485 research outputs found

    Data-Efficient Decentralized Visual SLAM

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    Decentralized visual simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is a powerful tool for multi-robot applications in environments where absolute positioning systems are not available. Being visual, it relies on cameras, cheap, lightweight and versatile sensors, and being decentralized, it does not rely on communication to a central ground station. In this work, we integrate state-of-the-art decentralized SLAM components into a new, complete decentralized visual SLAM system. To allow for data association and co-optimization, existing decentralized visual SLAM systems regularly exchange the full map data between all robots, incurring large data transfers at a complexity that scales quadratically with the robot count. In contrast, our method performs efficient data association in two stages: in the first stage a compact full-image descriptor is deterministically sent to only one robot. In the second stage, which is only executed if the first stage succeeded, the data required for relative pose estimation is sent, again to only one robot. Thus, data association scales linearly with the robot count and uses highly compact place representations. For optimization, a state-of-the-art decentralized pose-graph optimization method is used. It exchanges a minimum amount of data which is linear with trajectory overlap. We characterize the resulting system and identify bottlenecks in its components. The system is evaluated on publicly available data and we provide open access to the code.Comment: 8 pages, submitted to ICRA 201

    Robots for Exploration, Digital Preservation and Visualization of Archeological Sites

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    Monitoring and conservation of archaeological sites are important activities necessary to prevent damage or to perform restoration on cultural heritage. Standard techniques, like mapping and digitizing, are typically used to document the status of such sites. While these task are normally accomplished manually by humans, this is not possible when dealing with hard-to-access areas. For example, due to the possibility of structural collapses, underground tunnels like catacombs are considered highly unstable environments. Moreover, they are full of radioactive gas radon that limits the presence of people only for few minutes. The progress recently made in the artificial intelligence and robotics field opened new possibilities for mobile robots to be used in locations where humans are not allowed to enter. The ROVINA project aims at developing autonomous mobile robots to make faster, cheaper and safer the monitoring of archaeological sites. ROVINA will be evaluated on the catacombs of Priscilla (in Rome) and S. Gennaro (in Naples)

    Map building, localization and exploration for multi-robot systems

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    The idea of having robots performing the task for which they have been designed completely autonomously and interacting with the environment has been the main objective since the beginning of mobile robotics. In order to achieve such a degree of autonomy, it is indispensable for the robot to have a map of the environment and to know its location in it, in addition to being able to solve other problems such as motion control and path planning towards its goal. During the fulfillment of certain missions without a prior knowledge of its environment, the robot must use the inaccurate information provided by its on-board sensors to build a map at the same time it is located in it, arising the problem of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) extensively studied in mobile robotics. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the use of robot teams due to their multiple benefits with respect to single-robot systems such as higher robustness, accuracy, efficiency and the possibility to cooperate to perform a task or to cover larger environments in less time. Robot formations also belongs to this field of cooperative robots, where they have to maintain a predefined structure while navigating in the environment. Despite their advantages, the complexity of autonomous multi-robot systems increases with the number of robots as a consequence of the larger amount of information available that must be handled, stored and transmitted through the communications network. Therefore, the development of these systems presents new difficulties when solving the aforementioned problems which, instead of being addressed individually for each robot, must be solved cooperatively to efficiently exploit all the information collected by the team. The design of algorithms in this multi-robot context should be directed to obtain greater scalability and performance to allow their online execution. This thesis is developed in the field of multi-robot systems and proposes solutions to the navigation, localization, mapping and path planning processes which form an autonomous system. The first part of contributions presented in this thesis is developed in the context of robot formations, which require greater team cooperation and synchronization, although they can be extended to systems without this navigation constraint. We propose localization, map refinement and exploration techniques under the assumption that the formation is provided with a map of the environment, possibly partial and inaccurate, wherein it has to carry out its commanded mission. In a second part, we propose a multi-robot SLAM approach without any assumption about the prior knowledge of a map nor the relationships between robots in which we make use of state of the art methodologies to efficiently manage the resources available in the system. The performance and efficiency of the proposed robot formation and multi-robot SLAM systems have been demonstrated through their implementation and testing both in simulations and with real robots

    Past, Present, and Future of Simultaneous Localization And Mapping: Towards the Robust-Perception Age

