340 research outputs found

    Flight test results of the strapdown hexad inertial reference unit (SIRU). Volume 2: Test report

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    Results of flight tests of the Strapdown Inertial Reference Unit (SIRU) navigation system are presented. The fault tolerant SIRU navigation system features a redundant inertial sensor unit and dual computers. System software provides for detection and isolation of inertial sensor failures and continued operation in the event of failures. Flight test results include assessments of the system's navigational performance and fault tolerance. Performance shortcomings are analyzed

    Multiple IMU system development, volume 1

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    A redundant gimballed inertial system is described. System requirements and mechanization methods are defined and hardware and software development is described. Failure detection and isolation algorithms are presented and technology achievements described. Application of the system as a test tool for shuttle avionics concepts is outlined

    SIRU development. Volume 1: System development

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    A complete description of the development and initial evaluation of the Strapdown Inertial Reference Unit (SIRU) system is reported. System development documents the system mechanization with the analytic formulation for fault detection and isolation processing structure; the hardware redundancy design and the individual modularity features; the computational structure and facilities; and the initial subsystem evaluation results

    Preliminary design of a redundant strapped down inertial navigation unit using two-degree-of-freedom tuned-gimbal gyroscopes

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    This redundant strapdown INS preliminary design study demonstrates the practicality of a skewed sensor system configuration by means of: (1) devising a practical system mechanization utilizing proven strapdown instruments, (2) thoroughly analyzing the skewed sensor redundancy management concept to determine optimum geometry, data processing requirements, and realistic reliability estimates, and (3) implementing the redundant computers into a low-cost, maintainable configuration

    Strapdown system redundancy management flight demonstration

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    The suitability of strapdown inertial systems in providing highly reliable short-term navigation for vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft operating in an intra-urban setting under all-weather conditions was assessed. A preliminary design configuration of a skewed sensor inertial reference system employing a redundancy management concept to achieve fail-operational, fail-operational performance, was developed

    Failure detection and isolation analysis of a redundant strapdown inertial measurement unit

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    The objective of this study was to define and develop techniques for failure detection and isolation (FDI) algorithms for a dual fail/operational redundant strapdown inertial navigation system are defined and developed. The FDI techniques chosen include provisions for hard and soft failure detection in the context of flight control and navigation. Analyses were done to determine error detection and switching levels for the inertial navigation system, which is intended for a conventional takeoff or landing (CTOL) operating environment. In addition, investigations of false alarms and missed alarms were included for the FDI techniques developed, along with the analyses of filters to be used in conjunction with FDI processing. Two specific FDI algorithms were compared: the generalized likelihood test and the edge vector test. A deterministic digital computer simulation was used to compare and evaluate the algorithms and FDI systems

    Redundant MEMS-IMU integrated with GPS for Performance Assessment in Sports

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    In this article, we investigate two different algorithms for the integration of GPS with redundant MEMS-IMUs. Firstly, the inertial measurements are combined in the observation space to generate a synthetic set of data which is then integrated with GPS by the standard algorithms. In the second approach, the method of strapdown navigation needs to be adapted in order to account for the redundant measurements. Both methods are evaluated in experiments where redundant MEMSIMUs are fixed in different geometries: orthogonallyredundant and skew-redundant IMUs. For the latter configuration, the performance improvement using a synthetic IMU is shown to be 30% on the average. The extended mechanization approach provides slightly better results (about 45% improvement) as the systematic errors of the individual sensors are considered separately rather than their fusion when forming compound measurements. The maximum errors are shown to be reduced even by a factor of 2

    Distributed data fusion algorithms for inertial network systems

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    New approaches to the development of data fusion algorithms for inertial network systems are described. The aim of this development is to increase the accuracy of estimates of inertial state vectors in all the network nodes, including the navigation states, and also to improve the fault tolerance of inertial network systems. An analysis of distributed inertial sensing models is presented and new distributed data fusion algorithms are developed for inertial network systems. The distributed data fusion algorithm comprises two steps: inertial measurement fusion and state fusion. The inertial measurement fusion allows each node to assimilate all the inertial measurements from an inertial network system, which can improve the performance of inertial sensor failure detection and isolation algorithms by providing more information. The state fusion further increases the accuracy and enhances the integrity of the local inertial states and navigation state estimates. The simulation results show that the two-step fusion procedure overcomes the disadvantages of traditional inertial sensor alignment procedures. The slave inertial nodes can be accurately aligned to the master node

    Advanced flight control system study

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    The architecture, requirements, and system elements of an ultrareliable, advanced flight control system are described. The basic criteria are functional reliability of 10 to the minus 10 power/hour of flight and only 6 month scheduled maintenance. A distributed system architecture is described, including a multiplexed communication system, reliable bus controller, the use of skewed sensor arrays, and actuator interfaces. Test bed and flight evaluation program are proposed

    Application of advanced technology to space automation

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    Automated operations in space provide the key to optimized mission design and data acquisition at minimum cost for the future. The results of this study strongly accentuate this statement and should provide further incentive for immediate development of specific automtion technology as defined herein. Essential automation technology requirements were identified for future programs. The study was undertaken to address the future role of automation in the space program, the potential benefits to be derived, and the technology efforts that should be directed toward obtaining these benefits