336 research outputs found

    Field-trial of an all-optical PSK regenerator/multicaster in a 40 Gbit/s, 38 channel DWDM transmission experiment

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    The performance of future ultra-long haul communication systems exploiting phase-encoded signals is likely to be compromised by noise generated during signal transmission. One potential way to mitigate such noise is to use Phase Sensitive Amplifiers (PSAs) which have been demonstrated to help remove phase as well as amplitude noise from phase-encoded signals. Recently, we showed that a PSA-based signal regenerator based on degenerate four-wave mixing can be implemented in a network-compatible manner in which only the (noisy) signal is present at the device input (black-box operation). The developed regenerator was also able to perform simultaneous wavelength conversion and multicasting, details/analysis of which are presented herein. However, this scheme was tested only with artificial noise generated in the laboratory and with the regenerator placed in front of the receiver, rather than in-line where even greater performance benefits are to be expected. Here, we address both theoretically and experimentally the important issue of how such a regenerator, operating for convenience in a multicasting mode, performs as an in-line device in an installed transmission fiber link. We also investigate the dispersion tolerance of the approach

    Multicasting in WDM Single-Hop Local Lightwave Networks

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    In modem networks, the demand for bandwidth and high quality of service (QoS) requires the efficient utilisation of network resources such as transmitters, receivers and channel bandwidth. One method for conserving these resources is to employ efficient implementations of multicasting wherever possible. Using multicasting, a source sending a message to multiple destinations may schedule a single transmission which can then be broadcasted to multiple destinations or forwarded from one destination to another, thus conserving the source transmitter usage and channel bandwidth. This thesis investigates the behaviour of single-hop WDM optical networks when they carry multicast traffic. Each station in the network has a fixed-wavelength transceiver and is set to operate on its own unique wavelength as a control channel. Each station also has a tuneable wavelength transceiver in order to transmit or receive signals to or from all the other stations. A transmission on each channel is broadcasted by a star coupler to all nodes. Multicasting in single-hop WDM networks has been studied with different protocols. This thesis studies the multicasting performance adopting receiver collision avoidance (RCA) protocol as a multicasting protocol. This study takes into consideration the effect of the tuneable transceiver tuning time which is the time required to switch from one wavelength to another, and the propagation time required by a packet to propagate from one node to another. The strategy in RCA protocol is that nodes request transmission time by sending a control packet at the head of their queues. Upon receipt of this information all nodes run a deterministic distributed algorithm to schedule the transmission of the multicast packet. With the control information, nodes determine the earliest time at which all the members of the multicast group can receive the packet and the earliest time at which it can be transmitted. If a node belongs to the multicast group addressed in the control packet, its receiver must become idle until all nodes in the group have tuned to the appropriate wavelength to receive the packet. This problem leads to poor transmission and consequently low channel utilisation. However, throughput degradation due to receiver conflicts decreases as the multicast size increases. This is because for a given number of channels, the likelihood of a receiver being idle decreases as the number of intended recipients per transmission increases. The number of wavelengths available in a WDM network continues to be a major constraint. Thus in order to support a large number of end users, such networks must use and reuse wavelengths efficiently. This thesis also examines the number of wavelengths needed to support multicasting in single-hop optical networks

    Adaptive Optical splitter Employing an Opto-VLSI Processor and a 4-f Imaging System

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    A novel adaptive optical splitter structure employing an Opto-VLSI processor and 4-f imaging system is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. By driving the Opto-VLSI processor with computer generated multicasting phase holograms, an input optical signal launched into an input optical fiber port can be split and coupled into many output optical fiber ports with arbitrary splitting ratios. A proof-of-principle 1 2 adaptive optical splitter structure driven by optimized multicasting phase holograms uploaded onto the Opto-VLSI processor is developed, demonstrating an arbitrary splitting ratio over a wavelength range exceeding 50 nm

    Opto-VLSI-based adaptive optical power splitter/combiner for next generation dynamic optical telecommunication networks

