828 research outputs found

    Simplified multitarget tracking using the PHD filter for microscopic video data

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    The probability hypothesis density (PHD) filter from the theory of random finite sets is a well-known method for multitarget tracking. We present the Gaussian mixture (GM) and improved sequential Monte Carlo implementations of the PHD filter for visual tracking. These implementations are shown to provide advantages over previous PHD filter implementations on visual data by removing complications such as clustering and data association and also having beneficial computational characteristics. The GM-PHD filter is deployed on microscopic visual data to extract trajectories of free-swimming bacteria in order to analyze their motion. Using this method, a significantly larger number of tracks are obtained than was previously possible. This permits calculation of reliable distributions for parameters of bacterial motion. The PHD filter output was tested by checking agreement with a careful manual analysis. A comparison between the PHD filter and alternative tracking methods was carried out using simulated data, demonstrating superior performance by the PHD filter in a range of realistic scenarios

    Behavioral Priors for Detection and Tracking of Pedestrians in Video Sequences

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    In this paper we address the problem of detection and tracking of pedestrians in complex scenarios. The inclusion of prior knowledge is more and more crucial in scene analysis to guarantee flexibility and robustness, necessary to have reliability in complex scenes. We aim to combine image processing methods with behavioral models of pedestrian dynamics, calibrated on real data. We introduce Discrete Choice Models (DCM) for pedestrian behavior and we discuss their integration in a detection and tracking context. The obtained results show how it is possible to combine both methodologies to improve the performances of such systems in complex sequence

    A multiple model probability hypothesis density tracker for time-lapse cell microscopy sequences

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    Abstract. Quantitative analysis of the dynamics of tiny cellular and subcellular structures in time-lapse cell microscopy sequences requires the development of a reliable multi-target tracking method capable of tracking numerous similar targets in the presence of high levels of noise, high target density, maneuvering motion patterns and intricate interactions. The linear Gaussian jump Markov system probability hypothesis density (LGJMS-PHD) filter is a recent Bayesian tracking filter that is well-suited for this task. However, the existing recursion equations for this filter do not consider a state-dependent transition probability matrix. As required in many biological applications, we propose a new closed-form recursion that incorporates this assumption and introduce a general framework for particle tracking using the proposed filter. We apply our scheme to multi-target tracking in total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM) sequences and evaluate the performance of our filter against the existing LGJMS-PHD and IMM-JPDA filters

    Systematic Parameter Optimization and Application of Automated Tracking in Pedestrian-Dominant Situations

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    RÉSUMÉ Les mouvements des piétons et leur modélisation constituent un domaine de recherche de plus en plus actif. Bien qu’encore souvent appliqué à la sécurité par l’élaboration de plans d’évacuation en cas d’urgence, comprendre le mouvement des piétons est un enjeu économique de plus en plus important, notamment pour améliorer l’efficacité des aménagements de transport et des grands centres commerciaux. Cependant, les données existantes — particulièrement au niveau individuel, ou microscopique —sont majoritairement collectées dans des situations expérimentales contrôlées. Elles ne sont donc pas nécessairement représentatives du comportement des piétons dans des situations réelles, particulièrement en tenant compte de la susceptibilité de leur comportement aux facteurs démographiques, psychologiques et nvironnementaux. Cette lacune est due principalement à l’absence de méthodes prouvées pour la détection et le suivi de piétons dans des cas réels, absence qui résulte de la complexité des mouvements piétons et qui persiste malgré l’avancement continu des méthodes automatique d’analyse.----------ABSTRACT Though a wealth of data exists for the characterization of pedestrian movement, a majority of it originates from experimental settings owing to the current state of trackers for real-world scenarios. While these trackers are steadily improving, they remain insufficiently reliable for the accurate, microscopic tracking of individuals, particularly in cases of occlusion or higher density, complex scenes. In this work, the use of evolution algorithms is proposed for the systematic calibration of the parameters of existing trackers in order to further optimize their performance – evaluated by tracking accuracy and precision metrics – in complex cases, with an initial focus on two tracking methods designed for multimodal analysis. This calibration is further aided by the inclusion of additional parameters regulating homography, or specifically the plane to which tracker detections are projected. Three real test cases were used: a) a confined corridor in a public building, b) a subway station entrance during morning rush hour and c) a crosswalk in downtown New York. Results demonstrate a halving of tracking errors over both default and manually-calibrated parameters, as well as a strong correlation in performance between similar cases. These results were consistent over multiple trials and regardless of the starting parameters, strongly implying that the obtained solutions are indeed the global maxima for each scene. For application and validation of the resultant tracks, flow characterization and directional counting are demonstrated, utilizing tools included in the optimization framework

