134 research outputs found

    Multi-prover proof-of-retrievability

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    There has been considerable recent interest in “cloud storage” wherein a user asks a server to store a large file. One issue is whether the user can verify that the server is actually storing the file, and typically a challenge-response protocol is employed to convince the user that the file is indeed being stored correctly. The security of these schemes is phrased in terms of an extractor which will recover the file given any “proving algorithm” that has a sufficiently high success probability. This forms the basis of proof-of-retrievability (PoR) systems. In this paper, we study multiple server PoR systems. Our contribution in multiple-server PoR systems is as follows. 1. We formalize security definitions for two possible scenarios: (i) when a threshold of servers succeed with high enough probability (worst-case) and (ii) when the average of the success probability of all the servers is above a threshold (average-case). We also motivate the study of confidentiality of the outsourced message. 2. We give MPoR schemes which are secure under both these security definitions and provide reasonable confidentiality guarantees even when there is no restriction on the computational power of the servers. We also show how classical statistical techniques used by Paterson, Stinson and Upadhyay (Journal of Mathematical Cryptology: 7(3)) can be extended to evaluate whether the responses of the provers are accurate enough to permit successful extraction. 3. We also look at one specific instantiation of our construction when instantiated with the unconditionally secure version of the Shacham-Waters scheme (Asiacrypt, 2008). This scheme gives reasonable security and privacy guarantee. We show that, in the multi-server setting with computationally unbounded provers, one can overcome the limitation that the verifier needs to store as much secret information as the provers

    Multi-prover proof of retrievability

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    There has been considerable recent interest in “cloud storage” wherein a user asks a server to store a large file. One issue is whether the user can verify that the server is actually storing the file, and typically a challenge-response protocol is employed to convince the user that the file is indeed being stored correctly. The security of these schemes is phrased in terms of an extractor which will recover the file given any “proving algorithm” that has a sufficiently high success probability. This forms the basis of proof-of-retrievability (PoR) systems. In this paper, we study multiple server PoR systems. We formalize security definitions for two possible scenarios: (i) when a threshold of servers succeed with high enough probability (worst-case) and (ii) when the average of the success probability of all the servers is above a threshold (average-case). We also motivate the study of confidentiality of the outsourced message. We give MPoR schemes which are secure under both these security definitions and provide reasonable confidentiality guarantees even when there is no restriction on the computational power of the servers. We also show how classical statistical techniques used by Paterson, Stinson and Upadhyay (Journal of Mathematical Cryptology: 7(3)) can be extended to evaluate whether the responses of the provers are accurate enough to permit successful extraction. We also look at one specific instantiation of our construction when instantiated with the unconditionally secure version of the Shacham-Waters scheme (Asi- acrypt, 2008). This scheme gives reasonable security and privacy guarantee. We show that, in the multi-server setting with computationally unbounded provers, one can overcome the limitation that the verifier needs to store as much secret information as the provers

    stoRNA: Stateless Transparent Proofs of Storage-time

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    Proof of Storage-time (PoSt) is a cryptographic primitive that enables a server to demonstrate non-interactive continuous availability of outsourced data in a publicly verifiable way. This notion was first introduced by Filecoin to secure their Blockchain-based decentralized storage marketplace, using expensive SNARKs to compact proofs. Recent work employs the notion of trapdoor delay function to address the problem of compact PoSt without SNARKs. This approach however entails statefulness and non-transparency, while it requires an expensive pre-processing phase by the client. All of the above renders their solution impractical for decentralized storage marketplaces, leaving the stateless trapdoor-free PoSt with reduced setup costs as an open problem. In this work, we present stateless and transparent PoSt constructions using probabilistic sampling and a new Merkle variant commitment. In the process of enabling adjustable prover difficulty, we then propose a multi-prover construction to diminish the CPU work each prover is required to do. Both schemes feature a fast setup phase and logarithmic verification time and bandwidth with the end-to-end setup, prove, and verification costs lower than the existing solutions

    Entangled cloud storage

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    Entangled cloud storage (Aspnes et al., ESORICS 2004) enables a set of clients to “entangle” their files into a single clew to be stored by a (potentially malicious) cloud provider. The entanglement makes it impossible to modify or delete significant part of the clew without affecting all files encoded in the clew. A clew keeps the files in it private but still lets each client recover his own data by interacting with the cloud provider; no cooperation from other clients is needed. At the same time, the cloud provider is discouraged from altering or overwriting any significant part of the clew as this will imply that none of the clients can recover their files. We put forward the first simulation-based security definition for entangled cloud storage, in the framework of universal composability (Canetti, 2001). We then construct a protocol satisfying our security definition, relying on an entangled encoding scheme based on privacy-preserving polynomial interpolation; entangled encodings were originally proposed by Aspnes et al. as useful tools for the purpose of data entanglement. As a contribution of independent interest we revisit the security notions for entangled encodings, putting forward stronger definitions than previous work (that for instance did not consider collusion between clients and the cloud provider). Protocols for entangled cloud storage find application in the cloud setting, where clients store their files on a remote server and need to be ensured that the cloud provider will not modify or delete their data illegitimately. Current solutions, e.g., based on Provable Data Possession and Proof of Retrievability, require the server to be challenged regularly to provide evidence that the clients’ files are stored at a given time. Entangled cloud storage provides an alternative approach where any single client operates implicitly on behalf of all others, i.e., as long as one client's files are intact, the entire remote database continues to be safe and unblemishe

