3,543 research outputs found

    Multi-Partition Embedding Interaction with Block Term Format for Knowledge Graph Completion

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    Knowledge graph completion is an important task that aims to predict the missing relational link between entities. Knowledge graph embedding methods perform this task by representing entities and relations as embedding vectors and modeling their interactions to compute the matching score of each triple. Previous work has usually treated each embedding as a whole and has modeled the interactions between these whole embeddings, potentially making the model excessively expensive or requiring specially designed interaction mechanisms. In this work, we propose the multi-partition embedding interaction (MEI) model with block term format to systematically address this problem. MEI divides each embedding into a multi-partition vector to efficiently restrict the interactions. Each local interaction is modeled with the Tucker tensor format and the full interaction is modeled with the block term tensor format, enabling MEI to control the trade-off between expressiveness and computational cost, learn the interaction mechanisms from data automatically, and achieve state-of-the-art performance on the link prediction task. In addition, we theoretically study the parameter efficiency problem and derive a simple empirically verified criterion for optimal parameter trade-off. We also apply the framework of MEI to provide a new generalized explanation for several specially designed interaction mechanisms in previous models.Comment: ECAI 2020. Including state-of-the-art results for very small models in appendi

    MEIM: Multi-partition Embedding Interaction Beyond Block Term Format for Efficient and Expressive Link Prediction

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    Knowledge graph embedding aims to predict the missing relations between entities in knowledge graphs. Tensor-decomposition-based models, such as ComplEx, provide a good trade-off between efficiency and expressiveness, that is crucial because of the large size of real world knowledge graphs. The recent multi-partition embedding interaction (MEI) model subsumes these models by using the block term tensor format and provides a systematic solution for the trade-off. However, MEI has several drawbacks, some of which carried from its subsumed tensor-decomposition-based models. In this paper, we address these drawbacks and introduce the Multi-partition Embedding Interaction iMproved beyond block term format (MEIM) model, with independent core tensor for ensemble effects and soft orthogonality for max-rank mapping, in addition to multi-partition embedding. MEIM improves expressiveness while still being highly efficient, helping it to outperform strong baselines and achieve state-of-the-art results on difficult link prediction benchmarks using fairly small embedding sizes. The source code is released at https://github.com/tranhungnghiep/MEIM-KGE.Comment: Accepted at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2022; add appendix with extra experiment

    Enhancing Deep Learning Models through Tensorization: A Comprehensive Survey and Framework

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    The burgeoning growth of public domain data and the increasing complexity of deep learning model architectures have underscored the need for more efficient data representation and analysis techniques. This paper is motivated by the work of (Helal, 2023) and aims to present a comprehensive overview of tensorization. This transformative approach bridges the gap between the inherently multidimensional nature of data and the simplified 2-dimensional matrices commonly used in linear algebra-based machine learning algorithms. This paper explores the steps involved in tensorization, multidimensional data sources, various multiway analysis methods employed, and the benefits of these approaches. A small example of Blind Source Separation (BSS) is presented comparing 2-dimensional algorithms and a multiway algorithm in Python. Results indicate that multiway analysis is more expressive. Contrary to the intuition of the dimensionality curse, utilising multidimensional datasets in their native form and applying multiway analysis methods grounded in multilinear algebra reveal a profound capacity to capture intricate interrelationships among various dimensions while, surprisingly, reducing the number of model parameters and accelerating processing. A survey of the multi-away analysis methods and integration with various Deep Neural Networks models is presented using case studies in different application domains.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figures, 4 table

    Learning Scheduling Algorithms for Data Processing Clusters

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    Efficiently scheduling data processing jobs on distributed compute clusters requires complex algorithms. Current systems, however, use simple generalized heuristics and ignore workload characteristics, since developing and tuning a scheduling policy for each workload is infeasible. In this paper, we show that modern machine learning techniques can generate highly-efficient policies automatically. Decima uses reinforcement learning (RL) and neural networks to learn workload-specific scheduling algorithms without any human instruction beyond a high-level objective such as minimizing average job completion time. Off-the-shelf RL techniques, however, cannot handle the complexity and scale of the scheduling problem. To build Decima, we had to develop new representations for jobs' dependency graphs, design scalable RL models, and invent RL training methods for dealing with continuous stochastic job arrivals. Our prototype integration with Spark on a 25-node cluster shows that Decima improves the average job completion time over hand-tuned scheduling heuristics by at least 21%, achieving up to 2x improvement during periods of high cluster load

