20 research outputs found

    Multi-Object Analysis of Volume, Pose, and Shape Using Statistical Discrimination

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    One goal of statistical shape analysis is the discrimination between two populations of objects. Whereas traditional shape analysis was mostly concerned with studying single objects, analysis of multi-object complexes presents new challenges related to alignment and relative object pose. In this paper, we present a methodology for discriminant analysis of sets multiple shapes. Shapes are represented by sampled medial manifolds including normals to the boundary. Non-Euclidean metrics that describe geodesic distance between sets of sampled representations are used for shape alignment and discrimination. Our choice of discriminant method is the distance weighted discriminant (DWD) because of its generalization ability in high dimensional, low sample size settings. Using an unbiased, soft discrimination score we can associate a statistical hypothesis test with the discrimination results. Furthermore, localization and nature significant differences between populations can be visualized via the average best discriminating axis

    Multi-object analysis of volume, pose, and shape using statistical discrimination

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    pre-printOne goal of statistical shape analysis is the discrimination between two populations of objects. Whereas traditional shape analysis was mostly concerned with single objects, analysis of multi-object complexes presents new challenges related to alignment and pose. In this paper, we present a methodology for discriminant analysis of multiple objects represented by sampled medial manifolds. Non-euclidean metrics that describe geodesic distances between sets of sampled representations are used for alignment and discrimination. Our choice of discriminant method is the distance-weighted discriminant because of its generalization ability in high-dimensional, low sample size settings. Using an unbiased, soft discrimination score, we associate a statistical hypothesis test with the discrimination results. We explore the effectiveness of different choices of features as input to the discriminant analysis, using measures like volume, pose, shape, and the combination of pose and shape. Our method is applied to a longitudinal pediatric autism study with 10 subcortical brain structures in a population of 70 subjects. It is shown that the choices of type of global alignment and of intrinsic versus extrinsic shape features, the latter being sensitive to relative pose, are crucial factors for group discrimination and also for explaining the nature of shape change in terms of the application domain

    A joint model for boundaries of multiple anatomical parts

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    ABSTRACT The use of joint shape analysis of multiple anatomical parts is a promising area of research with applications in medical diagnostics, growth evaluations, and disease characterizations. In this paper, we consider several features (shapes, orientations, scales, and locations) associated with anatomical parts and develop probability models that capture interactions between these features and across objects. The shape component is based on elastic shape analysis of continuous boundary curves. The proposed model is a second order model that considers principal coefficients in tangent spaces of joint manifolds as multivariate normal random variables. Additionally, it models interactions across objects using area-interaction processes. Using given observations of four anatomical parts: caudate, hippocampus, putamen and thalamus, on one side of the brain, we first estimate the model parameters and then generate random samples from them using the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. The plausibility of these random samples validates the proposed models

    Non-Euclidean classification of medically imaged objects via s-reps

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    AbstractClassifying medically imaged objects, e.g., into diseased and normal classes, has been one of the important goals in medical imaging. We propose a novel classification scheme that uses a skeletal representation to provide rich non-Euclidean geometric object properties. Our statistical method combines distance weighted discrimination (DWD) with a carefully chosen Euclideanization which takes full advantage of the geometry of the manifold on which these non-Euclidean geometric object properties (GOPs) live. Our method is evaluated via the task of classifying 3D hippocampi between schizophrenics and healthy controls. We address three central questions. 1) Does adding shape features increase discriminative power over the more standard classification based only on global volume? 2) If so, does our skeletal representation provide greater discriminative power than a conventional boundary point distribution model (PDM)? 3) Especially, is Euclideanization of non-Euclidean shape properties important in achieving high discriminative power? Measuring the capability of a method in terms of area under the receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve, we show that our proposed method achieves strongly better classification than both the classification method based on global volume alone and the s-rep-based classification method without proper Euclideanization of non-Euclidean GOPs. We show classification using Euclideanized s-reps is also superior to classification using PDMs, whether the PDMs are first Euclideanized or not. We also show improved performance with Euclideanized boundary PDMs over non-linear boundary PDMs. This demonstrates the benefit that proper Euclideanization of non-Euclidean GOPs brings not only to s-rep-based classification but also to PDM-based classification

