17,125 research outputs found

    Exploring heterogeneity of unreliable machines for p2p backup

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    P2P architecture is a viable option for enterprise backup. In contrast to dedicated backup servers, nowadays a standard solution, making backups directly on organization's workstations should be cheaper (as existing hardware is used), more efficient (as there is no single bottleneck server) and more reliable (as the machines are geographically dispersed). We present the architecture of a p2p backup system that uses pairwise replication contracts between a data owner and a replicator. In contrast to standard p2p storage systems using directly a DHT, the contracts allow our system to optimize replicas' placement depending on a specific optimization strategy, and so to take advantage of the heterogeneity of the machines and the network. Such optimization is particularly appealing in the context of backup: replicas can be geographically dispersed, the load sent over the network can be minimized, or the optimization goal can be to minimize the backup/restore time. However, managing the contracts, keeping them consistent and adjusting them in response to dynamically changing environment is challenging. We built a scientific prototype and ran the experiments on 150 workstations in the university's computer laboratories and, separately, on 50 PlanetLab nodes. We found out that the main factor affecting the quality of the system is the availability of the machines. Yet, our main conclusion is that it is possible to build an efficient and reliable backup system on highly unreliable machines (our computers had just 13% average availability)

    Parallel Tempering Simulation of the three-dimensional Edwards-Anderson Model with Compact Asynchronous Multispin Coding on GPU

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    Monte Carlo simulations of the Ising model play an important role in the field of computational statistical physics, and they have revealed many properties of the model over the past few decades. However, the effect of frustration due to random disorder, in particular the possible spin glass phase, remains a crucial but poorly understood problem. One of the obstacles in the Monte Carlo simulation of random frustrated systems is their long relaxation time making an efficient parallel implementation on state-of-the-art computation platforms highly desirable. The Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is such a platform that provides an opportunity to significantly enhance the computational performance and thus gain new insight into this problem. In this paper, we present optimization and tuning approaches for the CUDA implementation of the spin glass simulation on GPUs. We discuss the integration of various design alternatives, such as GPU kernel construction with minimal communication, memory tiling, and look-up tables. We present a binary data format, Compact Asynchronous Multispin Coding (CAMSC), which provides an additional 28.4%28.4\% speedup compared with the traditionally used Asynchronous Multispin Coding (AMSC). Our overall design sustains a performance of 33.5 picoseconds per spin flip attempt for simulating the three-dimensional Edwards-Anderson model with parallel tempering, which significantly improves the performance over existing GPU implementations.Comment: 15 pages, 18 figure

    Creating a Relational Distributed Object Store

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    In and of itself, data storage has apparent business utility. But when we can convert data to information, the utility of stored data increases dramatically. It is the layering of relation atop the data mass that is the engine for such conversion. Frank relation amongst discrete objects sporadically ingested is rare, making the process of synthesizing such relation all the more challenging, but the challenge must be met if we are ever to see an equivalent business value for unstructured data as we already have with structured data. This paper describes a novel construct, referred to as a relational distributed object store (RDOS), that seeks to solve the twin problems of how to persistently and reliably store petabytes of unstructured data while simultaneously creating and persisting relations amongst billions of objects.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Gossip Algorithms for Distributed Signal Processing

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    Gossip algorithms are attractive for in-network processing in sensor networks because they do not require any specialized routing, there is no bottleneck or single point of failure, and they are robust to unreliable wireless network conditions. Recently, there has been a surge of activity in the computer science, control, signal processing, and information theory communities, developing faster and more robust gossip algorithms and deriving theoretical performance guarantees. This article presents an overview of recent work in the area. We describe convergence rate results, which are related to the number of transmitted messages and thus the amount of energy consumed in the network for gossiping. We discuss issues related to gossiping over wireless links, including the effects of quantization and noise, and we illustrate the use of gossip algorithms for canonical signal processing tasks including distributed estimation, source localization, and compression.Comment: Submitted to Proceedings of the IEEE, 29 page

    Communication Cost for Updating Linear Functions when Message Updates are Sparse: Connections to Maximally Recoverable Codes

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    We consider a communication problem in which an update of the source message needs to be conveyed to one or more distant receivers that are interested in maintaining specific linear functions of the source message. The setting is one in which the updates are sparse in nature, and where neither the source nor the receiver(s) is aware of the exact {\em difference vector}, but only know the amount of sparsity that is present in the difference-vector. Under this setting, we are interested in devising linear encoding and decoding schemes that minimize the communication cost involved. We show that the optimal solution to this problem is closely related to the notion of maximally recoverable codes (MRCs), which were originally introduced in the context of coding for storage systems. In the context of storage, MRCs guarantee optimal erasure protection when the system is partially constrained to have local parity relations among the storage nodes. In our problem, we show that optimal solutions exist if and only if MRCs of certain kind (identified by the desired linear functions) exist. We consider point-to-point and broadcast versions of the problem, and identify connections to MRCs under both these settings. For the point-to-point setting, we show that our linear-encoder based achievable scheme is optimal even when non-linear encoding is permitted. The theory is illustrated in the context of updating erasure coded storage nodes. We present examples based on modern storage codes such as the minimum bandwidth regenerating codes.Comment: To Appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Measuring Catastrophic Forgetting in Neural Networks

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    Deep neural networks are used in many state-of-the-art systems for machine perception. Once a network is trained to do a specific task, e.g., bird classification, it cannot easily be trained to do new tasks, e.g., incrementally learning to recognize additional bird species or learning an entirely different task such as flower recognition. When new tasks are added, typical deep neural networks are prone to catastrophically forgetting previous tasks. Networks that are capable of assimilating new information incrementally, much like how humans form new memories over time, will be more efficient than re-training the model from scratch each time a new task needs to be learned. There have been multiple attempts to develop schemes that mitigate catastrophic forgetting, but these methods have not been directly compared, the tests used to evaluate them vary considerably, and these methods have only been evaluated on small-scale problems (e.g., MNIST). In this paper, we introduce new metrics and benchmarks for directly comparing five different mechanisms designed to mitigate catastrophic forgetting in neural networks: regularization, ensembling, rehearsal, dual-memory, and sparse-coding. Our experiments on real-world images and sounds show that the mechanism(s) that are critical for optimal performance vary based on the incremental training paradigm and type of data being used, but they all demonstrate that the catastrophic forgetting problem has yet to be solved.Comment: To appear in AAAI 201
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