniques TDMA, CSMA et FDMA. En effet, nous utilisons une nouvelle mĂ©thode d’allocation des canaux qui permet aux nƓuds de choisir le canal de rĂ©ception le plus convenable dans leurs voisinages jusqu’à 3-sauts d’une façon distribuĂ©e afin de minimiser les effets des interfĂ©rences et des collisions. Enfin, nous Ă©valuons par simulation les performances de notre protocole et nous le comparons Ă  d’autres protocoles proposĂ©s dans la littĂ©rature. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus montrent l’efficacitĂ© de notre proposition dans les diffĂ©rents scĂ©narios Ă©tudiĂ©s