5 research outputs found

    Developing and validating measurement for manufacturing flexibility implementation strategies: The PLS-SEM approach

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    Manufacturing flexibility (MF) has been acknowledged as tool to help manufacturers adapting to uncertainty in the business environment. Fluctuating market demand, rapid technological changes, shorter product life cycles and increase level of customization are among the caused that create uncertainties in the market. However, manufacturers are facing great challenge to reap the real benefit from implementing manufacturing flexibility. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the contributing factors that can enhance manufacturing flexibility implementation in mass customization production strategy among manufacturing firms in Malaysia. An extensive review on manufacturing flexibility literature and content validity assessment were conducted with industry practitioners and academicians. Four MF constructs and 16 measurement items have been identified from the review. A complete set of questionnaires have been developed by adopting, adapting, or self-develop based on the extensive literature review. This research study has recognized reliable MF constructs, consisting of four MF constructs and 16 measurement items. Thus, this study can be used to help identify provide method to enhance MF implementation at the manufacturing firm’s level. This study provided a useful tool for researchers to gain a greater knowledge and understanding on MF implementation. It acts to bridge the inadequacy of related studies on manufacturing flexibility by using the T-O-E framework. For practitioners, it is useful to review back the effectiveness of the usage of their internal resources in overcoming uncertainties in the environmental factors. More significantly, practitioners should be able to adopt the MF practices in a more holistic way. This study is among the first attempt to develop MF constructs for evaluating the enhancement of MF implementation in Malaysia

    Simulation Modeling for Sustainability: A Review of the Literature

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    This article is a review of work published in various journals and conference proceedings on the topics of Simulation Modelling for Sustainability between January 2000 and May 2015. A total of 192 papers are reviewed. The article intends to serve three goals. First, it will be useful to researchers who wish to know what kinds of questions have been raised and how they have been addressed in the areas of simulation modelling for sustainability. Second, the article will be a useful resource for searching research topics. Third, it will serve as a comprehensive bibliography of the papers published during the period. The literature is analysed for application areas, simulation methods and dimensions of the triple bottom line model of sustainable development

    A Framework for Systematic use of Realistic Visualisation to Support Layout Planning of Production Systems

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    The process of designing production systems comprises a sequence of steps toward the final design and realisation. Layout planning is a significant part of this process. Its outcome should be a layout which matches the existing spatial conditions of the factory building and desired performance of the production system. To support layout planning, virtual representations of layouts can be created to plan and evaluate layout alternatives. Costly problems can arise during the realisation, if the virtual representations are inaccurate or lack details of the factory building and planned production systems. 3D laser scanning can be used to create accurate and detailed virtual representations by capturing the spatial conditions of existing factory buildings. The data from a 3D laser scan can be used for realistic visualisation of the existing factory building. If this is combined with 3D CAD models of new equipment, the planned production system layout can also be visualised realistically. Realistic visualisation has been shown to enable accurate planning and evaluation of production system layouts, but it does require a systematic working method.The aim of this thesis is to outline and evaluate a framework for systematic use of realistic visualisation to support layout planning of production systems. This aim is addressed using an action research design; this incorporates five industrial studies targeting industrial projects designing production systems. The framework is outlined and evaluated based on the results of the industrial studies.The outlined framework follows a project model for production systems design. It includes several design activities which rely on realistic visualisation of the planned production system layouts. The framework can be used to support the layout planning of industrial projects designing production systems. Its outcomes include making the correct decisions, reducing costly risks and problems and reducing overall project time. Layout planning supported by realistic visualisation allows manufacturing companies to reduce uncertainty when realising planned production systems

    Gestão de Riscos Logísticos em Cadeias de Suprimentos: Otimização via Metamodelo de Simulação.

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    Alguns tipos de riscos podem causar danos às cadeias de suprimentos, provocando rupturas nos fluxos de materiais e produtos acabados. Riscos logísticos se relacionam às falhas nos processos de transporte, armazenagem, produção e vendas. A gestão adequada desses riscos é fator crítico para a integração dos fluxos sob a responsabilidade da logística e operações, cujas atividades são frequentemente realizadas por provedores de serviços logísticos. Entretanto, observou-se a falta de procedimentos sistemáticos focados na gestão de riscos logísticos que melhor aproveitasse as vantagens da integração entre métodos de simulação e otimização. A pesquisa foi realizada em uma cadeia de suprimentos do segmento automotivo português, a partir de dados secundários disponíveis na literatura. Os problemas desse estudo foram: (a) quais os impactos dos riscos logísticos sobre o desempenho dessa cadeia? (b) sob a influência desses riscos, que ajustes no sistema logístico poderiam melhorar a resposta do arranjo aos impactos? Para solucionar tais questões, definiu-se como objetivo, mitigar os efeitos desses riscos a partir de um metamodelo de simulação para a otimização de parâmetros críticos. As atividades logísticas desempenhadas na cadeia de suprimentos foram escolhidas como objeto de estudo. Essa pesquisa foi classificada como aplicada, quantitativa e exploratória normativa, considerando, respectivamente, a sua natureza, a abordagem do problema e os objetivos. A simulação a eventos discretos, elaborada no ambiente Arena®, foi utilizada como método de pesquisa. A otimização Black Box, realizada através do software OptQuest®, foi empregada para projetar os parâmetros adequados para o sistema logístico. Um metamodelo de regressão baseado no método OLS foi desenvolvido a partir da projeção e implantação de experimentos, servindo para integrar as saídas do modelo de simulação às entradas do modelo de otimização. Inúmeras técnicas de verificação e validação foram empregadas para calibrar o modelo de otimização via simulação, tais como: implantação modular e análise de sensibilidade. Uma sistemática metodológica fundamentada na abordagem DMAIC foi elaborada para relacionar as etapas de gestão dos riscos logísticos e conduzir aos resultados dessa pesquisa, incluindo a identificação (Definir), avaliação (Mensuração), gestão (Melhoria e análise) e monitoramento (Controle) do risco logístico. Um evento de risco logístico foi inserido no modelo com o fim de reproduzir rupturas no fluxo físico de distribuição e permitir a avaliação dos seus impactos sobre o desempenho da cadeia. Os impactos foram medidos por meio do custo logístico total, do risco de ruptura e da taxa de nível de serviço. Estratégias de mitigação do risco logístico de transporte, como redundância e flexibilidade, foram testadas para minimizar simultaneamente custo e risco e maximizar a taxa de entrega. A solução sugerida pelo modelo multiobjetivo de otimização via simulação mostrou ser adequada e eficaz já que os ajustes no sistema logístico bloquearam as consequências da ruptura. A principal contribuição da pesquisa foi desenvolver procedimentos sistemáticos para melhorar a gestão de riscos logísticos no âmbito de cadeias de suprimentos a partir do uso combinado entre métodos de simulação e otimização

    Multi-Resolution Modeling for Supply Chain Sustainability Analysis

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    Consumers are increasingly becoming conscious of the need to reduce environmental impact. This has motivated the industry to make efforts to improve the sustainability of their products and supply chains. Such efforts require the ability to analyze the sustainability of supply chains and potential improvements. A systematic approach is needed to evaluate the alternatives that may range from those at the supply chain configuration level to those for improving equipment at a production facility. This paper presents a multi-resolution modeling approach that allows analyzing parts of the supply chain at appropriate level of detail. The capability allows studying the supply chain at high level initially and iteratively drilling down to detailed levels in the identified areas of opportunity and evaluating associated improvement alternatives. Multi-resolution modeling directly relates the impact of improvement in one part of the supply chain to overall supply chain performance thus reducing analyst effort and time