2 research outputs found


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    Aiming at the optimization of truss structure, a wolf pack algorithm based on chaos and improved search strategy was proposed. The mathematical model of truss optimization was constructed, and the classical truss structure was optimized. The results were compared with those of other optimization algorithms. When selecting and updating the initial position of wolves, chaos idea was used to distribute the initial value evenly in the solution space; phase factor was introduced to optimize the formula of wolf detection; information interaction between wolves is increased and the number of runs is reduced. The numerical results show that the improved wolf pack algorithm has the characteristics of fewer parameters, simple programming, easy implementation, fast convergence speed, and can quickly find the optimal solution. It is suitable for the optimization design of the section size of space truss structures

    Optimization Algorithm for the Truss Steel Structures

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    Práce se zabývá optimalizací příhradových konstrukcí stavebních a dopravních strojů. Cílem bylo vytvoření algoritmu, který dokáže navrhnout optimalizovanou konstrukci. Simulace proběhla na dvou experimentech, při nichž bylo počítáno s 52 sadami různých zadání, které jsou podrobně zpracovány do grafů. V rámci optimalizace je využito jednorozměrné cílové funkce hmotnosti nebo ceny, ale je taktéž zapracovaná vícerozměrná účelová funkce. Pro pevnostní výpočet příhradové konstrukce je použitá variační formulace konečných prvků pro prutovou soustavu a pro optimalizaci je využito genetického algoritmu. V závěru práce jsou formulovány konkrétní kroky, které vedou k nejvhodnějšímu nastavení algoritmu.The work deals with the optimization of trusses construction building and transport machinery. The goal was to create an algorithm that can design an optimized design. The simulation took place on two experiments involving 52 sets of different entries, which are processed in detail into graphs. One-dimensional target mass or price function is used as part of optimization, but there is also an incorporated multidimensional purpose function. The finite element variation method for the beam system is used for the strength calculation of the truss structure and the genetic algorithm is used for optimization. At the end of the work, specific steps are formulated that lead to the most appropriate algorithm settings.