29,018 research outputs found

    Multi-label Class-imbalanced Action Recognition in Hockey Videos via 3D Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Automatic analysis of the video is one of most complex problems in the fields of computer vision and machine learning. A significant part of this research deals with (human) activity recognition (HAR) since humans, and the activities that they perform, generate most of the video semantics. Video-based HAR has applications in various domains, but one of the most important and challenging is HAR in sports videos. Some of the major issues include high inter- and intra-class variations, large class imbalance, the presence of both group actions and single player actions, and recognizing simultaneous actions, i.e., the multi-label learning problem. Keeping in mind these challenges and the recent success of CNNs in solving various computer vision problems, in this work, we implement a 3D CNN based multi-label deep HAR system for multi-label class-imbalanced action recognition in hockey videos. We test our system for two different scenarios: an ensemble of kk binary networks vs. a single kk-output network, on a publicly available dataset. We also compare our results with the system that was originally designed for the chosen dataset. Experimental results show that the proposed approach performs better than the existing solution.Comment: Accepted to IEEE/ACIS SNPD 2018, 6 pages, 3 figure

    On Expressing and Monitoring Oscillatory Dynamics

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    To express temporal properties of dense-time real-valued signals, the Signal Temporal Logic (STL) has been defined by Maler et al. The work presented a monitoring algorithm deciding the satisfiability of STL formulae on finite discrete samples of continuous signals. The logic has been used to express and analyse biological systems, but it is not expressive enough to sufficiently distinguish oscillatory properties important in biology. In this paper we define the extended logic STL* in which STL is augmented with a signal-value freezing operator allowing us to express (and distinguish) detailed properties of biological oscillations. The logic is supported by a monitoring algorithm prototyped in Matlab. The monitoring procedure of STL* is evaluated on a biologically-relevant case study.Comment: In Proceedings HSB 2012, arXiv:1208.315

    A Theory of Sampling for Continuous-time Metric Temporal Logic

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    This paper revisits the classical notion of sampling in the setting of real-time temporal logics for the modeling and analysis of systems. The relationship between the satisfiability of Metric Temporal Logic (MTL) formulas over continuous-time models and over discrete-time models is studied. It is shown to what extent discrete-time sequences obtained by sampling continuous-time signals capture the semantics of MTL formulas over the two time domains. The main results apply to "flat" formulas that do not nest temporal operators and can be applied to the problem of reducing the verification problem for MTL over continuous-time models to the same problem over discrete-time, resulting in an automated partial practically-efficient discretization technique.Comment: Revised version, 43 pages

    Analyzing Timed Systems Using Tree Automata

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    Timed systems, such as timed automata, are usually analyzed using their operational semantics on timed words. The classical region abstraction for timed automata reduces them to (untimed) finite state automata with the same time-abstract properties, such as state reachability. We propose a new technique to analyze such timed systems using finite tree automata instead of finite word automata. The main idea is to consider timed behaviors as graphs with matching edges capturing timing constraints. When a family of graphs has bounded tree-width, they can be interpreted in trees and MSO-definable properties of such graphs can be checked using tree automata. The technique is quite general and applies to many timed systems. In this paper, as an example, we develop the technique on timed pushdown systems, which have recently received considerable attention. Further, we also demonstrate how we can use it on timed automata and timed multi-stack pushdown systems (with boundedness restrictions)

    Rapid Recovery for Systems with Scarce Faults

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    Our goal is to achieve a high degree of fault tolerance through the control of a safety critical systems. This reduces to solving a game between a malicious environment that injects failures and a controller who tries to establish a correct behavior. We suggest a new control objective for such systems that offers a better balance between complexity and precision: we seek systems that are k-resilient. In order to be k-resilient, a system needs to be able to rapidly recover from a small number, up to k, of local faults infinitely many times, provided that blocks of up to k faults are separated by short recovery periods in which no fault occurs. k-resilience is a simple but powerful abstraction from the precise distribution of local faults, but much more refined than the traditional objective to maximize the number of local faults. We argue why we believe this to be the right level of abstraction for safety critical systems when local faults are few and far between. We show that the computational complexity of constructing optimal control with respect to resilience is low and demonstrate the feasibility through an implementation and experimental results.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2012, arXiv:1210.202

    Verification and control of partially observable probabilistic systems

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    We present automated techniques for the verification and control of partially observable, probabilistic systems for both discrete and dense models of time. For the discrete-time case, we formally model these systems using partially observable Markov decision processes; for dense time, we propose an extension of probabilistic timed automata in which local states are partially visible to an observer or controller. We give probabilistic temporal logics that can express a range of quantitative properties of these models, relating to the probability of an event’s occurrence or the expected value of a reward measure. We then propose techniques to either verify that such a property holds or synthesise a controller for the model which makes it true. Our approach is based on a grid-based abstraction of the uncountable belief space induced by partial observability and, for dense-time models, an integer discretisation of real-time behaviour. The former is necessarily approximate since the underlying problem is undecidable, however we show how both lower and upper bounds on numerical results can be generated. We illustrate the effectiveness of the approach by implementing it in the PRISM model checker and applying it to several case studies from the domains of task and network scheduling, computer security and planning