6 research outputs found

    Heuristic Multi-Agent Control for Energy Management of Microgrids with Distributed Energy Sources

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    The increased integration of distributed Renewable Energy Sources (RESs) and adoption of Electric Vehicles (EVs) require appropriate control and management of energy sources and EV charging. This becomes critical at the distribution system level, especially at a microgrid (MG) level. This control is required not only to mitigate the negative impacts of intermittent generation from RESs but also to make better use of available energy, reduce carbon footprint, maximize the overall profit of microgrid and increase energy autonomy by effective utilization of battery storage. This paper proposes a heuristic multi-agent based decentralized energy management approach for grid-connected MG. The MG comprises of active (controlled) and passive (uncontrolled) electrical loads, a photovoltaic (PV) system, battery energy storage system (BESS) and a charging post for electric vehicles. The proposed approach is aimed at optimizing the use of local energy generation from photovoltaic and smart energy utilization to serve electrical loads and EV as well as maximizing MG profit. The aim of the energy management is to supply local consumption at minimum cost and less dependency on the main grid supply. Utilizing energy available from RESs (PV and BESS), customers satisfaction (fulfilling local demand), considering uncertainty of renewable generation and load consumption and also taking into account technical constraint are the main strengths of the presented framework. Performance of the proposed algorithm is investigated under different operating conditions and its efficacy is verified

    A Review on Multi-Agent Technology in Micro-Grid Control

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    Micro-Grid (MG) integrates renewable generation, storage devices and controllable generations, it provides efficent utilization of clean energy while keeping stable external characteristics. Capability of continuous power supply, high scalability and flexible operation modes can satifiy the current demand of joint operation of renewable generation and Macro-Grid, and will provide a solid foundation for smart grid technology in the future. Thus, MG is an excellent integration of renewable energy utilization with a bright future, Multi-Agent System (MAS) is a new hierarchical control platform and can completely cover all the devices within a MG, its flexible control modes meet the needs of various operations of MG, and the capability of distributed computing supports intelligent functions of MG in the future. Therefore, developing premium functions for MAS in MG control will promote the development of both MG and Smart Grid technologies. This paper reviews the current applications of MAS technology for MG both in basic and advanced control demands. For basic demands concerning safe operations for MG, functions of MAS are available, but a further improvement of performance is essential for future researches to increase penetration of MAS in MG control; For advanced demands, MAS should increase calculation speed to meet the complex need of MG. In the last part, the future focuses are also depicted

    A self-organizing multi-agent system for distributed voltage regulation

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    This paper presents a distributed voltage regulation method based on multi-agent system control and network self-organization for a large distribution network. The network autonomously organizes itself into small subnetworks through the epsilon decomposition of the sensitivity matrix, and agents group themselves into these subnetworks with the communication links being autonomously determined. Each subnetwork controls its voltage by locating the closest local distributed generation and optimizing their outputs. This simplifies and reduces the size of the optimization problem and the interaction requirements. This approach also facilitates adaptive grouping of the network by self-reorganizing to maintain a stable state in response to time-varying network requirements and changes. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is validated through simulations on a model of a real heavily-meshed secondary distribution network. Simulation results and comparisons with other methods demonstrate the ability of the subnetworks to autonomously and independently regulate the voltage and to adapt to unpredictable network conditions over time, thereby enabling autonomous and flexible distribution networks

    Self-organising multi-agent control for distribution networks with distributed energy resources