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    The demand for optical power splitters is growing globally, due to the rapid deployment of fibre-to-the-premises, optical metropolitan area network (MAN), and active optical cables for TV/Video signal transport. Optical splitters play an important role in passive optical network (PON) technology by enabling several hundred users to share one optical line terminal. However, current PONs, which use fixed optical power splitters, have limited reconfigurability particularly in adding/dropping users to/from an optical network unit. An adaptive optical power splitter (OPS) can dynamically reallocate the opticalpower in the entire network according to the real-time distribution of users and services, thus providing numerous advantages such as improve an optical network efficiency, scalability, and reliability. An adaptive OPS is also important for realizing self-healing ring-to-ring optical MAN, thus offering automatic communication recovery when line break occurs. In addition, future optical line protection systems will require adaptive optical splitters to switch optical signals from faulty lines to active power lines, avoid the use of optical attenuators and/or amplifiers, and achieve real time line monitoring. An adaptive OPS can also be incorporated in tunable optical dispersion compensators, optical attenuator and optical gain equalizer, and reconfigurable optical switches. This thesis proposes and demonstrates the principle of a novel Opto-VLSI-based adaptive optical splitter/combiner for next generation dynamic optical telecommunication networks. The proposed splitter structure enables an input optical power to be split adaptively into a larger number of output fibre ports, through optimized phase holograms driving the Opto-VLSI processor. The new adaptive optical splitter has additional advantages including lossless operation, adequate inter-port crosstalk, compressed hardware and simple user interface. This thesis demonstrates, in particular, the concept of an adaptive optical power splitter employing an Opto-VLSI processor and a 4-f imaging system experimentally in three stages as follow: (i) a 1×2 adaptive optical power splitter based on an Opto-VLSI processor, a fibre collimator array and 4-f imaging systems (single lens), (ii) a 1×4 adaptive optical power splitter based on an Opto-VLSI processor, a fibre array and 4-f imaging systems (single lens), and (iii) a 1×N lossless adaptive optical power splitter structure integrating an Opto-VLSI processor, optical amplifiers, a fibre array, and an array of 4-f imaging systems (lens array). The thesis also demonstrates the concept of an adaptive optical signal combiner which enables multiple signals to be combined with user-defined weight profiles into a single fibre port. Experimental results demonstrate that an input optical signal can arbitrarily be split into N signals and coupled into optical fibre ports by uploading optimized multicasting phase holograms onto the Opto-VLSI processor. They also demonstrate that N input optical signals can be dynamically combined with arbitrary weights into a single optical fibre port. Excellent agreement between theoretical and experimental results is demonstrated. The total insertion loss of the optical power splitter is only 5 dB. Results also show that the optical amplifiers can compensate for the insertion and splitting losses, thus enabling lossless splitter operation. A crosstalk level around -25 dB and a wavelength spectral range exceeding 40 nm is experimentally realized. In addition, a novel broadband adaptive RF power splitter/combiner based on Opto-VLSI processor is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. By uploading optimized multicasting phase holograms onto the software-driven Opto-VLSI processor, the input RF signal is dynamically split and directed to different output ports, with userdefined splitting ratios. Also, multiple input RF signals can be dynamically combined with arbitrary user-defined weights. As a proof-of-concept demonstration, two input RF signals are dynamically combined with different user-defined weight profiles. We also propose and demonstrate a photonic microwave filter based on the use of an Opto-VLSI-based adaptive optical combiner. The experimental results demonstrate that the developed Opto-VLSI-based adaptive optical combiner can dynamically route multiple input optical signals to a single output, with user-defined weight profiles, thus realising a tunable microwave filter. Overall this Opto-VLSI-based adaptive optical power splitter should allow as many as 32 output ports to be supported while achieving high splitting resolution and dynamic range. This will greatly enhance the efficiency of optical communication networks

    All-optical wavelength multicasting in quadruple resonance-split coupled Silicon microring cavity

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    We demonstrate an all-optical four-channel wavelength multicasting in a coupled Silicon microring resonator system. The scheme is based on two-photon absorption induced free carrier dispersion in Silicon. The coupled cavity facilitates resonance splitting that is utilized as individual channels for multicasting. Using the split resonances, we achieve an aggregate multicasted data rate of 48 Gbps (4X12 Gbps). Moreover, we also present a detailed analysis and performance of the multicasting architecture

    Design of optical time-division multiplexed systems using the cascaded four-wave mixing in a highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber for simultaneous time demultiplexing and wavelength multicasting

