11 research outputs found

    Advanced Local Binary Patterns for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The standard Local Binary Pattern (LBP) is considered among the most computationally efficient remote sensing (RS) image descriptors in the framework of large-scale content based RS image retrieval (CBIR). However, it has limited discrimination capability for characterizing high dimensional RS images with complex semantic content. There are several LBP variants introduced in computer vision that can be extended to RS CBIR to efficiently overcome the above-mentioned problem. To this end, this paper presents a comparative study in order to analyze and compare advanced LBP variants in RS CBIR domain. We initially introduce a categorization of the LBP variants based on the specific CBIR problems in RS, and analyze the most recent methodological developments associated to each category. All the considered LBP variants are introduced for the first time in the framework of RS image retrieval problems, and have been experimentally compared in terms of their: 1) discrimination capability to model high-level semantic information present in RS images (and thus the retrieval performance); and 2) computational complexities associated to retrieval and feature extraction time.EC/H2020/759764/EU/Accurate and Scalable Processing of Big Data in Earth Observation/BigEart

    Image Retrieval Based on Texton Frequency-Inverse Image Frequency

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    In image retrieval, the user hopes to find the desired image by entering another image as a query. In this paper, the approach used to find similarities between images is feature weighting, where between one feature with another feature has a different weight. Likewise, the same features in different images may have different weights. This approach is similar to the term weighting model that usually implemented in document retrieval, where the system will search for keywords from each document and then give different weights to each keyword. In this research, the method of weighting the TF-IIF (Texton Frequency-Inverse Image Frequency) method proposed, this method will extract critical features in an image based on the frequency of the appearance of texton in an image, and the appearance of the texton in another image. That is, the more often a texton appears in an image, and the less texton appears in another image, the higher the weight. The results obtained indicate that the proposed method can increase the value of precision by 7% compared to the previous method

    An Online Content Based Email Attachments Retrieval System

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    E-mail is one of the most popular programs used by most people today. As a result of the continuous daily use, thousands of messages are accumulated in the electronic box of most individuals, which make it difficult for them after a period of time to retrieve the attachments of these messages. Most Email providers constantly improved their search technology, but till now there is something could not be done; i.e., searching inside attachments. Some email providers like Gmail has added searching words inside attachments for some file types (.pdf files, .doc documents, .ppt presentations) but for image files this feature not supported till now. However, E-mail providers and even modern researchers have not focused on retrieving the image attachments in the E- mail box. The paper was aimed to introduce a novel idea of using Content based Image Retrieval (CBIR) in E-mail application to retrieve images from email attachments based on entire contents. The work main phases are: feature extraction based on color features and connect to Email server to read Emails, the second phase is retrieving similar image attachments. The tests carried on email inbox contain 100 messages with 500 image attachments and gave good precision and recall rates When the threshold value is less than or equal to 0.4

    A novel shape descriptor based on salient keypoints detection for binary image matching and retrieval

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    We introduce a shape descriptor that extracts keypoints from binary images and automatically detects the salient ones among them. The proposed descriptor operates as follows: First, the contours of the image are detected and an image transformation is used to generate background information. Next, pixels of the transformed image that have specific characteristics in their local areas are used to extract keypoints. Afterwards, the most salient keypoints are automatically detected by filtering out redundant and sensitive ones. Finally, a feature vector is calculated for each keypoint by using the distribution of contour points in its local area. The proposed descriptor is evaluated using public datasets of silhouette images, handwritten math expressions, hand-drawn diagram sketches, and noisy scanned logos. Experimental results show that the proposed descriptor compares strongly against state of the art methods, and that it is reliable when applied on challenging images such as fluctuated handwriting and noisy scanned images. Furthermore, we integrate our descripto

    A Novel Adaptive LBP-Based Descriptor for Color Image Retrieval

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    In this paper, we present two approaches to extract discriminative features for color image retrieval. The proposed local texture descriptors, based on Radial Mean Local Binary Pattern (RMLBP), are called Color RMCLBP (CRMCLBP) and Prototype Data Model (PDM). RMLBP is a robust to noise descriptor which has been proposed to extract texture features of gray scale images for texture classification. For the first descriptor, the Radial Mean Completed Local Binary Pattern is applied to channels of the color space, independently. Then, the final descriptor is achieved by concatenating the histogram of the CRMCLBP_S/M/C component of each channel. Moreover, to enhance the performance of the proposed method, the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is used for feature weighting. The second proposed descriptor, PDM, uses the three outputs of CRMCLBP (CRMCLBP_S, CRMCLBP_M, CRMCLBP_C) as discriminative features for each pixel of a color image. Then, a set of representative feature vectors are selected from each image by applying k-means clustering algorithm. This set of selected prototypes are compared by means of a new similarity measure to find the most relevant images. Finally, the weighted versions of PDM is constructed using PSO algorithm. Our proposed methods are tested on Wang, Corel-5k, Corel-10k and Holidays datasets. The results show that our proposed methods makes an admissible tradeoff between speed and retrieval accuracy. The first descriptor enhances the state-of-the-art color texture descriptors in both aspects. The second one is a very fast retrieval algorithm which extracts discriminative features