23,688 research outputs found

    Model Selection via Racing

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    Model Selection (MS) is an important aspect of machine learning, as necessitated by the No Free Lunch theorem. Briefly speaking, the task of MS is to identify a subset of models that are optimal in terms of pre-selected optimization criteria. There are many practical applications of MS, such as model parameter tuning, personalized recommendations, A/B testing, etc. Lately, some MS research has focused on trading off exactness of the optimization with somewhat alleviating the computational burden entailed. Recent attempts along this line include metaheuristics optimization, local search-based approaches, sequential model-based methods, portfolio algorithm approaches, and multi-armed bandits. Racing Algorithms (RAs) are an active research area in MS, which trade off some computational cost for a reduced, but acceptable likelihood that the models returned are indeed optimal among the given ensemble of models. All existing RAs in the literature are designed as Single-Objective Racing Algorithm (SORA) for Single-Objective Model Selection (SOMS), where a single optimization criterion is considered for measuring the goodness of models. Moreover, they are offline algorithms in which MS occurs before model deployment and the selected models are optimal in terms of their overall average performances on a validation set of problem instances. This work aims to investigate racing approaches along two distinct directions: Extreme Model Selection (EMS) and Multi-Objective Model Selection (MOMS). In EMS, given a problem instance and a limited computational budget shared among all the candidate models, one is interested in maximizing the final solution quality. In such a setting, MS occurs during model comparison in terms of maximum performance and involves no model validation. EMS is a natural framework for many applications. However, EMS problems remain unaddressed by current racing approaches. In this work, the first RA for EMS, named Max-Race, is developed, so that it optimizes the extreme solution quality by automatically allocating the computational resources among an ensemble of problem solvers for a given problem instance. In Max-Race, significant difference between the extreme performances of any pair of models is statistically inferred via a parametric hypothesis test under the Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD) assumption. Experimental results have confirmed that Max-Race is capable of identifying the best extreme model with high accuracy and low computational cost. Furthermore, in machine learning, as well as in many real-world applications, a variety of MS problems are multi-objective in nature. MS which simultaneously considers multiple optimization criteria is referred to as MOMS. Under this scheme, a set of Pareto optimal models is sought that reflect a variety of compromises between optimization objectives. So far, MOMS problems have received little attention in the relevant literature. Therefore, this work also develops the first Multi-Objective Racing Algorithm (MORA) for a fixed-budget setting, namely S-Race. S-Race addresses MOMS in the proper sense of Pareto optimality. Its key decision mechanism is the non-parametric sign test, which is employed for inferring pairwise dominance relationships. Moreover, S-Race is able to strictly control the overall probability of falsely eliminating any non-dominated models at a user-specified significance level. Additionally, SPRINT-Race, the first MORA for a fixed-confidence setting, is also developed. In SPRINT-Race, pairwise dominance and non-dominance relationships are established via the Sequential Probability Ratio Test with an Indifference zone. Moreover, the overall probability of falsely eliminating any non-dominated models or mistakenly retaining any dominated models is controlled at a prescribed significance level. Extensive experimental analysis has demonstrated the efficiency and advantages of both S-Race and SPRINT-Race in MOMS

    Deep learning for video game playing

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    In this article, we review recent Deep Learning advances in the context of how they have been applied to play different types of video games such as first-person shooters, arcade games, and real-time strategy games. We analyze the unique requirements that different game genres pose to a deep learning system and highlight important open challenges in the context of applying these machine learning methods to video games, such as general game playing, dealing with extremely large decision spaces and sparse rewards

    My heart is racing! Psychophysiological dynamics of skilled racecar drivers

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    Our purpose was to test the multi-action plan (MAP) model assumptions in which athletes’ psychophysiological patterns differ among optimal and suboptimal performance experiences. Nine professional drivers competing in premier race categories (e.g., Formula 3, Porsche GT3 Cup Challenge) completed the study. Data collection involved monitoring the drivers’ perceived hedonic tone, accuracy on core components of action, posture, skin temperature, respiration rate, and heart rate responses during a 40-lap simulated race. Time marks, gathered at three standardized sectors, served as the performance variable. The A1GP racing simulator (Allinsport, Modena) established a realistic race platform. Specifically, the Barcelona track was chosen due to its inherently difficult nature characterized by intermittent deceleration points. Idiosyncratic analyses showed large individual differences in the drivers’ psychophysiological profile, as well as distinct patterns in regards to optimal and suboptimal performance experiences. Limitations and future research avenues are discussed. Action (e.g., attentional control) and emotion (e.g., biofeedback training) centered applied sport psychology implications are advanced

