1,084 research outputs found

    Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Connected and Automated Vehicles Control: Recent Advancements and Future Prospects

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    Connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) have emerged as a potential solution to the future challenges of developing safe, efficient, and eco-friendly transportation systems. However, CAV control presents significant challenges, given the complexity of interconnectivity and coordination required among the vehicles. To address this, multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL), with its notable advancements in addressing complex problems in autonomous driving, robotics, and human-vehicle interaction, has emerged as a promising tool for enhancing the capabilities of CAVs. However, there is a notable absence of current reviews on the state-of-the-art MARL algorithms in the context of CAVs. Therefore, this paper delivers a comprehensive review of the application of MARL techniques within the field of CAV control. The paper begins by introducing MARL, followed by a detailed explanation of its unique advantages in addressing complex mobility and traffic scenarios that involve multiple agents. It then presents a comprehensive survey of MARL applications on the extent of control dimensions for CAVs, covering critical and typical scenarios such as platooning control, lane-changing, and unsignalized intersections. In addition, the paper provides a comprehensive review of the prominent simulation platforms used to create reliable environments for training in MARL. Lastly, the paper examines the current challenges associated with deploying MARL within CAV control and outlines potential solutions that can effectively overcome these issues. Through this review, the study highlights the tremendous potential of MARL to enhance the performance and collaboration of CAV control in terms of safety, travel efficiency, and economy

    Automated highway systems : platoons of vehicles viewed as a multiagent system

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    Tableau d'honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2005-2006La conduite collaborative est un domaine lié aux systèmes de transport intelligents, qui utilise les communications pour guider de façon autonome des véhicules coopératifs sur une autoroute automatisée. Depuis les dernières années, différentes architectures de véhicules automatisés ont été proposées, mais la plupart d’entre elles n’ont pas, ou presque pas, attaqué le problème de communication inter véhicules. À l’intérieur de ce mémoire, nous nous attaquons au problème de la conduite collaborative en utilisant un peloton de voitures conduites par des agents logiciels plus ou moins autonomes, interagissant dans un même environnement multi-agents: une autoroute automatisée. Pour ce faire, nous proposons une architecture hiérarchique d’agents conducteurs de voitures, se basant sur trois couches (couche de guidance, couche de management et couche de contrôle du trafic). Cette architecture peut être utilisée pour développer un peloton centralisé, où un agent conducteur de tête coordonne les autres avec des règles strictes, et un peloton décentralisé, où le peloton est vu comme une équipe d’agents conducteurs ayant le même niveau d’autonomie et essayant de maintenir le peloton stable.Collaborative driving is a growing domain of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) that makes use of communications to autonomously guide cooperative vehicles on an Automated Highway System (AHS). For the past decade, different architectures of automated vehicles have been proposed, but most of them did not or barely addressed the inter-vehicle communication problem. In this thesis, we address the collaborative driving problem by using a platoon of cars driven by more or less autonomous software agents interacting in a Multiagent System (MAS) environment: the automated highway. To achieve this, we propose a hierarchical driving agent architecture based on three layers (guidance layer, management layer and traffic control layer). This architecture can be used to develop centralized platoons, where the driving agent of the head vehicle coordinates other driving agents by applying strict rules, and decentralized platoons, where the platoon is considered as a team of driving agents with a similar degree of autonomy, trying to maintain a stable platoon

    A comprehensive survey on cooperative intersection management for heterogeneous connected vehicles

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    Nowadays, with the advancement of technology, world is trending toward high mobility and dynamics. In this context, intersection management (IM) as one of the most crucial elements of the transportation sector demands high attention. Today, road entities including infrastructures, vulnerable road users (VRUs) such as motorcycles, moped, scooters, pedestrians, bicycles, and other types of vehicles such as trucks, buses, cars, emergency vehicles, and railway vehicles like trains or trams are able to communicate cooperatively using vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications and provide traffic safety, efficiency, infotainment and ecological improvements. In this paper, we take into account different types of intersections in terms of signalized, semi-autonomous (hybrid) and autonomous intersections and conduct a comprehensive survey on various intersection management methods for heterogeneous connected vehicles (CVs). We consider heterogeneous classes of vehicles such as road and rail vehicles as well as VRUs including bicycles, scooters and motorcycles. All kinds of intersection goals, modeling, coordination architectures, scheduling policies are thoroughly discussed. Signalized and semi-autonomous intersections are assessed with respect to these parameters. We especially focus on autonomous intersection management (AIM) and categorize this section based on four major goals involving safety, efficiency, infotainment and environment. Each intersection goal provides an in-depth investigation on the corresponding literature from the aforementioned perspectives. Moreover, robustness and resiliency of IM are explored from diverse points of view encompassing sensors, information management and sharing, planning universal scheme, heterogeneous collaboration, vehicle classification, quality measurement, external factors, intersection types, localization faults, communication anomalies and channel optimization, synchronization, vehicle dynamics and model mismatch, model uncertainties, recovery, security and privacy
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