    Smarter Data Availability Checks in the Cloud: Proof of Storage via Blockchain

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    Cloud computing offers clients flexible and cost-effective resources. Nevertheless, past incidents indicate that the cloud may misbehave by exposing or tampering with clients' data. Therefore, it is vital for clients to protect the confidentiality and integrity of their outsourced data. To address these issues, researchers proposed cryptographic protocols called “proof of storage” that let a client efficiently verify the integrity or availability of its data stored in a remote cloud server. However, in these schemes, the client either has to be online to perform the verification itself or has to delegate the verification to a fully trusted auditor. In this chapter, a new scheme is proposed that lets the client distribute its data replicas among multiple cloud servers to achieve high availability without the need for the client to be online for the verification and without a trusted auditor's involvement. The new scheme is mainly based on blockchain smart contracts. It illustrates how a combination of cloud computing and blockchain technology can resolve real-world problems

    Multi-instance publicly verifiable time-lock puzzle and its applications

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    Time-lock puzzles are elegant protocols that enable a party to lock a message such that no one else can unlock it until a certain time elapses. Nevertheless, existing schemes are not suitable for the case where a server is given multiple instances of a puzzle scheme at once and it must unlock them at different points in time. If the schemes are naively used in this setting, then the server has to start solving all puzzles as soon as it receives them, that ultimately imposes significant computation cost and demands a high level of parallelisation. We put forth and formally define a primitive called “multi-instance time-lock puzzle” which allows composing a puzzle’s instances. We propose a candidate construction: “chained time-lock puzzle” (C-TLP). It allows the server, given instances’ composition, to solve puzzles sequentially, without having to run parallel computations on them. C-TLP makes black-box use of a standard time-lock puzzle scheme and is accompanied by a lightweight publicly verifiable algorithm. It is the first time-lock puzzle that offers a combination of the above features. We use C-TLP to build the first “outsourced proofs of retrievability” that can support real-time detection and fair payment while having lower overhead than the state of the art. As another application of C-TLP, we illustrate in certain cases, one can substitute a “verifiabledelay function” with C-TLP, to gain much better efficiency

    Public cloud data auditing with practical key update and zero knowledge privacy

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    Data integrity is extremely important for cloud based storage services, where cloud users no longer have physical possession of their outsourced files. A number of data auditing mechanisms have been proposed to solve this problem. However, how to update a cloud user\u27s private auditing key (as well as the authenticators those keys are associated with) without the user\u27s re-possession of the data remains an open problem. In this paper, we propose a key-updating and authenticator-evolving mechanism with zero-knowledge privacy of the stored files for secure cloud data auditing, which incorporates zero knowledge proof systems, proxy re-signatures and homomorphic linear authenticators. We instantiate our proposal with the state-of-the-art Shacham-Waters auditing scheme. When the cloud user needs to update his key, instead of downloading the entire file and re-generating all the authenticators, the user can just download and update the authenticators. This approach dramatically reduces the communication and computation cost while maintaining the desirable security. We formalize the security model of zero knowledge data privacy for auditing schemes in the key-updating context and prove the soundness and zero-knowledge privacy of the proposed construction. Finally, we analyze the complexity of communication, computation and storage costs of the improved protocol which demonstrates the practicality of the proposal

    Secure Multilevel Data Authentication System in Cloud Environment

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    Dynamic Proof of Storage is a useful cryptographic primitive that enables a user to check the integrity of outsourced files and to efficiently update the files in a cloud server. Though researchers have planned several dynamic PoS schemes in single user environments, the matter in multi-user environments has not been investigated sufficiently. A sensible multi-user cloud storage system wants the secure client-side cross-user de-duplication technique, that permits a user to skip the uploading method and procure the possession of the files now, once alternative house owners of an equivalent files have uploaded them to the cloud server. To the simplest of our data, none of the present dynamic PoS will support this system. during this paper, we have a tendency to introduce the conception of de-duplicatable dynamic proof of storage associated propose an economical construction referred to as DeyPoS, to realize dynamic PoS and secure cross-user duplication, at the same time. Considering the challenges of structure diversity and personal tag generation, we have a tendency to exploit a unique tool referred to as Homomorphic Authenticated Tree (HAT). We have a tendency to prove the protection of our construction, and therefore the theoretical analysis and experimental results show that our construction is economical in follow

    Cloud Storage File Recoverability

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    Data loss is perceived as one of the major threats for cloud storage. Consequently, the security community developed several challenge-response protocols that allow a user to remotely verify whether an outsourced file is still intact. However, two important practical problems have not yet been considered. First, clients commonly outsource multiple files of different sizes, raising the question how to formalize such a scheme and in particular ensuring that all files can be simultaneously audited. Second, in case auditing of the files fails, existing schemes do not provide a client with any method to prove if the original files are still recoverable. We address both problems and describe appropriate solutions. The first problem is tackled by providing a new type of Proofs of Retrievability scheme, enabling a client to check all files simultaneously in a compact way. The second problem is solved by defining a novel procedure called Proofs of Recoverability , enabling a client to obtain an assurance whether a file is recoverable or irreparably damaged. Finally, we present a combination of both schemes allowing the client to check the recoverability of all her original files, thus ensuring cloud storage file recoverability