12 research outputs found

    Bayesian nonparametric multilevel modelling and applications

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    Our research aims at contributing to the multilevel modeling in data analytics. We address the task of multilevel clustering, multilevel regression, and classification. We provide state of the art solution for the critical problem

    SugarMate: Non-intrusive blood glucose monitoring with smartphones

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    Inferring abnormal glucose events such as hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia is crucial for the health of both diabetic patients and non-diabetic people. However, regular blood glucose monitoring can be invasive and inconvenient in everyday life. We present SugarMate, a first smartphone-based blood glucose inference system as a temporary alternative to continuous blood glucose monitors (CGM) when they are uncomfortable or inconvenient to wear. In addition to the records of food, drug and insulin intake, it leverages smartphone sensors to measure physical activities and sleep quality automatically. Provided with the imbalanced and often limited measurements, a challenge of SugarMate is the inference of blood glucose levels at a fine-grained time resolution. We propose Md3RNN, an efficient learning paradigm to make full use of the available blood glucose information. Specifically, the newly designed grouped input layers, together with the adoption of a deep RNN model, offer an opportunity to build blood glucose models for the general public based on limited personal measurements from single-user and grouped-users perspectives. Evaluations on 112 users demonstrate that Md3RNN yields an average accuracy of 82.14%, significantly outperforming previous learning methods those are either shallow, generically structured, or oblivious to grouped behaviors. Also, a user study with the 112 participants shows that SugarMate is acceptable for practical usage.</jats:p

    Latent variable models for understanding user behavior in software applications

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    Thesis: Ph. D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2018.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (pages 147-157).Understanding user behavior in software applications is of significant interest to software developers and companies. By having a better understanding of the user needs and usage patterns, the developers can design a more efficient workflow, add new features, or even automate the user's workflow. In this thesis, I propose novel latent variable models to understand, predict and eventually automate the user interaction with a software application. I start by analyzing users' clicks using time series models; I introduce models and inference algorithms for time series segmentation which are scalable to large-scale user datasets. Next, using a conditional variational autoencoder and some related models, I introduce a framework for automating the user interaction with a software application. I focus on photo enhancement applications, but this framework can be applied to any domain where segmentation, prediction and personalization is valuable. Finally, by combining sequential Monte Carlo and variational inference, I propose a new inference scheme which has better convergence properties than other reasonable baselines.by Ardavan Saeedi.Ph. D


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    The behavior and dynamics of complex systems are the focus of many research fields. The complexity of such systems comes not only from the number of their elements, but also from the unavoidable emergence of new properties of the system, which are not just a simple summation of the properties of its elements. The behavior of dynamic complex systems relates to a number of well developed models, the majority of which do not incorporate the modularity and the evolutionary dynamics of a system simultaneously. In this work, we deploy a Bayesian model that addresses this issue. Our model has been developed within the Random Finite Set Theory's framework. We introduced the stochastic evolution diagram as a novel mathematical tool to describe the evolutionary dynamics of complex modular systems. It has been shown how it could be used in real world applications. We have extended the idea of Bayesian network for non-stationary dynamic systems by defining a new concept "labeled-edge Bayesian network" and providing a Bayesian Dirichlet (BD) metric as its score function

    Multi-task learning with Gaussian processes

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    Multi-task learning refers to learning multiple tasks simultaneously, in order to avoid tabula rasa learning and to share information between similar tasks during learning. We consider a multi-task Gaussian process regression model that learns related functions by inducing correlations between tasks directly. Using this model as a reference for three other multi-task models, we provide a broad unifying view of multi-task learning. This is possible because, unlike the other models, the multi-task Gaussian process model encodes task relatedness explicitly. Each multi-task learning model generally assumes that learning multiple tasks together is beneficial. We analyze how and the extent to which multi-task learning helps improve the generalization of supervised learning. Our analysis is conducted for the average-case on the multi-task Gaussian process model, and we concentrate mainly on the case of two tasks, called the primary task and the secondary task. The main parameters are the degree of relatedness ρ between the two tasks, and πS, the fraction of the total training observations from the secondary task. Among other results, we show that asymmetric multitask learning, where the secondary task is to help the learning of the primary task, can decrease a lower bound on the average generalization error by a factor of up to ρ2πS. When there are no observations for the primary task, there is also an intrinsic limit to which observations for the secondary task can help the primary task. For symmetric multi-task learning, where the two tasks are to help each other to learn, we find the learning to be characterized by the term πS(1 − πS)(1 − ρ2). As far as we are aware, our analysis contributes to an understanding of multi-task learning that is orthogonal to the existing PAC-based results on multi-task learning. For more than two tasks, we provide an understanding of the multi-task Gaussian process model through structures in the predictive means and variances given certain configurations of training observations. These results generalize existing ones in the geostatistics literature, and may have practical applications in that domain. We evaluate the multi-task Gaussian process model on the inverse dynamics problem for a robot manipulator. The inverse dynamics problem is to compute the torques needed at the joints to drive the manipulator along a given trajectory, and there are advantages to learning this function for adaptive control. A robot manipulator will often need to be controlled while holding different loads in its end effector, giving rise to a multi-context or multi-load learning problem, and we treat predicting the inverse dynamics for a context/load as a task. We view the learning of the inverse dynamics as a function approximation problem and place Gaussian process priors over the space of functions. We first show that this is effective for learning the inverse dynamics for a single context. Then, by placing independent Gaussian process priors over the latent functions of the inverse dynamics, we obtain a multi-task Gaussian process prior for handling multiple loads, where the inter-context similarity depends on the underlying inertial parameters of the manipulator. Experiments demonstrate that this multi-task formulation is effective in sharing information among the various loads, and generally improves performance over either learning only on single contexts or pooling the data over all contexts. In addition to the experimental results, one of the contributions of this study is showing that the multi-task Gaussian process model follows naturally from the physics of the inverse dynamics