Image Retrieval Based on Texton Frequency-Inverse Image Frequency


In image retrieval, the user hopes to find the desired image by entering another image as a query. In this paper, the approach used to find similarities between images is feature weighting, where between one feature with another feature has a different weight. Likewise, the same features in different images may have different weights. This approach is similar to the term weighting model that usually implemented in document retrieval, where the system will search for keywords from each document and then give different weights to each keyword. In this research, the method of weighting the TF-IIF (Texton Frequency-Inverse Image Frequency) method proposed, this method will extract critical features in an image based on the frequency of the appearance of texton in an image, and the appearance of the texton in another image. That is, the more often a texton appears in an image, and the less texton appears in another image, the higher the weight. The results obtained indicate that the proposed method can increase the value of precision by 7% compared to the previous method

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