5 research outputs found

    Control de admisión multicast

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    In recent years there has been an increasing deployment of multicast applications, most of them oriented to multimedia. Many of these applications require a very strict quality of service in order thatthe receiver has no problems. These requirements are not possible to comply with the current Internet protocol Best-Effort. Currently, much research has been to provide quality service in a distributedmulticast communication, one of these aspects for the multicast quality service is admission control. This article analyzes aspects of admission control mainly multicast communications

    Control de admisión multicast

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    Durante los últimos años se ha producido un creciente despliegue de aplicaciones de multicast, la mayoría de ellos orientados a multimedia. Muchas de estas aplicaciones exigen una calidad muy estricta de servicio con el fin de que en el receptor no ...

    User behavior impact on IPTV platform performance

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    Tese de mestrado em Segurança Informática, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2010As plataformas de IPTV têm sido introduzidas pelos prestadores de serviços de rede e de telecomunicações como forma de competir com os operadores de cabo e satélite, impulsionando a receita por utilizador e simultaneamente reduzindo, na medida do possível, os custos associados à exploração de infra-estrutura legada. Através da análise de métricas de desempenho relativas ao funcionamento interno de um sistema complexo procuramos revelar padrões e ocorrências isoladas que possam indicar a existência de problemas de desempenho. Usando esta informação, analisámos também as características da actividade dos utilizadores. A hipótese subjacente é que deve ser possível correlacionar o desempenho de um sistema ou sub-sistema tendo por base o comportamento dos utilizadores, mesmo que estes não interajam directamente com o referido sub-sistema. Adicionalmente, esta correlação deve seguir regras que possam ser usadas, por exemplo, para redefinir a arquitectura do sistema ou detectar anomalias proactivamente. Neste projecto analisámos métricas de desempenho dos Servidores de Distribuição e dos Servidores de VOD. De seguida estudámos os Registos de Actividade das STB de forma a caracterizar as acções dos utilizadores que têm maior influência no desempenho da plataforma de IPTV. Demonstrámos que estas análises em domínios distintos (utilizadores/STB e servidores internos) pode convergir e possibilitar a activação de alarmes quando a probabilidade de ocorrência de problemas de desempenho é elevada.IPTV platforms are being introduced by many network operators in order to compete with cable and satellite operators, increasing the average revenue per user, while taking advantage and reducing as much as possible the losses associated with legacy infra-structure. By analyzing performance metrics regarding the inner works of complex systems we aimed at unveiling patterns and identifying outlier occurrences that indicate actual or potential problems. Using such information we analyzed user activity information seeking to match the identified outlier patterns with characteristic user activity. The broader underlying hypothesis is that it is possible to correlate a system, or system’s performance problem based on the behavior of the end users even if they do not interact with it. Furthermore, we assume that this correlation follow rules which could thereafter be used for architecture redesign and proactive anomaly detection. In this project, we examined performance metrics of the Distribution Servers and VOD Servers. We then used STB activity logs to characterize the user actions with greater influence on the IPTV platform. We showed that these analyzes of multiple domains (user/STB and internal servers) can be merged enabling to raise alerts whenever there is high probability of occurring efficiency problems in the system


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    Abstract-Multicast admission control in Differentiated Services network is an important but shortly researched subject. Our admission control method rejects new multicast join requests that would otherwise decrease the quality experienced by the existing receivers. Edge nodes filter join requests and generate new requests. The method was developed as an extension to the DSMCast protocol but could also be adapted to other protocols. It decreases delays, jitter and losses and maintains them within the desired constraints


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    Abstract-Multicast admission control in Differentiated Services network is an important but lightly researched subject. We propose two distinct admission control methods. The methods reject new multicast join requests that would otherwise decrease the quality experienced by the existing receivers. Edge nodes filter join requests and generate new requests. The proposed methods are developed as an extension to the DSMCast protocol but could also be adapted to other protocols. In this paper the methods are compared against each other and to the situation without any admission control