21 research outputs found

    Knowledge Graph semantic enhancement of input data for improving AI

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    Intelligent systems designed using machine learning algorithms require a large number of labeled data. Background knowledge provides complementary, real world factual information that can augment the limited labeled data to train a machine learning algorithm. The term Knowledge Graph (KG) is in vogue as for many practical applications, it is convenient and useful to organize this background knowledge in the form of a graph. Recent academic research and implemented industrial intelligent systems have shown promising performance for machine learning algorithms that combine training data with a knowledge graph. In this article, we discuss the use of relevant KGs to enhance input data for two applications that use machine learning -- recommendation and community detection. The KG improves both accuracy and explainability

    Knowledge Graph Driven Recommendation System Algorithm

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    In this paper, we propose a novel graph neural network-based recommendation model called KGLN, which leverages Knowledge Graph (KG) information to enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of personalized recommendations. We first use a single-layer neural network to merge individual node features in the graph, and then adjust the aggregation weights of neighboring entities by incorporating influence factors. The model evolves from a single layer to multiple layers through iteration, enabling entities to access extensive multi-order associated entity information. The final step involves integrating features of entities and users to produce a recommendation score. The model performance was evaluated by comparing its effects on various aggregation methods and influence factors. In tests over the MovieLen-1M and Book-Crossing datasets, KGLN shows an Area Under the ROC curve (AUC) improvement of 0.3% to 5.9% and 1.1% to 8.2%, respectively, which is better than existing benchmark methods like LibFM, DeepFM, Wide&Deep, and RippleNet

    Generalized Relation Learning with Semantic Correlation Awareness for Link Prediction

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    Developing link prediction models to automatically complete knowledge graphs has recently been the focus of significant research interest. The current methods for the link prediction taskhavetwonaturalproblems:1)the relation distributions in KGs are usually unbalanced, and 2) there are many unseen relations that occur in practical situations. These two problems limit the training effectiveness and practical applications of the existing link prediction models. We advocate a holistic understanding of KGs and we propose in this work a unified Generalized Relation Learning framework GRL to address the above two problems, which can be plugged into existing link prediction models. GRL conducts a generalized relation learning, which is aware of semantic correlations between relations that serve as a bridge to connect semantically similar relations. After training with GRL, the closeness of semantically similar relations in vector space and the discrimination of dissimilar relations are improved. We perform comprehensive experiments on six benchmarks to demonstrate the superior capability of GRL in the link prediction task. In particular, GRL is found to enhance the existing link prediction models making them insensitive to unbalanced relation distributions and capable of learning unseen relations.Comment: Preprint of accepted AAAI2021 pape

    An Evaluation of Knowledge Graph Embeddings for Autonomous Driving Data: Experience and Practice

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    The autonomous driving (AD) industry is exploring the use of knowledge graphs (KGs) to manage the vast amount of heterogeneous data generated from vehicular sensors. The various types of equipped sensors include video, LIDAR and RADAR. Scene understanding is an important topic in AD which requires consideration of various aspects of a scene, such as detected objects, events, time and location. Recent work on knowledge graph embeddings (KGEs) - an approach that facilitates neuro-symbolic fusion - has shown to improve the predictive performance of machine learning models. With the expectation that neuro-symbolic fusion through KGEs will improve scene understanding, this research explores the generation and evaluation of KGEs for autonomous driving data. We also present an investigation of the relationship between the level of informational detail in a KG and the quality of its derivative embeddings. By systematically evaluating KGEs along four dimensions -- i.e. quality metrics, KG informational detail, algorithms, and datasets -- we show that (1) higher levels of informational detail in KGs lead to higher quality embeddings, (2) type and relation semantics are better captured by the semantic transitional distance-based TransE algorithm, and (3) some metrics, such as coherence measure, may not be suitable for intrinsically evaluating KGEs in this domain. Additionally, we also present an (early) investigation of the usefulness of KGEs for two use-cases in the AD domain.Comment: 11 pages, To appear in AAAI 2020 Spring Symposium on Combining Machine Learning and Knowledge Engineering in Practice (AAAI-MAKE 2020

    Knowledge-Enhanced Top-K Recommendation in Poincar\'e Ball

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    Personalized recommender systems are increasingly important as more content and services become available and users struggle to identify what might interest them. Thanks to the ability for providing rich information, knowledge graphs (KGs) are being incorporated to enhance the recommendation performance and interpretability. To effectively make use of the knowledge graph, we propose a recommendation model in the hyperbolic space, which facilitates the learning of the hierarchical structure of knowledge graphs. Furthermore, a hyperbolic attention network is employed to determine the relative importances of neighboring entities of a certain item. In addition, we propose an adaptive and fine-grained regularization mechanism to adaptively regularize items and their neighboring representations. Via a comparison using three real-world datasets with state-of-the-art methods, we show that the proposed model outperforms the best existing models by 2-16% in terms of NDCG@K on Top-K recommendation.Comment: Accepted by the 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2021