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    Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)consists in the concurrent construction of a model of the environment (the map), and the estimation of the state of the robot moving within it. The SLAM community has made astonishing progress over the last 30 years, enabling large-scale real-world applications, and witnessing a steady transition of this technology to industry. We survey the current state of SLAM. We start by presenting what is now the de-facto standard formulation for SLAM. We then review related work, covering a broad set of topics including robustness and scalability in long-term mapping, metric and semantic representations for mapping, theoretical performance guarantees, active SLAM and exploration, and other new frontiers. This paper simultaneously serves as a position paper and tutorial to those who are users of SLAM. By looking at the published research with a critical eye, we delineate open challenges and new research issues, that still deserve careful scientific investigation. The paper also contains the authors' take on two questions that often animate discussions during robotics conferences: Do robots need SLAM? and Is SLAM solved

    Communication-constrained multi-AUV cooperative SLAM

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    Multi-robot deployments have the potential for completing tasks more efficiently. For example, in simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), robots can better localize themselves and the map if they can share measurements of each other (direct encounters) and of commonly observed parts of the map (indirect encounters). However, performance is contingent on the quality of the communications channel. In the underwater scenario, communicating over any appreciable distance is achieved using acoustics which is low-bandwidth, slow, and unreliable, making cooperative operations very challenging. In this paper, we present a framework for cooperative SLAM (C-SLAM) for multiple autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) communicating only through acoustics. We develop a novel graph-based C-SLAM algorithm that is able to (optimally) generate communication packets whose size scales linearly with the number of observed features since the last successful transmission, constantly with the number of vehicles in the collective, and does not grow with time even the case of dropped packets, which are common. As a result, AUVs can bound their localization error without the need for pre-installed beacons or surfacing for GPS fixes during navigation, leading to significant reduction in time required to complete missions. The proposed algorithm is validated through realistic marine vehicle and acoustic communication simulations.United States. Office of Naval Research (Grant N00014-13-1-0588)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award IIS-1318392)United States. Office of Naval Research Globa

    Towards Collaborative Simultaneous Localization and Mapping: a Survey of the Current Research Landscape

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    Motivated by the tremendous progress we witnessed in recent years, this paper presents a survey of the scientific literature on the topic of Collaborative Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (C-SLAM), also known as multi-robot SLAM. With fleets of self-driving cars on the horizon and the rise of multi-robot systems in industrial applications, we believe that Collaborative SLAM will soon become a cornerstone of future robotic applications. In this survey, we introduce the basic concepts of C-SLAM and present a thorough literature review. We also outline the major challenges and limitations of C-SLAM in terms of robustness, communication, and resource management. We conclude by exploring the area's current trends and promising research avenues.Comment: 44 pages, 3 figure

    DOOR-SLAM: Distributed, Online, and Outlier Resilient SLAM for Robotic Teams

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    To achieve collaborative tasks, robots in a team need to have a shared understanding of the environment and their location within it. Distributed Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) offers a practical solution to localize the robots without relying on an external positioning system (e.g. GPS) and with minimal information exchange. Unfortunately, current distributed SLAM systems are vulnerable to perception outliers and therefore tend to use very conservative parameters for inter-robot place recognition. However, being too conservative comes at the cost of rejecting many valid loop closure candidates, which results in less accurate trajectory estimates. This paper introduces DOOR-SLAM, a fully distributed SLAM system with an outlier rejection mechanism that can work with less conservative parameters. DOOR-SLAM is based on peer-to-peer communication and does not require full connectivity among the robots. DOOR-SLAM includes two key modules: a pose graph optimizer combined with a distributed pairwise consistent measurement set maximization algorithm to reject spurious inter-robot loop closures; and a distributed SLAM front-end that detects inter-robot loop closures without exchanging raw sensor data. The system has been evaluated in simulations, benchmarking datasets, and field experiments, including tests in GPS-denied subterranean environments. DOOR-SLAM produces more inter-robot loop closures, successfully rejects outliers, and results in accurate trajectory estimates, while requiring low communication bandwidth. Full source code is available at https://github.com/MISTLab/DOOR-SLAM.git.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures, 2 table

    A Robot Web for Distributed Many-Device Localisation

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    We show that a distributed network of robots or other devices which make measurements of each other can collaborate to globally localise via efficient ad-hoc peer to peer communication. Our Robot Web solution is based on Gaussian Belief Propagation on the fundamental non-linear factor graph describing the probabilistic structure of all of the observations robots make internally or of each other, and is flexible for any type of robot, motion or sensor. We define a simple and efficient communication protocol which can be implemented by the publishing and reading of web pages or other asynchronous communication technologies. We show in simulations with up to 1000 robots interacting in arbitrary patterns that our solution convergently achieves global accuracy as accurate as a centralised non-linear factor graph solver while operating with high distributed efficiency of computation and communication. Via the use of robust factors in GBP, our method is tolerant to a high percentage of faults in sensor measurements or dropped communication packets.Comment: Published in IEEE Transactions on Robotics (TRO) 202