17 research outputs found

    Multi-robot grasp planning for sequential assembly operations

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    This paper addresses the problem of finding robot configurations to grasp assembly parts during a sequence of collaborative assembly operations. We formulate the search for such configurations as a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP).Collision constraints in an operation and transfer constraints between operations determine the sets of feasible robot configurations. We show that solving the connected constraint graph with off-the-shelf CSP algorithms can quickly become infeasible even fora few sequential assembly operations. We present an algorithm which, through the assumption of feasible regrasps, divides the CSP into independent smaller problems that can be solved exponentially faster. The algorithm then uses local search techniques to improve this solution by removing a gradually increasing number of regrasps from the plan. The algorithm enables the user to stop the planner anytime and use the current best plan if the cost of removing regrasps from the plan exceeds the cost of executing those regrasps. We present simulation experiments to compare our algorithm’s performance toa naive algorithm which directly solves the connected constraint graph. We also present a physical robot system which uses the output of our planner to grasp and bring parts together in assembly configurations

    Multi-Robot Grasp Planning for Sequential Assembly Operations

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    This paper addresses the problem of finding robot configurations to grasp assembly parts during a sequence of collaborative assembly operations. We formulate the search for such configurations as a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP). Collision constraints in an operation and transfer constraints between operations determine the sets of feasible robot configurations. We show that solving the connected constraint graph with off-the-shelf CSP algorithms can quickly become infeasible even for a few sequential assembly operations. We present an algorithm which, through the assumption of feasible regrasps, divides the CSP into independent smaller problems that can be solved exponentially faster. The algorithm then uses local search techniques to improve this solution by removing a gradually increasing number of regrasps from the plan. The algorithm enables the user to stop the planner anytime and use the current best plan if the cost of removing regrasps from the plan exceeds the cost of executing those regrasps. We present simulation experiments to compare our algorithm's performance to a naive algorithm which directly solves the connected constraint graph. We also present a real robot system which uses the output of our planner to grasp and bring parts together in assembly configurations

    A Double Jaw Hand Designed for Multi-object Assembly

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    This paper presents a double jaw hand for industrial assembly. The hand comprises two orthogonal parallel grippers with different mechanisms. The inner gripper is made of a crank-slider mechanism which is compact and able to firmly hold objects like shafts. The outer gripper is made of a parallelogram that has large stroke to hold big objects like pulleys. The two grippers are connected by a prismatic joint along the hand's approaching vector. The hand is able to hold two objects and perform in-hand manipulation like pull-in (insertion) and push-out (ejection). This paper presents the detailed design and implementation of the hand, and demonstrates the advantages by performing experiments on two sets of peg-in-multi-hole assembly tasks as parts of the World Robot Challenge (WRC) 2018 using a bimanual robot