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    Recent years have seen an increase in the connection of dispersed distributed energy resources (DERs) and advanced control and operational components to the distribution network. These DERs can come in various forms, including distributed generation (DG), electric vehicles (EV), energy storage, etc. The conditions of these DERs can be varying and unpredictably intermittent. The integration of these distributed components adds more complexity and uncertainty to the operation of future power networks, such as voltage, frequency, and active/reactive power control. The stochastic and distributed nature of DGs and the difficulty in predicting EV charging patterns presents problems to the control and management of the distribution network. This adds more challenges to the planning and operation of such systems. Traditional methods for dealing with network problems such as voltage and power control could therefore be inadequate. In addition, conventional optimisation techniques will be difficult to apply successfully and will be accompanied with a large computational load. There is therefore a need for new control techniques that break the problem into smaller subsets and one that uses a multi-agent system (MAS) to implement distributed solutions. These groups of agents would coordinate amongst themselves, to regulate local resources and voltage levels in a distributed and adaptive manner considering varying conditions of the network. This thesis investigates the use of self-organising systems, presenting suitable approaches and identifying the challenges of implementing such techniques. It presents the development of fully functioning self-organising multi-agent control algorithms that can perform as effectively as full optimization techniques. It also demonstrates these new control algorithms on models of large and complex networks with DERs. Simulation results validate the autonomy of the system to control the voltage independently using only local DERs and proves the robustness and adaptability of the system by maintaining stable voltage control in response to network conditions over time.Recent years have seen an increase in the connection of dispersed distributed energy resources (DERs) and advanced control and operational components to the distribution network. These DERs can come in various forms, including distributed generation (DG), electric vehicles (EV), energy storage, etc. The conditions of these DERs can be varying and unpredictably intermittent. The integration of these distributed components adds more complexity and uncertainty to the operation of future power networks, such as voltage, frequency, and active/reactive power control. The stochastic and distributed nature of DGs and the difficulty in predicting EV charging patterns presents problems to the control and management of the distribution network. This adds more challenges to the planning and operation of such systems. Traditional methods for dealing with network problems such as voltage and power control could therefore be inadequate. In addition, conventional optimisation techniques will be difficult to apply successfully and will be accompanied with a large computational load. There is therefore a need for new control techniques that break the problem into smaller subsets and one that uses a multi-agent system (MAS) to implement distributed solutions. These groups of agents would coordinate amongst themselves, to regulate local resources and voltage levels in a distributed and adaptive manner considering varying conditions of the network. This thesis investigates the use of self-organising systems, presenting suitable approaches and identifying the challenges of implementing such techniques. It presents the development of fully functioning self-organising multi-agent control algorithms that can perform as effectively as full optimization techniques. It also demonstrates these new control algorithms on models of large and complex networks with DERs. Simulation results validate the autonomy of the system to control the voltage independently using only local DERs and proves the robustness and adaptability of the system by maintaining stable voltage control in response to network conditions over time

    Secure Control and Operation of Energy Cyber-Physical Systems Through Intelligent Agents

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    The operation of the smart grid is expected to be heavily reliant on microprocessor-based control. Thus, there is a strong need for interoperability standards to address the heterogeneous nature of the data in the smart grid. In this research, we analyzed in detail the security threats of the Generic Object Oriented Substation Events (GOOSE) and Sampled Measured Values (SMV) protocol mappings of the IEC 61850 data modeling standard, which is the most widely industry-accepted standard for power system automation and control. We found that there is a strong need for security solutions that are capable of defending the grid against cyber-attacks, minimizing the damage in case a cyber-incident occurs, and restoring services within minimal time. To address these risks, we focused on correlating cyber security algorithms with physical characteristics of the power system by developing intelligent agents that use this knowledge as an important second line of defense in detecting malicious activity. This will complement the cyber security methods, including encryption and authentication. Firstly, we developed a physical-model-checking algorithm, which uses artificial neural networks to identify switching-related attacks on power systems based on load flow characteristics. Secondly, the feasibility of using neural network forecasters to detect spoofed sampled values was investigated. We showed that although such forecasters have high spoofed-data-detection accuracy, they are prone to the accumulation of forecasting error. In this research, we proposed an algorithm to detect the accumulation of the forecasting error based on lightweight statistical indicators. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithms was experimentally verified on the Smart Grid testbed at FIU. The test results showed that the proposed techniques have a minimal detection latency, in the range of microseconds. Also, in this research we developed a network-in-the-loop co-simulation platform that seamlessly integrates the components of the smart grid together, especially since they are governed by different regulations and owned by different entities. Power system simulation software, microcontrollers, and a real communication infrastructure were combined together to provide a cohesive smart grid platform. A data-centric communication scheme was selected to provide an interoperability layer between multi-vendor devices, software packages, and to bridge different protocols together

    渭GIM - Microgrid intelligent management system based on a multi-agent approach and the active participation of end-users

