29,489 research outputs found

    Boosted Random ferns for object detection

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    © 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In this paper we introduce the Boosted Random Ferns (BRFs) to rapidly build discriminative classifiers for learning and detecting object categories. At the core of our approach we use standard random ferns, but we introduce four main innovations that let us bring ferns from an instance to a category level, and still retain efficiency. First, we define binary features on the histogram of oriented gradients-domain (as opposed to intensity-), allowing for a better representation of intra-class variability. Second, both the positions where ferns are evaluated within the sliding window, and the location of the binary features for each fern are not chosen completely at random, but instead we use a boosting strategy to pick the most discriminative combination of them. This is further enhanced by our third contribution, that is to adapt the boosting strategy to enable sharing of binary features among different ferns, yielding high recognition rates at a low computational cost. And finally, we show that training can be performed online, for sequentially arriving images. Overall, the resulting classifier can be very efficiently trained, densely evaluated for all image locations in about 0.1 seconds, and provides detection rates similar to competing approaches that require expensive and significantly slower processing times. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by thorough experimentation in publicly available datasets in which we compare against state-of-the-art, and for tasks of both 2D detection and 3D multi-view estimation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Asymmetric Pruning for Learning Cascade Detectors

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    Cascade classifiers are one of the most important contributions to real-time object detection. Nonetheless, there are many challenging problems arising in training cascade detectors. One common issue is that the node classifier is trained with a symmetric classifier. Having a low misclassification error rate does not guarantee an optimal node learning goal in cascade classifiers, i.e., an extremely high detection rate with a moderate false positive rate. In this work, we present a new approach to train an effective node classifier in a cascade detector. The algorithm is based on two key observations: 1) Redundant weak classifiers can be safely discarded; 2) The final detector should satisfy the asymmetric learning objective of the cascade architecture. To achieve this, we separate the classifier training into two steps: finding a pool of discriminative weak classifiers/features and training the final classifier by pruning weak classifiers which contribute little to the asymmetric learning criterion (asymmetric classifier construction). Our model reduction approach helps accelerate the learning time while achieving the pre-determined learning objective. Experimental results on both face and car data sets verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. On the FDDB face data sets, our approach achieves the state-of-the-art performance, which demonstrates the advantage of our approach.Comment: 14 page

    Online learning and detection of faces with low human supervision

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    The final publication is available at link.springer.comWe present an efficient,online,and interactive approach for computing a classifier, called Wild Lady Ferns (WiLFs), for face learning and detection using small human supervision. More precisely, on the one hand, WiLFs combine online boosting and extremely randomized trees (Random Ferns) to compute progressively an efficient and discriminative classifier. On the other hand, WiLFs use an interactive human-machine approach that combines two complementary learning strategies to reduce considerably the degree of human supervision during learning. While the first strategy corresponds to query-by-boosting active learning, that requests human assistance over difficult samples in function of the classifier confidence, the second strategy refers to a memory-based learning which uses ¿ Exemplar-based Nearest Neighbors (¿ENN) to assist automatically the classifier. A pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is used to perform ¿ENN with high-level feature descriptors. The proposed approach is therefore fast (WilFs run in 1 FPS using a code not fully optimized), accurate (we obtain detection rates over 82% in complex datasets), and labor-saving (human assistance percentages of less than 20%). As a byproduct, we demonstrate that WiLFs also perform semi-automatic annotation during learning, as while the classifier is being computed, WiLFs are discovering faces instances in input images which are used subsequently for training online the classifier. The advantages of our approach are demonstrated in synthetic and publicly available databases, showing comparable detection rates as offline approaches that require larger amounts of handmade training data.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Incremental Training of a Detector Using Online Sparse Eigen-decomposition

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    The ability to efficiently and accurately detect objects plays a very crucial role for many computer vision tasks. Recently, offline object detectors have shown a tremendous success. However, one major drawback of offline techniques is that a complete set of training data has to be collected beforehand. In addition, once learned, an offline detector can not make use of newly arriving data. To alleviate these drawbacks, online learning has been adopted with the following objectives: (1) the technique should be computationally and storage efficient; (2) the updated classifier must maintain its high classification accuracy. In this paper, we propose an effective and efficient framework for learning an adaptive online greedy sparse linear discriminant analysis (GSLDA) model. Unlike many existing online boosting detectors, which usually apply exponential or logistic loss, our online algorithm makes use of LDA's learning criterion that not only aims to maximize the class-separation criterion but also incorporates the asymmetrical property of training data distributions. We provide a better alternative for online boosting algorithms in the context of training a visual object detector. We demonstrate the robustness and efficiency of our methods on handwriting digit and face data sets. Our results confirm that object detection tasks benefit significantly when trained in an online manner.Comment: 14 page

    Multi-Person Brain Activity Recognition via Comprehensive EEG Signal Analysis

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    An electroencephalography (EEG) based brain activity recognition is a fundamental field of study for a number of significant applications such as intention prediction, appliance control, and neurological disease diagnosis in smart home and smart healthcare domains. Existing techniques mostly focus on binary brain activity recognition for a single person, which limits their deployment in wider and complex practical scenarios. Therefore, multi-person and multi-class brain activity recognition has obtained popularity recently. Another challenge faced by brain activity recognition is the low recognition accuracy due to the massive noises and the low signal-to-noise ratio in EEG signals. Moreover, the feature engineering in EEG processing is time-consuming and highly re- lies on the expert experience. In this paper, we attempt to solve the above challenges by proposing an approach which has better EEG interpretation ability via raw Electroencephalography (EEG) signal analysis for multi-person and multi-class brain activity recognition. Specifically, we analyze inter-class and inter-person EEG signal characteristics, based on which to capture the discrepancy of inter-class EEG data. Then, we adopt an Autoencoder layer to automatically refine the raw EEG signals by eliminating various artifacts. We evaluate our approach on both a public and a local EEG datasets and conduct extensive experiments to explore the effect of several factors (such as normalization methods, training data size, and Autoencoder hidden neuron size) on the recognition results. The experimental results show that our approach achieves a high accuracy comparing to competitive state-of-the-art methods, indicating its potential in promoting future research on multi-person EEG recognition.Comment: 10 page
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