    Articulated Statistical Shape Modelling of the Shoulder Joint

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    The shoulder joint is the most mobile and unstable joint in the human body. This makes it vulnerable to soft tissue pathologies and dislocation. Insight into the kinematics of the joint may enable improved diagnosis and treatment of different shoulder pathologies. Shoulder joint kinematics can be influenced by the articular geometry of the joint. The aim of this project was to develop an analysis framework for shoulder joint kinematics via the use of articulated statistical shape models (ASSMs). Articulated statistical shape models extend conventional statistical shape models by combining the shape variability of anatomical objects collected from different subjects (statistical shape models), with the physical variation of pose between the same objects (articulation). The developed pipeline involved manual annotation of anatomical landmarks selected on 3D surface meshes of scapulae and humeri and establishing dense surface correspondence across these data through a registration process. The registration was performed using a Gaussian process morphable model fitting approach. In order to register two objects separately, while keeping their shape and kinematics relationship intact, one of the objects (scapula) was fixed leaving the other (humerus) to be mobile. All the pairs of registered humeri and scapulae were brought back to their native imaged position using the inverse of the associated registration transformation. The glenohumeral rotational center and local anatomic coordinate system of the humeri and scapulae were determined using the definitions suggested by the International Society of Biomechanics. Three motions (flexion, abduction, and internal rotation) were generated using Euler angle sequences. The ASSM of the model was built using principal component analysis and validated. The validation results show that the model adequately estimated the shape and pose encoded in the training data. Developing ASSM of the shoulder joint helps to define the statistical shape and pose parameters of the gleno humeral articulating surfaces. An ASSM of the shoulder joint has potential applications in the analysis and investigation of population-wide joint posture variation and kinematics. Such analyses may include determining and quantifying abnormal articulation of the joint based on the range of motion; understanding of detailed glenohumeral joint function and internal joint measurement; and diagnosis of shoulder pathologies. Future work will involve developing a protocol for encoding the shoulder ASSM with real, rather than handcrafted, pose variation


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    Studying the observed morphological differences in neuroanatomical structures between individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders and a control group of typically developing individuals has been an important objective. Researchers study the differences with two goals: to assist an accurate diagnosis of the disease and to gain insights into underlying mechanisms of the disease that cause such changes. Shape classification is commonly utilized in such studies. An effective classification is difficult because it requires 1) a choice of an object model that can provide rich geometric object properties (GOPs) relevant for a given classification task, and 2) a choice of a statistical classification method that accounts for the non-Euclidean nature of GOPs. I lay out my methodological contributions to address the aforementioned challenges in the context of early diagnosis and detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in infants based on shapes of hippocampi and caudate nuclei; morphological deviations in these structures between individuals with ASD and typically developing individuals have been reported in the literature. These contributions respectively lead to 1) an effective modeling of shapes of objects of interest and 2) an effective classification. As the first contribution for modeling shapes of objects, I propose a method to obtain a set of skeletal models called s-reps from a set of 3D objects. First, the method iteratively deforms the object surface via Mean Curvature Flow (MCF) until the deformed surface is approximately ellipsoidal. Then, an s-rep of the approximate ellipsoid is obtained analytically. Finally, the ellipsoid s-rep is deformed via a series of inverse MCF transformations. The method has two important properties: 1) it is fully automatic, and 2) it yields a set of s-reps with good correspondence across the set. The method is shown effective in generating a set of s-reps for a few neuroanatomical structures. As the second contribution with respect to modeling shapes of objects, I introduce an extension to the current s-rep for representing an object with a narrowing sharp tail. This includes a spoke interpolation method for interpolating a discrete s-rep of an object with a narrowing sharp tail into a continuous object. This extension is necessary for representing surface geometry of objects whose boundary has a singular point. I demonstrate that this extension allows appropriate surface modeling of a narrowing sharp tail region of the caudate nucleus. In addition, I show that the extension is beneficial in classifying autistic and non-autistic infants at high risk of ASD based on shapes of caudate nuclei. As the first contribution with respect to statistical methods, I propose a novel shape classification framework that uses the s-rep to capture rich localized geometric descriptions of an object, a statistical method called Principal Nested Spheres (PNS) analysis to handle the non-Euclidean s-rep GOPs, and a classification method called Distance Weighted Discrimination (DWD). I evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method in classifying autistic and non-autistic infants based on either hippocampal shapes or caudate shapes in terms of the Area Under the ROC curve (AUC). In addition, I show that the proposed method is superior to commonly used shape classification methods in the literature. As my final methodological contribution, I extend the proposed shape classification method to perform the classifcation task based on temporal shape differences. DWD learns a class separation direction based on the temporal shape differences that are obtained by taking differences of the temporal pair of Euclideanized s-reps. In the context of early diagnosis and detection of ASD in young infants, the proposed temporal shape difference classification produces some interesting results; the temporal differences in shapes of hippocampi and caudate nuclei do not seem to be as predictive as the cross-sectional shape of these structures alone.Doctor of Philosoph

    Computational Anatomy for Multi-Organ Analysis in Medical Imaging: A Review

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    The medical image analysis field has traditionally been focused on the development of organ-, and disease-specific methods. Recently, the interest in the development of more 20 comprehensive computational anatomical models has grown, leading to the creation of multi-organ models. Multi-organ approaches, unlike traditional organ-specific strategies, incorporate inter-organ relations into the model, thus leading to a more accurate representation of the complex human anatomy. Inter-organ relations are not only spatial, but also functional and physiological. Over the years, the strategies 25 proposed to efficiently model multi-organ structures have evolved from the simple global modeling, to more sophisticated approaches such as sequential, hierarchical, or machine learning-based models. In this paper, we present a review of the state of the art on multi-organ analysis and associated computation anatomy methodology. The manuscript follows a methodology-based classification of the different techniques 30 available for the analysis of multi-organs and multi-anatomical structures, from techniques using point distribution models to the most recent deep learning-based approaches. With more than 300 papers included in this review, we reflect on the trends and challenges of the field of computational anatomy, the particularities of each anatomical region, and the potential of multi-organ analysis to increase the impact of 35 medical imaging applications on the future of healthcare.Comment: Paper under revie