    Single and multiple target tracking via hybrid mean shift/particle filter algorithms

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    This thesis is concerned with single and multiple target visual tracking algorithms and their application in the real world. While they are both powerful and general, one of the main challenges of tracking using particle filter-based algorithms is to manage the particle spread. Too wide a spread leads to dispersal of particles onto clutter, but limited spread may lead to difficulty when fast-moving objects and/or high-speed camera motion throw trackers away from their target(s). This thesis addresses the particle spread management problem. Three novel tracking algorithms are presented, each of which combines particle filtering and Kernel Mean Shift methods to produce more robust and accurate tracking. The first single target tracking algorithm, the Structured Octal Kernel Filter (SOK), combines Mean Shift (Comaniciu et al 2003) and Condensation (Isard and Blake 1998a). The spread of the particle set is handled by structurally placing the particles around the object, using eight particles arranged to cover the maximum area. Mean Shift is then applied to each particle to seek the global maxima. In effect, SOK uses intelligent switching between Mean Shift and particle filtering based on a confidence level. Though effective, it requires a threshold to be set and performs a somewhat inflexible search. The second single target tracking algorithm, the Kernel Annealed Mean Shift tracker (KAMS), uses an annealed particle filter (Deutscher et al 2000), but introduces a Mean Shift step to control particle spread. As a result, higher accuracy and robustness are achieved using fewer particles and annealing levels. Finally, KAMS is extended to create a multi-object tracking algorithm (MKAMS) by introducing an interaction filter to handle object collisions and occlusions. All three algorithms are compared experimentally with existing single/multiple object tracking algorithms. The evaluation procedure compares competing algorithms' robustness, accuracy and computational cost using both numerical measures and a novel application of McNemar's statistic. Results are presented on a wide variety of artificial and real image sequences

    Mathematical modelling and analysis of aspects of bacterial motility

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    The motile behaviour of bacteria underlies many important aspects of their actions, including pathogenicity, foraging efficiency, and ability to form biofilms. In this thesis, we apply mathematical modelling and analysis to various aspects of the planktonic motility of flagellated bacteria, guided by experimental observations. We use data obtained by tracking free-swimming Rhodobacter sphaeroides under a microscope, taking advantage of the availability of a large dataset acquired using a recently developed, high-throughput protocol. A novel analysis method using a hidden Markov model for the identification of reorientation phases in the tracks is described. This is assessed and compared with an established method using a computational simulation study, which shows that the new method has a reduced error rate and less systematic bias. We proceed to apply the novel analysis method to experimental tracks, demonstrating that we are able to successfully identify reorientations and record the angle changes of each reorientation phase. The analysis pipeline developed here is an important proof of concept, demonstrating a rapid and cost-effective protocol for the investigation of myriad aspects of the motility of microorganisms. In addition, we use mathematical modelling and computational simulations to investigate the effect that the microscope sampling rate has on the observed tracking data. This is an important, but often overlooked aspect of experimental design, which affects the observed data in a complex manner. Finally, we examine the role of rotational diffusion in bacterial motility, testing various models against the analysed data. This provides strong evidence that R. sphaeroides undergoes some form of active reorientation, in contrast to the mainstream belief that the process is passive
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