4 research outputs found

    Multiaspect Soft Sets

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    We introduce a novel concept of multiaspect soft set which is an extension of the ordinary soft set by Molodtsov. Some basic concepts, operations, and properties of the multiaspect soft sets are studied. We also define a mapping on multiaspect soft classes and investigate several properties related to the images and preimages of multiaspect soft sets

    Multiaspect soft sets and its generalizations / Nor Hashimah Sulaiman

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    The theory of soft sets introduced in 1999 by Molodtsov is an alternative mathematical tool for dealing with uncertainties. It basically deals with information representations of objects characterized by parameters which are defined over a single common universal set. Combinations of the theory with fuzzy sets and interval-valued fuzzy sets have resulted in the so-called fuzzy soft sets and interval-valued fuzzy soft sets. Various theoretical studies on these theories and the variants have been made, and applications of the theories in various areas particularly in the area of decision making are continuously explored. Soft sets, fuzzy soft sets and interval-valued fuzzy soft sets have greater potential in information representation should the universe sets of elements not be restricted to only a common universal set. Real life situations may involve descriptions of objects, situations or entities based on certain characteristics or attributes which may be associated with different sets of elements of different types of universal sets. In this thesis, we introduce the concepts of multiaspect soft set (MASS), multiaspect fuzzy soft set (MAFSS) and multiaspect interval-valued fuzzy soft set (MAIVFSS) which are generalizations of soft sets, fuzzy soft sets and intervalvalued fuzzy soft sets, respectively. These concepts provide platforms for information representations that allow elements from different universal sets be taken into consideration in the description of a particular object, item or entity. MASS is defined for crisp data representation while MAFSS and MAIVFSS are respectively defined for fuzzy data representation with single and interval-valued membership degrees. For each concept, the set operations are established and the algebraic properties are studied. The concepts of mapping for multiaspect soft classes, multiaspect fuzzy soft classes and multiaspect interval-valued fuzzy soft classes are presented. In addition, we put forward the axiomatic definitions of distance, distance-based similarity measures and entropy for MAFSS and MAIVFSS. We introduce weighted and nonweighted distances and similarity measures based on the Hamming distance and the Euclidean distance. Relationships between the three measures are investigated. In the final part of the thesis, we highlight the applicability of some of the introduced concepts in solving group decision making problem under MAFSS and MAIVFSS environment

    Development of process framework for ontology construction through ontology mapping / Syerina Azlin Md Nasir

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    Digitization of cultural heritage collections, both within and outside museums has led to the establishment of a new field of theory and practice of the digital curation of cultural information. Cultural heritage ontology construction a practice in museum documentation, faces the challenge of dealing with the abundance of information while struggling to maintain the authenticity and preservation of the cultural knowledge. Similar to other knowledge domains, the existence of various ontology of cultural heritage knowledge and their differences has caused predicament in accessing or retrieving information. To overcome this predicament, the standard ontology, in this case the CIDOC CRM is used to consolidate between two or more local ontology through the consolidation with a standard (global) ontology through a process known as ontology mapping. The effort needed to map two ontologies with some content similarity but different structures while minimizing knowledge loss is challenging. Knowledge loss is a situation where the concepts of local ontology are excluded from the result of mapping to the global ontology. Automated mapping through the use various existing algorithms offers an efficient solution but suffers in knowledge loss. A compromised method is needed to balance between the construction efficiency and the knowledge loss. This research seeks to establish a framework for constructing cultural heritage ontology through semi-automated ontology mapping. Using the traditional Malays textile (TMT) as the domain knowledge for this work and scoping on the Malaysian batik, this research is carried out in three phases

    The doctoral research abstract. Vol:9 2016 / Institute of Graduate Studies, UiTM

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    FOREWORD: Seventy three doctoral graduands will be receiving their scroll today signifying their achievements in completing their PhD journey. The novelty of their research is shared with you through The Doctoral Abstracts on this auspicious occasion, UiTM 84th Convocation. We are indeed proud that another 73 scholarly contributions to the world of knowledge and innovation have taken place through their doctoral research ranging from Science and Technology, Business and Administration, and Social Science and Humanities. As we rejoice and celebrate your achievement, we would like to acknowledge dearly departed Dr Halimi Zakaria’s scholarly contribution entitled “Impact of Antecedent Factors on Collaborative Technologies Usage among Academic Researchers in Malaysian Research Universities”. He has left behind his discovery to be used by other researchers in their quest of pursuing research in the same area, a discovery that his family can be proud of. Graduands, earning your PhD is not the end of discovering new ideas, invention or innovation but rather the start of discovering something new. Enjoy every moment of its discovery and embrace that life is full of mystery and treasure that is waiting for you to unfold. As you unfold life’s mystery, remember you have a friend to count on, and that friend is UiTM. Congratulations for completing this academic journey. Keep UiTM close to your heart and be our ambassador wherever you go. / Prof Emeritus Dato’ Dr Hassan Said Vice Chancellor Universiti Teknologi MAR