7 research outputs found

    Reduced 2D form coherence and 3D structure from motion sensitivity in developmental dyscalculia

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    Developmental dyscalculia (DD) is a specific learning disability affecting the development of numerical and arithmetical skills. The origin of DD is typically attributed to the suboptimal functioning of key regions within the dorsal visual stream (parietal cortex) which support numerical cognition. While DD individuals are often impaired in visual numerosity perception, the extent to which they also show a wider range of visual dysfunctions is poorly documented. In the current study we measured sensitivity to global motion (translational and flow), 2D static form (Glass patterns) and 3D structure from motion in adults with DD and control subjects. While sensitivity to global motion was comparable across groups, thresholds for static form and structure from motion were higher in the DD compared to the control group, irrespective of associated reading impairments. Glass pattern sensitivity predicted numerical abilities, and this relation could not be explained by recently reported differences in visual crowding. Since global form sensitivity has often been considered an index of ventral stream function, our findings could indicate a cortical dysfunction extending beyond the dorsal visual stream. Alternatively, they would fit with a role of parietal cortex in form perception under challenging conditions requiring multiple element integration

    Multi-method brain imaging reveals impaired representations of number as well as altered connectivity in adults with dyscalculia

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    Two hypotheses have been proposed about the etiology of neurodevelopmental learning disorders, such as dyslexia and dyscalculia: representation impairments and disrupted access to representations. We implemented a multi-method brain imaging approach to directly investigate these representation and access hypotheses in dyscalculia, a highly prevalent but understudied neurodevelopmental disorder in learning to calculate. We combined several magnetic resonance imaging methods and analyses, including univariate and multivariate analyses, functional and structural connectivity. Our sample comprised 24 adults with dyscalculia and 24 carefully matched controls. Results showed a clear deficit in the non-symbolic magnitude representations in parietal, temporal and frontal regions, as well as hyper-connectivity in visual brain regions in adults with dyscalculia. Dyscalculia in adults was thereby related to both impaired number representations and altered connectivity in the brain. We conclude that dyscalculia is related to impaired number representations as well as altered access to these representations

    Multi-method brain imaging reveals impaired representations of number as well as altered connectivity in adults with dyscalculia

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    Two hypotheses have been proposed about the etiology of neurodevelopmental learning disorders, such as dyslexia and dyscalculia: representation impairments and disrupted access to representations. We implemented a multi-method brain imaging approach to directly investigate these representation and access hypotheses in dyscalculia, a highly prevalent but understudied neurodevelopmental disorder in learning to calculate. We combined several magnetic resonance imaging methods and analyses, including univariate and multivariate analyses, functional and structural connectivity. Our sample comprised 24 adults with dyscalculia and 24 carefully matched controls. Results showed a clear deficit in the non-symbolic magnitude representations in parietal, temporal and frontal regions, as well as hyper-connectivity in visual brain regions in adults with dyscalculia. Dyscalculia in adults was thereby related to both impaired number representations and altered connectivity in the brain. We conclude that impaired number representations as well as altered access to number representations explain dyscalculia.status: publishe

    Changes in the superior longitudinal fasciculus and anterior thalamic radiation in the left brain are associated with developmental dyscalculia

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    Developmental dyscalculia is a neurodevelopmental disorder specific to arithmetic learning even with normal intelligence and age-appropriate education. Difficulties often persist from childhood through adulthood lowering the individual’s quality of life. However, the neural correlates of developmental dyscalculia are poorly understood. This study aimed to identify brain structural connectivity alterations in developmental dyscalculia. All participants were recruited from a large scale, non-referred population sample in a longitudinal design. We studied 10 children with developmental dyscalculia (11.3 ± 0.7 years) and 16 typically developing peers (11.2 ± 0.6 years) using diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. We assessed white matter microstructure with tract-based spatial statistics in regions-of-interest tracts that had previously been related to math ability in children. Then we used global probabilistic tractography for the first time to measure and compare tract length between developmental dyscalculia and typically developing groups. The high angular resolution diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging and crossing-fiber probabilistic tractography allowed us to evaluate the length of the pathways compared to previous studies. The major findings of our study were reduced white matter coherence and shorter tract length of the left superior longitudinal/arcuate fasciculus and left anterior thalamic radiation in the developmental dyscalculia group. Furthermore, the lower white matter coherence and shorter pathways tended to be associated with the lower math performance. These results from the regional analyses indicate that learning, memory and language-related pathways in the left hemisphere might be related to developmental dyscalculia in children

    The neuroscience basis and educational interventions of mathematical cognitive impairment and anxiety: a systematic literature review

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    IntroductionMathematics is a fundamental subject with significant implications in education and neuroscience. Understanding the cognitive processes underlying mathematical cognition is crucial for enhancing educational practices. However, mathematical cognitive impairment and anxiety significantly hinder learning and application in this field. This systematic literature review aims to investigate the neuroscience basis and effective educational interventions for these challenges.MethodsThe review involved a comprehensive screening of 62 research articles that meet the ESSA evidence levels from multiple databases. The selection criteria focused on studies employing various methodologies, including behavioral experiments and neuroimaging techniques, to explore the neuroscience underpinnings and educational interventions related to mathematical cognitive impairment and anxiety.ResultsThe review identified key themes and insights into the neuroscience basis of mathematical cognitive impairment and anxiety. It also examined their impact on educational practices, highlighting the interplay between cognitive processes and educational outcomes. The analysis of these studies revealed significant findings on how these impairments and anxieties manifest and can be addressed in educational settings.DiscussionThe review critically analyzes the shortcomings of existing research, noting gaps and limitations in current understanding and methodologies. It emphasizes the need for more comprehensive and diverse studies to better understand these phenomena. The discussion also suggests new directions and potential improvement strategies for future research, aiming to contribute to more effective educational interventions and enhanced learning experiences in mathematics.ConclusionThis systematic review provides valuable insights into the neuroscience basis of mathematical cognitive impairment and anxiety, offering a foundation for developing more effective educational strategies. It underscores the importance of continued research in this area to improve educational outcomes and support learners facing these challenges

    Discalculia y el aprendizaje de matemática en niños del quinto año de una institución educativa pública de Daule, 2022

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    Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo en determinar cómo se relaciona la discalculia en los procesos de aprendizajes matemáticos en niños del quinto año de una institución educativa de Daule, 2022. Se desarrolló bajo el esquema del cuantitativo y el tipo de diseño no experimental de alcance descriptivo-correlacional. Se aplicó un cuestionario validado por medio de los criterios de validez correspondiente por cada variable, en una muestra de 45 estudiantes, la cual se seleccionó de una población de 341 sujetos mediante un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. Los resultados obtenidos revelaron que predominó el nivel alto con 80,00% tanto para la variable discalculia y en la variable aprendizaje de matemáticas prevaleció un nivel bajo del 82,22%. Además, los resultados inferenciales mostraron un Rho de Spearman de -0,982** con una Sig.= 0,000 < 0,05, lo que permitió aceptar la hipótesis de la investigación y rechazar la hipótesis nula, llegando a concluir que se determinó que existe correlación significativa fuerte e inversa entre la discalculia y aprendizaje de matemáticas; así mismo se obtuvieron correlaciones significativas Rho = -0,911**; -0,966** y -0,963**entre la variable discalculia y las dimensiones: construcción de conocimientos, razonamiento lógico y entes abstractos de la variable aprendizaje de matemáticas