10,368 research outputs found

    Enhancing Supply Chain Reliability through Agent-Based Supply Chain Event Management

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    Supply Chain Event Management (SCEM) is an approach to the monitoring of supply chains. It observes specific events and exceptions in real-time and then alerts managers if problems occur. This paper presents an architecture for an SCEM system based on intelligent software agents, Auto-ID technologies and mobile user interfaces. The motivation for this approach is to enhance existing SCEM solutions by exploiting up-to-date technologies. It delegates the task of automated problem solving when disruptions in supply chains occur to software agents

    A Representation of Tactical and Strategic Precursors of Supply Network Resilience Using Simulation Based Experiments

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    Modern supply chains are becoming increasingly complex and are exposed to higher levels of risk. Globalization, market uncertainty, mass customization, technological and innovation forces, among other factors, make supply networks more susceptible to disruptions (both those that are man-made and/or ones associated with natural events) that leave suppliers unavailable, shut-down facilities and entail lost capacity. Whereas several models for disruption management exist, there is a need for operational representations of concepts such as resilience that expand the practitioners’ understanding of the behavior of their supply chains. These representations must include not only specific characteristics of the firm’s supply network but also its tactical and strategic decisions (such as sourcing and product design). Furthermore, the representations should capture the impact those characteristics have on the performance of the network facing disruptions, thus providing operations managers with insights on what tactical and strategic decisions are most suitable for their specific supply networks (and product types) in the event of a disruption. This research uses Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation (ABMS) and an experimental set-up to develop a representation of the relationships between tactical and strategic decisions and their impact on the performance of multi-echelon networks under supply uncertainty. Two main questions are answered: 1) How do different tactical and strategic decisions give rise to resilience in a multi-echelon system?, and 2) What is the nature of the interactions between those factors, the network’s structure and its performance in the event of a disruption? Product design was found to have the most significant impact on the reliability (Perfect Order Fulfillment) for products with high degrees of componentization when dual sourcing is the chosen strategy. However, when it comes to network responsiveness (Order Fulfillment Cycle Time), this effect was attenuated. Generally, it was found that the expected individual impact these factors have on the network performance is affected by the interactions between them


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    Supply chain management is a complex process requiring the coordination of numerous decisions in the attempt to balance often-conflicting objectives such as quality, cost, and on-time delivery. To meet these and other objectives, a focal company must develop organized systems for establishing and managing its supplier relationships. A reliable, decision-support tool is needed for selecting the best procurement strategy for each supplier, given knowledge of the existing sourcing environment. Supplier segmentation is a well-established and resource-efficient tool used to identify procurement strategies for groups of suppliers with similar characteristics. However, the existing methods of segmentation generally select strategies that optimize performance during normal operating conditions, and do not explicitly consider the effects of the chosen strategy on the supply chain’s ability to respond to disruption. As a supply chain expands in complexity and scale, its exposure to sources of major disruption like natural disasters, labor strikes, and changing government regulations also increases. With increased exposure to disruption, it becomes necessary for supply chains to build in resilience and robustness in the attempt to guard against these types of events. This work argues that the potential impacts of disruption should be considered during the establishment of day-to-day procurement strategy, and not solely in the development of posterior action plans. In this work, a case study of a laser printer supply chain is used as a context for studying the effects of different supplier segmentation methods. The system is examined using agent-based modeling and simulation with the objective of measuring disruption impact, given a set of initial conditions. Through insights gained in examination of the results, this work seeks to derive a set of improved rules for segmentation procedure whereby the best strategy for resilience and robustness for any supplier can be identified given a set of the observable supplier characteristics

