3 research outputs found

    Multi-Robot Motion Planning of k-Colored Discs Is PSPACE-Hard

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    In the problem of multi-robot motion planning, a group of robots, placed in a polygonal domain with obstacles, must be moved from their starting positions to a set of target positions. We consider the specific case of unlabeled disc robots of two different sizes. That is, within one class of robots, where a class is given by the robots\u27 size, any robot can be moved to any of the corresponding target positions. We prove that the decision problem of whether there exists a schedule moving the robots to the target positions is PSPACE-hard

    Near-Optimal Min-Sum Motion Planning for Two Square Robots in a Polygonal Environment

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    Let WβŠ‚R2\mathcal{W} \subset \mathbb{R}^2 be a planar polygonal environment (i.e., a polygon potentially with holes) with a total of nn vertices, and let A,BA,B be two robots, each modeled as an axis-aligned unit square, that can translate inside W\mathcal{W}. Given source and target placements sA,tA,sB,tB∈Ws_A,t_A,s_B,t_B \in \mathcal{W} of AA and BB, respectively, the goal is to compute a \emph{collision-free motion plan} Ο€βˆ—\mathbf{\pi}^*, i.e., a motion plan that continuously moves AA from sAs_A to tAt_A and BB from sBs_B to tBt_B so that AA and BB remain inside W\mathcal{W} and do not collide with each other during the motion. Furthermore, if such a plan exists, then we wish to return a plan that minimizes the sum of the lengths of the paths traversed by the robots, βˆ£Ο€βˆ—βˆ£\left|\mathbf{\pi}^*\right|. Given W,sA,tA,sB,tB\mathcal{W}, s_A,t_A,s_B,t_B and a parameter Ξ΅>0\varepsilon > 0, we present an n2Ξ΅βˆ’O(1)log⁑nn^2\varepsilon^{-O(1)} \log n-time (1+Ξ΅)(1+\varepsilon)-approximation algorithm for this problem. We are not aware of any polynomial time algorithm for this problem, nor do we know whether the problem is NP-Hard. Our result is the first polynomial-time (1+Ξ΅)(1+\varepsilon)-approximation algorithm for an optimal motion planning problem involving two robots moving in a polygonal environment.Comment: The conference version of the paper is accepted to SODA 202