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    [ES] Los sistemas de potencia y energ铆a est谩n cambiando su paradigma tradicional, de sistemas centralizados a sistemas descentralizados. La aparici贸n de redes inteligentes permite la integraci贸n de recursos energ茅ticos descentralizados y promueve la gesti贸n inclusiva que involucra a los usuarios finales, impulsada por la gesti贸n del lado de la demanda, la energ铆a transactiva y la respuesta a la demanda. Garantizar la escalabilidad y la estabilidad del servicio proporcionado por la red, en este nuevo paradigma de redes inteligentes, es m谩s dif铆cil porque no hay una 煤nica sala de operaciones centralizada donde se tomen todas las decisiones. Para implementar con 茅xito redes inteligentes, es necesario combinar esfuerzos entre la ingenier铆a el茅ctrica y la ingenier铆a inform谩tica. La ingenier铆a el茅ctrica debe garantizar el correcto funcionamiento f铆sico de las redes inteligentes y de sus componentes, estableciendo las bases para un adecuado monitoreo, control, gesti贸n, y m茅todos de operaci贸n. La ingenier铆a inform谩tica desempe帽a un papel importante al proporcionar los modelos y herramientas computacionales adecuados para administrar y operar la red inteligente y sus partes constituyentes, representando adecuadamente a todos los diferentes actores involucrados. Estos modelos deben considerar los objetivos individuales y comunes de los actores que proporcionan las bases para garantizar interacciones competitivas y cooperativas capaces de satisfacer a los actores individuales, as铆 como cumplir con los requisitos comunes con respecto a la sostenibilidad t茅cnica, ambiental y econ贸mica del Sistema. La naturaleza distribuida de las redes inteligentes permite, incentiva y beneficia enormemente la participaci贸n activa de los usuarios finales, desde actores grandes hasta actores m谩s peque帽os, como los consumidores residenciales. Uno de los principales problemas en la planificaci贸n y operaci贸n de redes el茅ctricas es la variaci贸n de la demanda de energ铆a, que a menudo se duplica m谩s que durante las horas pico en comparaci贸n con la demanda fuera de pico. Tradicionalmente, esta variaci贸n dio como resultado la construcci贸n de plantas de generaci贸n de energ铆a y grandes inversiones en l铆neas de red y subestaciones. El uso masivo de fuentes de energ铆a renovables implica mayor volatilidad en lo relativo a la generaci贸n, lo que hace que sea m谩s dif铆cil equilibrar el consumo y la generaci贸n. La participaci贸n de los actores de la red inteligente, habilitada por la energ铆a transactiva y la respuesta a la demanda, puede proporcionar flexibilidad en desde el punto de vista de la demanda, facilitando la operaci贸n del sistema y haciendo frente a la creciente participaci贸n de las energ铆as renovables. En el 谩mbito de las redes inteligentes, es posible construir y operar redes m谩s peque帽as, llamadas microrredes. Esas son redes geogr谩ficamente limitadas con gesti贸n y operaci贸n local. Pueden verse como 谩reas geogr谩ficas restringidas para las cuales la red el茅ctrica generalmente opera f铆sicamente conectada a la red principal, pero tambi茅n puede operar en modo isla, lo que proporciona independencia de la red principal. Esta investigaci贸n de doctorado, realizada bajo el Programa de Doctorado en Ingenier铆a Inform谩tica de la Universidad de Salamanca, aborda el estudio y el an谩lisis de la gesti贸n de microrredes, considerando la participaci贸n activa de los usuarios finales y la gesti贸n energ茅tica de lascarga el茅ctrica y los recursos energ茅ticos de los usuarios finales. En este trabajo de investigaci贸n se ha analizado el uso de conceptos de ingenier铆a inform谩tica, particularmente del campo de la inteligencia artificial, para apoyar la gesti贸n de las microrredes, proponiendo un sistema de gesti贸n inteligente de microrredes (渭GIM) basado en un enfoque de m煤ltiples agentes y en la participaci贸n activa de usuarios. Esta soluci贸n se compone de tres sistemas que combinan hardware y software: el emulador de virtual a realidad (V2R), el enchufe inteligente de conciencia ambiental de Internet de las cosas (EnAPlug), y la computadora de placa 煤nica para energ铆a basada en el agente (S4E) para permitir la gesti贸n del lado de la demanda y la energ铆a transactiva. Estos sistemas fueron concebidos, desarrollados y probados para permitir la validaci贸n de metodolog铆as de gesti贸n de microrredes, es decir, para la participaci贸n de los usuarios finales y para la optimizaci贸n inteligente de los recursos. Este documento presenta todos los principales modelos y resultados obtenidos durante esta investigaci贸n de doctorado, con respecto a an谩lisis de vanguardia, concepci贸n de sistemas, desarrollo de sistemas, resultados de experimentaci贸n y descubrimientos principales. Los sistemas se han evaluado en escenarios reales, desde laboratorios hasta sitios piloto. En total, se han publicado veinte art铆culos cient铆ficos, de los cuales nueve se han hecho en revistas especializadas. Esta investigaci贸n de doctorado realiz贸 contribuciones a dos proyectos H2020 (DOMINOES y DREAM-GO), dos proyectos ITEA (M2MGrids y SPEAR), tres proyectos portugueses (SIMOCE, NetEffiCity y AVIGAE) y un proyecto con financiaci贸n en cascada H2020 (Eco-Rural -IoT)