    Embedding Approaches for Relational Data

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    ​Embedding methods for searching latent representations of the data are very important tools for unsupervised and supervised machine learning as well as information visualisation. Over the years, such methods have continually progressed towards the ability to capture and analyse the structure and latent characteristics of larger and more complex data. In this thesis, we examine the problem of developing efficient and reliable embedding methods for revealing, understanding, and exploiting the different aspects of the relational data. We split our work into three pieces, where each deals with a different relational data structure. In the first part, we are handling with the weighted bipartite relational structure. Based on the relational measurements between two groups of heterogeneous objects, our goal is to generate low dimensional representations of these two different types of objects in a unified common space. We propose a novel method that models the embedding of each object type symmetrically to the other type, subject to flexible scale constraints and weighting parameters. The embedding generation relies on an efficient optimisation despatched using matrix decomposition. And we have also proposed a simple way of measuring the conformity between the original object relations and the ones re-estimated from the embeddings, in order to achieve model selection by identifying the optimal model parameters with a simple search procedure. We show that our proposed method achieves consistently better or on-par results on multiple synthetic datasets and real world ones from the text mining domain when compared with existing embedding generation approaches. In the second part of this thesis, we focus on the multi-relational data, where objects are interlinked by various relation types. Embedding approaches are very popular in this field, they typically encode objects and relation types with hidden representations and use the operations between them to compute the positive scalars corresponding to the linkages' likelihood score. In this work, we aim at further improving the existing embedding techniques by taking into account the multiple facets of the different patterns and behaviours of each relation type. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first latent representation model which considers relational representations to be dependent on the objects they relate in this field. The multi-modality of the relation type over different objects is effectively formulated as a projection matrix over the space spanned by the object vectors. Two large benchmark knowledge bases are used to evaluate the performance with respect to the link prediction task. And a new test data partition scheme is proposed to offer a better understanding of the behaviour of a link prediction model. In the last part of this thesis, a much more complex relational structure is considered. In particular, we aim at developing novel embedding methods for jointly modelling the linkage structure and objects' attributes. Traditionally, link prediction task is carried out on either the linkage structure or the objects' attributes, which does not aware of their semantic connections and is insufficient for handling the complex link prediction task. Thus, our goal in this work is to build a reliable model that can fuse both sources of information to improve the link prediction problem. The key idea of our approach is to encode both the linkage validities and the nodes neighbourhood information into embedding-based conditional probabilities. Another important aspect of our proposed algorithm is that we utilise a margin-based contrastive training process for encoding the linkage structure, which relies on a more appropriate assumption and dramatically reduces the number of training links. In the experiments, our proposed method indeed improves the link prediction performance on three citation/hyperlink datasets, when compared with those methods relying on only the nodes' attributes or the linkage structure, and it also achieves much better performances compared with the state-of-arts

    Algorithms, applications and systems towards interpretable pattern mining from multi-aspect data

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    How do humans move around in the urban space and how do they differ when the city undergoes terrorist attacks? How do users behave in Massive Open Online courses~(MOOCs) and how do they differ if some of them achieve certificates while some of them not? What areas in the court elite players, such as Stephen Curry, LeBron James, like to make their shots in the course of the game? How can we uncover the hidden habits that govern our online purchases? Are there unspoken agendas in how different states pass legislation of certain kinds? At the heart of these seemingly unconnected puzzles is this same mystery of multi-aspect mining, i.g., how can we mine and interpret the hidden pattern from a dataset that simultaneously reveals the associations, or changes of the associations, among various aspects of the data (e.g., a shot could be described with three aspects, player, time of the game, and area in the court)? Solving this problem could open gates to a deep understanding of underlying mechanisms for many real-world phenomena. While much of the research in multi-aspect mining contribute broad scope of innovations in the mining part, interpretation of patterns from the perspective of users (or domain experts) is often overlooked. Questions like what do they require for patterns, how good are the patterns, or how to read them, have barely been addressed. Without efficient and effective ways of involving users in the process of multi-aspect mining, the results are likely to lead to something difficult for them to comprehend. This dissertation proposes the M^3 framework, which consists of multiplex pattern discovery, multifaceted pattern evaluation, and multipurpose pattern presentation, to tackle the challenges of multi-aspect pattern discovery. Based on this framework, we develop algorithms, applications, and analytic systems to enable interpretable pattern discovery from multi-aspect data. Following the concept of meaningful multiplex pattern discovery, we propose PairFac to close the gap between human information needs and naive mining optimization. We demonstrate its effectiveness in the context of impact discovery in the aftermath of urban disasters. We develop iDisc to target the crossing of multiplex pattern discovery with multifaceted pattern evaluation. iDisc meets the specific information need in understanding multi-level, contrastive behavior patterns. As an example, we use iDisc to predict student performance outcomes in Massive Open Online Courses given users' latent behaviors. FacIt is an interactive visual analytic system that sits at the intersection of all three components and enables for interpretable, fine-tunable, and scrutinizable pattern discovery from multi-aspect data. We demonstrate each work's significance and implications in its respective problem context. As a whole, this series of studies is an effort to instantiate the M^3 framework and push the field of multi-aspect mining towards a more human-centric process in real-world applications
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