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    This paper reports a new design of optical time-division multiplexed (OTDM) systems that possess a functionality of simultaneous time demultiplexing and wavelength multicasting based on the cascaded four-wave mixing in a dispersion-flattened highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber (DF-HNL-PCF). A module of OTDM demultiplexing and wavelength multicasting can be feasibly implemented by using a 3 dB optical coupler, a high-power erbium-doped fiber amplifier, a short-length DF-HNL-PCF, and a wavelength demultiplexer in the simple configuration. We also carry out an experiment on the proposed system to demonstrate the 100–10 Gbit s−1 OTDM demultiplexing with wavelength conversion simultaneously at 4 multicast wavelengths. It is shown that error-free wavelength multicasting is achieved on two wavelength channels with the minimum power penalty of 3.2 dB relative to the 10 Gbit s−1 back-to-back measurement, whereas the bit error rates of other two multicasting channels are measured to be about 10−6–10−5. Moreover, we propose the use of a proper error-correcting code to improve the multicasting performance of such an OTDM system, and our work reveals that the resulting system can theoretically support error-free multicasting of the OTDM-demultiplexed signal on four wavelength channels

    Resilient optical multicasting utilizing cycles in WDM optical networks

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    High capacity telecommunications of today is possible only because of the presence of optical networks. At the heart of an optical network is an optical fiber whose data carrying capabilities are unparalleled. Multicasting is a form of communication in wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) networks that involves one source and multiple destinations. Light trees, which employ light splitting at various nodes, are used to deliver data to multiple destinations. A fiber cut has been estimated to occur, on an average, once every four days by TEN, a pan-European carrier network. This thesis presents algorithms to make multicast sessions survivable against component failures. We consider multiple link failures and node failures in this work. The two algorithms presented in this thesis use a hybrid approach which is a combination of proactive and reactive approaches to recover from failures. We introduce the novel concept of minimal-hop cycles to tolerate simultaneous multiple link failures in a multicast session. While the first algorithm deals only with multiple link failures, the second algorithm considers the case of node failure and a link failure. Two different versions of the first algorithm have been implemented to thoroughly understand its behavior. Both algorithms were studied through simulators on two different networks, the USA Longhaul network and the NSF network. The input multicast sessions to all our algorithms were generated from power efficient multicast algorithms that make sure the power in the receiving nodes are at acceptable levels. The parameters used to evaluate the performance of our algorithms include computation times, network usage and power efficiency. Two new parameters, namely, recovery times and recovery success probability, have been introduced in this work. To our knowledge, this work is the first to introduce the concept of minimal hop cycles to recover from simultaneous multiple link failures in a multicast session in optical networks

    Multicast routing from a set of data centers in elastic optical networks

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    This paper introduces the Multi-Server Multicast (MSM) approach for Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) delivering services offered by a set of Data Centers (DCs). All DCs offer the same services. The network is an Elastic Optical Network (EON) and for a good performance, routing is performed directly at the optical layer. Optical switches have heterogeneous capacities, that is, light splitting is not available in all switches. Moreover, frequency slot conversion is not possible in any of them. We account for the degradation that optical signals suffer both in the splitting nodes, as well as across fiber links to compute their transmission reach. The optimal solution of the MSM is a set of light-hierarchies. This multicast route contains a light trail from one of the DCs to each of the destinations with respect to the optical constraints while optimizing an objective (e.g., minimizing a function). Finding such a structure is often an NP-hard problem. The light-hierarchies initiated from different DCs permit delivering the multicast session to all end-users with a better utilization of the optical resources, while also reducing multicast session latencies, as contents can be delivered from such DCs closer to end-users. We propose an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) formulation to optimally decide on which light-hierarchies should be setup. Simulation results illustrate the benefits of MSM in two reference backbone networks.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Photonic RF signal processors

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    The purpose of this thesis is to explore the emerging possibilities of processing radiofrequency (RF) or microwave signals in optical domain, which will be a key technology to implement next-generation mobile communication systems and future optical networks. Research activities include design and modelling of novel photonic architectures for processing and filtering of RF, microwave and millimeter wave signals of the above mentioned applications. Investigations especially focus on two basic functions and critical requirements in advanced RF systems, namely: • Interference mitigation and high Q tunable filters. • Arbitrary filter transfer function generation. The thesis begins with a review on several state-of-the-art architectures of in-fiber RF signal processing and related key optical technologies. The unique capabilities offered by in-fiber RF signal processors for processing ultra wide-band, high-frequency signals directly in optical domain make them attractive options for applications in optical networks and wide-band microwave signal processing. However, the principal drawbacks which have been demonstrated so far in the in-fiber RF signal processors arc their inflexible or expensive schemes to set tap weights and time delay. Laser coherence effects also limit sampling frequency and introduce additional phase-induced intensity noise