4 research outputs found

    Multi-agent based supply chain management with dynamic reconfiguration capability

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    Supply chain management (SCM) has received increased attention in a globally challenging environment as companies face the necessity to improve customer service and maximize profit. Therefore, dynamic reconfiguration capability is vital for supply chain management to respond to changing customer requirements and operating environments. On the other hand, for its flexible and autonomous characteristics, multi-agent systems are a viable technology for SCM, and have been widely applied in SCM. To this end, dynamic reconfiguration in agent-based SCM systems is proposed from autonomy oriented computing point of view. The performance of agent-based SCM with dynamic reconfiguration is evaluated under a modified TAC SCM scenario. With a dynamic reconfigurable SCM system, new products and processes can be introduced with considerably less expense and ramp-up time.<br /

    Мультиагентний підхід до аналізу ефективності ланцюга поставок

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    У статті розглядається проблема оцінювання ефективності ланцюга поставок. Запропоновано критерій ефективності, заснований на сумарному дефіциті в розподільчій системі. Оцінювання зміни значення критерію виконано за допомогою метарегресійної моделі, яка побудована за статистикою, що була отримана за результатами прогонів авторської мультиагентної моделі «виробник – розподільчий центр – кінцевий споживач».В статье рассматривается проблема оценивания эффективности цепочки поставок. Предложен критерий эффективности, основанный на суммарном дефиците в распределительной системе. Оценка изменения значения критерия проведена с помощью метарегрессионной модели, которая построена по статистике, полученной по результатам прогонов авторской мультиагентной модели вида «производитель – распределительный центр – конечный потребитель».There is discussed the problem of supply chain efficiency in the article. The criteria of efficiency based on a total deficit in a distribution system is off ered. Estimation of criterion variation is done by metaregression model that was constructed according to data generated by the оriginal multi - agent model «manufacturer – distribution center – сonsumer

    A contingency base camp framework using model based systems engineering and adaptive agents

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    This research investigates the use of adaptive agents and hybridization of those agents to improve resource allocation in dynamic systems and environments. These agents are applied to contingency bases in an object oriented approach utilizing Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE) processes and tools to accomplish these goals. Contingency bases provide the tools and resources for the military to perform missions effectively. There has been increasing interest in improving the sustainability and resilience of the camps, as inefficiencies in resource usage increases. The increase in resource usage leads to additional operational costs and added danger to military personnel guarding supply caravans. The MBSE approach alleviates some of the complexity of constructing a model of a contingency base, and allows for the introduction of 3rd party analysis tools through the XML metadata interchange standard. This approach is used to create a virtual environment for the agents to learn the system patterns and behaviors within the system. An agent based approach is used to address the dynamic nature of base camp operations and resource utilization. , helping with extensibility and scalability issues since larger camps have a very high computation load. To train the agents to adjust to base camp operations, an evolutionary algorithm was created to develop the control mechanism. This allows for a faster time to convergence for the control mechanisms when a change is observed. Results have shown a decrease in resource consumption of up to 20% with respect to fuel usage, which will further help reduce base costs and risk --Abstract, page iii

    Relationship of supply chain capabilities and supply chain technology adoption towards supply chain operational performance in textile and apparel industry

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    In today’s dynamic business environment, competition is no longer between firms, but between supply chains. The supply chain dependency leads the business focused on supply chain performance. Considering the importance given to the third industrial master plan by the Malaysia government, current supply chain environment accentuated the need of supply chain technology adoption to facilitate supply chain management. To explain the concerns, this study examined the impact of supply chain capabilities namely, relational capability, information technology capability, and organizational culture capability on supply chain operational performance and supply chain technology adoption. This study also examines the successive impact of supply chain technology adoption on supply chain operational performance and investigates whether supply chain technology adoption mediates supply chain capabilities and performance relationship under study. In order to achieve the research objectives, a two-step approach namely quantitative research method and a triangulation research approach are necessitated. 201 survey questionnaires were distributed to respondents in Malaysian textile and apparel organizations. 121 usable responses representing 60% response rate were empirically tested through structural equation modeling by using SPSS and SmartPLS. Research findings revealed that relational capability, organizational culture capability, and supply chain technology adoption contributed to firm’s supply chain operational performance, whereas, information technology capability was insignificant. The findings further revealed that supply chain capabilities have a positive influence to supply chain technology adoption. The findings also revealed a significant mediation effect of supply chain technology adoption in the model under study. A triangulation research approach was employed through face-to-face interviews with four industry practitioners to get their in-depth experiences and perceptions on the model under study. ATLAS.ti results showed that developed model had achieved agreement of industry experts with the suggestion of two emerging terms (human support and work experience) as moderators for future study on the model. Limitations and recommendations for future study are discussed