    Effects of trust-based decision making in disrupted supply chains

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    The United States has experienced prolonged severe shortages of vital medications over the past two decades. The causes underlying the severity and prolongation of these shortages are complex, in part due to the complexity of the underlying supply chain networks, which involve supplier-buyer interactions across multiple entities with competitive and cooperative goals. This leads to interesting challenges in maintaining consistent interactions and trust among the entities. Furthermore, disruptions in supply chains influence trust by inducing over-reactive behaviors across the network, thereby impacting the ability to consistently meet the resulting fluctuating demand. To explore these issues, we model a pharmaceutical supply chain with boundedly rational artificial decision makers capable of reasoning about the motivations and behaviors of others. We use multiagent simulations where each agent represents a key decision maker in a pharmaceutical supply chain. The agents possess a Theory-of-Mind capability to reason about the beliefs, and past and future behaviors of other agents, which allows them to assess other agents’ trustworthiness. Further, each agent has beliefs about others’ perceptions of its own trustworthiness that, in turn, impact its behavior. Our experiments reveal several counter-intuitive results showing how small, local disruptions can have cascading global consequences that persist over time. For example, a buyer, to protect itself from disruptions, may dynamically shift to ordering from suppliers with a higher perceived trustworthiness, while the supplier may prefer buyers with more stable ordering behavior. This asymmetry can put the trust-sensitive buyer at a disadvantage during shortages. Further, we demonstrate how the timing and scale of disruptions interact with a buyer’s sensitivity to trustworthiness. This interaction can engender different behaviors and impact the overall supply chain performance, either prolonging and exacerbating even small local disruptions, or mitigating a disruption’s effects. Additionally, we discuss the implications of these results for supply chain operations

    Agent Based Modeling and Simulation Framework for Supply Chain Risk Management

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    This research develops a flexible agent-based modeling and simulation (ABMS) framework for supply chain risk management with significant enhancements to standard ABMS methods and supply chain risk modeling. Our framework starts with the use of software agents to gather and process input data for use in our simulation model. For our simulation model, we extend an existing mathematical framework for discrete event simulation (DES) to ABMS and then implement the concepts of variable resolution modeling from the DES domain to ABMS and provide further guidelines for aggregation and disaggregation of supply chain models. Existing supply chain risk management research focuses on consumable item supply chains. Since the Air Force supply chain contains many reparable items, we fill this gap with our risk metrics framework designed for reparable item supply chains, which have greater complexity than consumable item supply chains. We present new metrics, along with existing metrics, in a framework for reparable item supply chain risk management and discuss aggregation and disaggregation of metrics for use with our variable resolution modeling

    Agent-Based Modelling and Heuristic Approach for Solving Complex OEM Flow-Shop Productions under Customer Disruptions

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    The application of the agent-based simulation approach in the flow-shop production environment has recently gained popularity among researchers. The concept of agent and agent functions can help to automate a variety of difficult tasks and assist decision-making in flow-shop production. This is especially so in the large-scale Original Equipment Manufacturing (OEM) industry, which is associated with many uncertainties. Among these are uncertainties in customer demand requirements that create disruptions that impact production planning and scheduling, hence, making it difficult to satisfy demand in due time, in the right order delivery sequence, and in the right item quantities. It is however important to devise means of adapting to these inevitable disruptive problems by accommodating them while minimising the impact on production performance and customer satisfaction. In this paper, an innovative embedded agent-based Production Disruption Inventory-Replenishment (PDIR) framework, which includes a novel adaptive heuristic algorithm and inventory replenishment strategy which is proposed to tackle the disruption problems. The capabilities and functionalities of agents are utilised to simulate the flow-shop production environment and aid learning and decision making. In practice, the proposed approach is implemented through a set of experiments conducted as a case study of an automobile parts facility for a real-life large-scale OEM. The results are presented in term of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), such as the number of late/unsatisfied orders, to determine the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The results reveal a minimum number of late/unsatisfied orders, when compared with other approaches

    Developing an Agent Based Heuristic Optimisation System for Complex Flow Shops with Customer-Imposed Production Disruptions

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    The study of complex manufacturing flow-shops has seen a number of approaches and frameworks proposed to tackle various production-associated problems. However, unpredictable disruptions, such as change in sequence of order, order cancellation and change in production delivery due time, imposed by customers on flow-shops that impact production processes and inventory control call for a more adaptive approach capable of responding to these changes. In this research work, a new adaptive framework and agent-based heuristic optimization system was developed to investigate the disruption consequences and recovery strategy. A case study using an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) production process of automotive parts and components was adopted to justify the proposed system. The results of the experiment revealed significant improvement in terms of total number of late orders, order delivery time, number of setups and resources utilization, which provide useful information for manufacturer’s decision-making policies.
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