    Evolving controllers for simulated car racing

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    This paper describes the evolution of controllers for racing a simulated radio-controlled car around a track, modelled on a real physical track. Five different controller architectures were compared, based on neural networks, force fields and action sequences. The controllers use either egocentric (first person), Newtonian (third person) or no information about the state of the car (open-loop controller). The only controller that is able to evolve good racing behaviour is based on a neural network acting on egocentric inputs

    Arms races and car races

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    Evolutionary car racing (ECR) is extended to the case of two cars racing on the same track. A sensor representation is devised, and various methods of evolving car controllers for competitive racing are explored. ECR can be combined with co-evolution in a wide variety of ways, and one aspect which is explored here is the relative-absolute fitness continuum. Systematical behavioural differences are found along this continuum; further, a tendency to specialization and the reactive nature of the controller architecture are found to limit evolutionary progress

    Multi-rendezvous Spacecraft Trajectory Optimization with Beam P-ACO

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    The design of spacecraft trajectories for missions visiting multiple celestial bodies is here framed as a multi-objective bilevel optimization problem. A comparative study is performed to assess the performance of different Beam Search algorithms at tackling the combinatorial problem of finding the ideal sequence of bodies. Special focus is placed on the development of a new hybridization between Beam Search and the Population-based Ant Colony Optimization algorithm. An experimental evaluation shows all algorithms achieving exceptional performance on a hard benchmark problem. It is found that a properly tuned deterministic Beam Search always outperforms the remaining variants. Beam P-ACO, however, demonstrates lower parameter sensitivity, while offering superior worst-case performance. Being an anytime algorithm, it is then found to be the preferable choice for certain practical applications.Comment: Code available at https://github.com/lfsimoes/beam_paco__gtoc

    FlightGoggles: A Modular Framework for Photorealistic Camera, Exteroceptive Sensor, and Dynamics Simulation

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    FlightGoggles is a photorealistic sensor simulator for perception-driven robotic vehicles. The key contributions of FlightGoggles are twofold. First, FlightGoggles provides photorealistic exteroceptive sensor simulation using graphics assets generated with photogrammetry. Second, it provides the ability to combine (i) synthetic exteroceptive measurements generated in silico in real time and (ii) vehicle dynamics and proprioceptive measurements generated in motio by vehicle(s) in a motion-capture facility. FlightGoggles is capable of simulating a virtual-reality environment around autonomous vehicle(s). While a vehicle is in flight in the FlightGoggles virtual reality environment, exteroceptive sensors are rendered synthetically in real time while all complex extrinsic dynamics are generated organically through the natural interactions of the vehicle. The FlightGoggles framework allows for researchers to accelerate development by circumventing the need to estimate complex and hard-to-model interactions such as aerodynamics, motor mechanics, battery electrochemistry, and behavior of other agents. The ability to perform vehicle-in-the-loop experiments with photorealistic exteroceptive sensor simulation facilitates novel research directions involving, e.g., fast and agile autonomous flight in obstacle-rich environments, safe human interaction, and flexible sensor selection. FlightGoggles has been utilized as the main test for selecting nine teams that will advance in the AlphaPilot autonomous drone racing challenge. We survey approaches and results from the top AlphaPilot teams, which may be of independent interest.Comment: Initial version appeared at IROS 2019. Supplementary material can be found at https://flightgoggles.mit.edu. Revision includes description of new FlightGoggles features, such as a photogrammetric model of the MIT Stata Center, new rendering settings, and a Python AP

    Deep Drone Racing: From Simulation to Reality with Domain Randomization

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    Dynamically changing environments, unreliable state estimation, and operation under severe resource constraints are fundamental challenges that limit the deployment of small autonomous drones. We address these challenges in the context of autonomous, vision-based drone racing in dynamic environments. A racing drone must traverse a track with possibly moving gates at high speed. We enable this functionality by combining the performance of a state-of-the-art planning and control system with the perceptual awareness of a convolutional neural network (CNN). The resulting modular system is both platform- and domain-independent: it is trained in simulation and deployed on a physical quadrotor without any fine-tuning. The abundance of simulated data, generated via domain randomization, makes our system robust to changes of illumination and gate appearance. To the best of our knowledge, our approach is the first to demonstrate zero-shot sim-to-real transfer on the task of agile drone flight. We extensively test the precision and robustness of our system, both in simulation and on a physical platform, and show significant improvements over the state of the art.Comment: Accepted as a Regular Paper to the IEEE Transactions on Robotics Journal. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1806.0854
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