12 research outputs found

    Deep Learning Based Human Emotional State Recognition in a Video

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    Human emotions play significant role in everyday life. There are a lot of applications of automatic emotion recognition in medicine, e-learning, monitoring, marketing etc. In this paper the method and neural network architecture for real-time human emotion recognition by audio-visual data are proposed. To classify one of seven emotions, deep neural networks, namely, convolutional and recurrent neural networks are used. Visual information is represented by a sequence of 16 frames of 96 × 96 pixels, and audio information - by 140 features for each of a sequence of 37 temporal windows. To reduce the number of audio features autoencoder was used. Audio information in conjunction with visual one is shown to increase recognition accuracy up to 12%. The developed system being not demanding to be computing resources is dynamic in terms of selection of parameters, reducing or increasing the number of emotion classes, as well as the ability to easily add, accumulate and use information from other external devices for further improvement of classification accuracy


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    The Covid-19 pandemic has transformed the offline education system into online. Therefore, in order to maximize the learning process, teachers were forced to adapt by having presentations that attract student's attention, including kindergarten teachers. This is a major problem considering the attention rate of children at early age is very diverse combined with their limited communication skill. Thus, there is a need to identify and classify student's learning interest through facial expressions and gestures during the online session. Through this research, student's learning interest were classified into several classes, validated by the teacher. There are three classes: Interested, Moderately Interested, and Not Interested. Trials to get the classification of student's learning interest by teacher validation, carried out by training and testing the cut area of the center of the face (eyes, mouth, face) to get facial expression recognition, supported by the gesture area as gesture recognition. This research has scenarios of four cut areas and two cut areas that were applied to the interest class that utilizes the weight of transfer learning architectures such as VGG16, ResNet50, and Xception. The results of the learning interest classification test obtained a minimum validation percentage of 70%. The result obtained through scenarios of three learning interest classes four cut areas using VGG16 was 75%, while for two cut areas using ResNet50 was 71%. These results proved that the methods of this research can be used to determine the duration and theme of online kindergarten classes

    An Investigation into Modern Facial Expressions Recognition by a Computer

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    abstract: Facial Expressions Recognition using the Convolution Neural Network has been actively researched upon in the last decade due to its high number of applications in the human-computer interaction domain. As Convolution Neural Networks have the exceptional ability to learn, they outperform the methods using handcrafted features. Though the state-of-the-art models achieve high accuracy on the lab-controlled images, they still struggle for the wild expressions. Wild expressions are captured in a real-world setting and have natural expressions. Wild databases have many challenges such as occlusion, variations in lighting conditions and head poses. In this work, I address these challenges and propose a new model containing a Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network with a Fusion Layer. The Fusion Layer utilizes a combination of the knowledge obtained from two different domains for enhanced feature extraction from the in-the-wild images. I tested my network on two publicly available in-the-wild datasets namely RAF-DB and AffectNet. Next, I tested my trained model on CK+ dataset for the cross-database evaluation study. I prove that my model achieves comparable results with state-of-the-art methods. I argue that it can perform well on such datasets because it learns the features from two different domains rather than a single domain. Last, I present a real-time facial expression recognition system as a part of this work where the images are captured in real-time using laptop camera and passed to the model for obtaining a facial expression label for it. It indicates that the proposed model has low processing time and can produce output almost instantly.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Computer Science 201

    Improved Facial Expression Recognition Algorithm Based on Local Feature Enhancement and Global Information Association

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    Facial expression recognition is the key area of research in computer vision, enabling intelligent devices to understand human emotions and intentions. However, recognition of facial expressions in natural scenes presents challenges due to environmental factors like occlusion and pose variations. To address this, we propose a novel approach that combines local feature enhancement and global information correlation. This method allows the model to learn both local and global facial features along with contextual information. By enhancing salient local features and exploring multi-scale facial expression features, our model effectively mitigates the impact of occlusion and pose variations, improving recognition accuracy. Experimental results demonstrate that our adapted model outperforms alternative algorithms in recognizing facial expressions under challenging environments, achieving recognition accuracies of 85.07% and 99.35% on the RAF-DB and CK+ datasets, respectively